The E-pistle of Sunday, July 16th, 2023
The Seventh Sunday After Pentecost
Holy Eucharist, Rite II
7:30AM in Emmanuel Chapel
Holy Eucharist, Rite II
10:00AM in the Nave & Livestreamed
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The Cathedral Church of St. Luke
in the
City of Portland
and the
Episcopal Diocese of Maine
Whoever you are,
and wherever you may be on the journey of the spirit,
The Episcopal Church welcomes you.
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Welcome to St. Luke’s Cathedral
We are a community of faith with ancient worship and modern thought, catholic traditions and progressive theology. We proclaim a Biblical perspective for thinking people, a respect for reason, science, and a diversity of perspective. This empowers compassion and care for both the wider community and one another. Our commitment to welcome and inclusion is central to our mission modeled on the Kingdom of God and proclaimed by Jesus Christ.
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Sunday Morning Service Participants
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Jonathan Radtke, Guest Preacher
The Rev. Anne C. Fowler, Assisting Clergy
The Rev. Rebecca A. Grant, Deacon
Music Leader & Organist
Christian M. Clough, Canon for Liturgy and Music
Peter Carleton
Prayers Leader
Marlene Cordes
Bob Parshley, Martha Parshley, Gus Goodwin, Stanley Kuziel
Head Verger
Eleanor Roberts
Randi Hogan
Eleanor Roberts
Live Streaming
Jack Swanton, Sam Allen
Healing Team
Gail Kesich & Elise Magnuson
Contributing Ministries
Acolytes, Vergers, The Flower Guild, The Altar Guild, The Kneeler Guild, The Healing Team
Music copyrights granted under #A-713087. Sources: The Hymnal 1982, Lift Every Voice and Sing II, Wonder, Love, and Praise, Voices Found, My Heart Sings Out, The Saint Helena Psalter, The Book of Common Prayer,, Enriching our Worship, The Holy Bible (NRSV).
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The Cathedral Community wishes to express our sincerest thanks for the efforts of today’s guest preacher and
St. Luke’s Parishioner, Jonathan Radtke.
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Hearing Assistance Devices Available
The Cathedral has new devices for anyone who needs hearing assistance during our worship services. Please ask an usher for help getting started, and let us know how they worked for you. With any additional questions or to give feedback please email Sam Allen or Jack Swanton.
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Thank you in advance for your offering today. You can donate to St. Luke’s through our new and secure “Give and Text” feature. Please TEXT “TEXTCSL” to 73256. Our 2023 Pledge Campaign is ongoing. Pledge materials and information are available here.
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Happening at the Cathedral Today | |
Roots of Jesus Study Group |
Sunday Mornings|8:45-9:45AM
Location: The Chapter Room
Contact: The Rev. Dr. Bob Hanson at 207-405-8250.
Join us in the Chapter Room from 8:45–9:45 AM on Sunday mornings. Bob Hanson, Biblical scholar, linguist and theologian, leads our group. For more information call Bob at (207) 405- 8250. Activity units are distributed for each session. Assigned readings are from the Biblical books under consideration. The journey is a joyous one.
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An Update from the Interim Dean Search Committee
The Interim Dean Search Committee is continuing its deliberate and prayerful work in discerning the call of an Interim Dean. We have completed our interviews of four applicants and are in the process of determining the finalist candidate. We are working with the Bishop, Wardens, and Vestry to take the next steps necessary to hire the Interim Dean. Thank you for being patient and supportive as we engage in this important work.
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Lesser Chapter Meeting Minutes
To read the most recent minutes from the Lesser Chapter Meeting held on June 21st, 2023 click here.
To view all past minutes of the Lesser Chapter and Finance Committee meetings, please visit the Vestry Page of our website here.
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A Note of Thanks from the Endowment Committee
We recently received several gifts to the endowment account from the estates of Anne Schink and Andrew Cadot. This is a wonderful way to remember St. Luke’s for posterity and to support our long term financial stability. You can also support the endowment account now with a regular or one time contribution via Realm/Vanco.
If you have any questions or need more information please reach out to Treasurer Tim Wilkins or any member of the Endowment or Finance Committees or anyone on the Vestry.
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Book Launch Event for St. Luke's Parishioner Linda Carleton
Tuesday, July 18, 2023
7:00-8:30 PM
Emmanuel Chapel
"It is estimated that almost 10% of women in American are survivors of childhood incest. I’m one of them. My memoir, All God, If God There Be: A Journey through Incest into Incarnate Light is coming out this summer. It chronicles the impact of childhood abuse on my spiritual development, my struggle with accepting a loving God, and the enormous power of the Spirit to bring about healing through a variety of spiritual paths. You are all invited to attend an evening of readings and discussion of the impact of childhood trauma on spiritual development on Tuesday, July 18, 7-8:30 in Emmanuel Chapel."
- Linda Carleton, St. Luke's Parishioner and Author
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The Contemplative Prayer Group On Summer Break
The Contemplative Prayer Group will not be meeting during July or August. We look forward to resuming after Labor Day.
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Join the Stewardship Ministry Team
We welcome 3-4 parishioners who will join our team and help to:
- Contribute your ideas and feedback as we plan a year-round stewardship program and annual generosity campaign
- Identify, collect, and tell stories of how lives are being changed through the Cathedral community
- Plan multiple and creative ways of thanking those who share their resources
By giving your time and talents, the Stewardship Ministry Team will help to advance the growth of the Cathedral’s annual operating fund supporting spiritual formation, outreach, and fellowship.
Time commitment: meeting in person or via Zoom five times, with additional time on individual work in between meetings, for an approximate total of 10 hours from July to December.
Express interest or bring your questions by emailing
Randi Hogan, Stewardship Ministry Team Leader
Or by emailing the parish office
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Join the Young and The Restless
We are St. Luke’s 20s-30s-year-old ministry. We are an active group at the cathedral which also gets together outside of the church.
Join us as we go hiking, ice skating, play trivia, or just enjoy each other’s company! If you are new to us, welcome! We meet the second Tuesday of each month at Rising Tide, 6-8 PM in Portland. Other events happen sporadically throughout the month, however second Tuesdays at Rising Tide is a great place to meet us if you’re joining us for the first time. Contact Shana Rose to stay up to date with group activities and information.
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St. Luke’s Cathedral Clergy Presence | |
During this time of transition to a new Dean we want to explain to the congregation the ways that St. Luke’s Cathedral is providing a clergy presence. We have assembled a team of clergy who will be responsible for organizing and celebrating worship services. This team consists of the Reverends Suzanne Roberts, Anne Fowler, and Christopher Worthley. They will be assisted from time to time by guest preachers and celebrants. Rev. Fowler and Rev. Roberts are available to any congregants who have need of pastoral care. You may reach Rev. Fowler at (617)548-4783 and Rev. Roberts at (207)749-4166.
The Rev. Christopher Worthley is not available for on-call pastoral care due to full-time employment outside of his ministry, however he is active in care for our neighbors at 75 State Street.
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Clynk Bags Available in the Nave and around the Cathedral
Contact: Shana Rose
St. Luke’s participation in the Clynk Initiative Program helps to support our young adults ministry, The Young and the Restless.
Additional bags have been made available at both entrances of the Nave with barcodes that correspond to the Cathedral’s account.
Anyone is welcome to take a bag and are encouraged to bring it to a local redemption center or grocery store that accepts Clynk. Thank you for your support!
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Weekly Ministries
The Food Pantry is open from 8 am to 11 am every Thursday.
Noon prayer is offered every Wednesday via Zoom.
Compline is offered weekly on Friday from 8-8:30pm on Zoom. For additional details contact Ray Murdoch Curry
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Physical Address:
143 State Street, Portland, ME 04101
Parking Available at:
134 Park Street, Portland, ME 04101
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 4141, Portland, ME 04101
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