July 17th, 2024

July ReMARKs Newsletter here

Sunday Happenings

Partners & Pastries

Sunday, July 21st @ 9:45am

On Sunday, July 21st we will have the pleasure of welcoming an employee from Lutheran Services Carolinas. LSC will be sharing with us how our partnership with them has impacted the many families that they provide services too. Come have some delicious treats and hear about all of the opportunities to share God's love with our neighbors through Lutheran Services Carolinas. 

Like to Bake? Want to help welcome our partners from Lutheran Services of the Carolinas and provide a snack for your Church family? We need a few homemade baked goods for our "Partners and Pastries" event this Sunday, July 21, and would love you to share your treats with us! 

Contact Deacon Katie by Friday, July 19 if you would like to help.

Deacon Katie's Sabbatical Send-Off

Sunday, July 28th

Join us at both services on July 28 as we bid farewell to Deacon Katie (and Wally) for 3 months! She will be away on her sabbatical August through October for a time of rest, rejuvenation, and reflection. Come send her off with prayers and support, and say goodbye for now! (Don't worry- she is coming back!)

Note: Deacon Katie will be in the office until July 31, but then will not be accessible by phone or email until November 1. Be sure to contact her before the end of the month with any questions.

NEW Faith Formation Class: Inspired to Inspire

Beginning July 28th @ 9:45am

Jesus’ second most important commandment to us was to “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Beginning on July 28th, John Herrmann will spend some time looking at ways people have been inspired to do just that, primarily because they saw a need. In turn, these inspired people have become inspirations for others to follow suit. Maybe something that comes from the discussions will have a similar effect on you so that you can become an inspiration for others, too! This class will meet in the Library July 28-August 25. 

Welcome the Sawari's Family

Circle of Welcome Afghan Refugee Family

Arriving June 23rd

Great news! St. Mark's Circle of Welcome will be welcoming a family of 5, the Sawari's, who will be arriving on June 23rd. They will be living at the Extended Stay until July 15th. LSC hopes our Circle of Welcome can take them out into the community, grocery shopping, take them to appointments, and help them explore the area.

Mom (Lida), dad (Safiullah), sons (Abdul Samad, 15; Abdul Rahman, 8), and daughter (Asia, 12) speak Dari but do not speak English. LSC is hoping to find the family employment and a more permanent living situation soon.

In addition to volunteering, some of you have asked about donations for the family. Currently there are only five Circles of Welcome in Asheville for approximately 25 refugee families. Donations will be needed not just for our family, but others. You can take your donations to Lutheran Services or contact Joyce for more specific needs.

Below is a list of current needed donations LSC has provided-

  • Furniture items: text photos to 828.367.9802. We have to ensure the items fit our clients’ needs. 
  • Kitchen items: pots, pans, cooking utensils, plates, bowls, cups, silverware, can opener. No kitchen gadgets, please (blenders, coffee makers). 
  • Linens: towels, hand towels, sheets, blankets. Must be in great condition (no stains or holes). 
  • Other Items: welcome kits for cleaning, hygiene items, kids summer fun kits, and more


R.J. Hronek w/ St. Mark's

(c) 336.479.2555


Joyce Endaya w/ LSC

(c) 828-367.9802 



View Full List Here

LWR School Supply Kits


The CAT team, with help from a Thrivent Action Grant, are collecting supplies to assemble school kits for Lutheran World Relief in July and August. We purposely chose this time because that is when school supplies are greatly reduced. LWR is very definite that all kits contain the same supplies, so please do not vary from the specific list that is available on the bulletin board. There is also an opportunity for those who like to sew to make school bags in which we will place the requested supplies.

We will provide you with instructions, or you may talk with Janet Hanson, who has already started making school bags. The list of needed supplies is on the volunteer bulletin board and a plastic crate below it in which to deposit your donations. If you prefer making a donation of money rather than shopping, that will also be greatly appreciated. Please write “LWR School Supply Kits” in the memo line. 

Food Drive for ABCCM

Beginning July 28

This summer we will hear a string of Gospel readings in the lectionary focused on Jesus as the Bread of Life. We will be reminded of God's abundant, sustaining, and life-giving love for all people. As we are fed spiritually by God's word and Christ's body through this "season of Bread," we thought it would be a great opportunity to feed our neighbors in need.


We invite you to share God's gifts with God's children in Asheville by bringing in donations of non-perishable food for ABCCM's Crisis ministry. Help us see God's abundance as loaves and fishes (well, maybe in this case, rice and canned tuna) are multiplied to feed thousands in our community.  

Please place donations in the wooden bins near the playground doors from July 28-August 25

Monetary donations welcome! Be sure to designate cash/check for ABCCM Food Drive. 

Pantry Needs

· vegetable oil

· sugar

· oatmeal

· self-rising flour

· rice

· peanut butter

· jelly

· cereal

· canned vegetables

· hearty soups

· chicken/tuna (canned)

· fruits (canned, low sugar)

· beans (dried)

· pasta sauce

· pasta

August Newsletter Deadline

Monday. July 22nd

Each month the church office publishes a monthly newsletter called ReMARKs which normal is available to pick up the last and/or first Sunday of the month. If you or your ministry team would like anything published in the August Newsletter, please have it in to Danielle( no later than July 22nd as she will be working on the the newsletter early to prepare for her summer vacation time.

ABCCM Gala & Auction

Friday August 23rd @ 6:30pm

Join us on Friday, August 23rd, at 6:30 pm at The Crowne Plaza Hotel Asheville for the 2024 ABCCM Gala: Journeys of Hope. We will celebrate the journeys of hope taken at ABCCM ministries with supporters from across the community. Experience the generosity that has driven ABCCM to make such an impact in Asheville and Buncombe County.

View more information here

Supporting WNCBF

WNC Baptist Fellowship Church has cordially invited St. Mark's to an

Appreciation Celebration of Life and Ministry

of First Lady Mrs. Louise Ray

WNCBF will gather on Sunday, June 21 2024 at 3pm to show appreciation for First Lady Mrs. Louise Ray. The Celebration will be full of songs, testimonials, and preaching by Elder Martha Timbers.

First Lady, Mrs. Louise Ray is a lover of beautiful hats. With this event WNCBF will celebrate their "Queen of Hats!" We ask that you wear your best hat to this appreciation celebration.

Junior National Olympics Support

Last year St. Mark's supported 4 kids going to the Junior National Olympics in Iowa? Last month the same MDTMT (My Daddy Taught Me That) Track & Field team took 18 participants (ages 10-17) from the area to Knoxville, TN to compete in the regionals. Eight of them placed 5th or higher which means they they made it to the national competition.

Reilly Howard from WNCBF came in 1st place in javelin and 4th place in hurdles and everyone who knows her could not be more proud. Her dad, Recardo, started this track club 5 years ago as a great way for kids to stay fit and find confidence in competing and completing events. And now they are superstars representing Asheville for the second year in a row at a national event being held this year in Greensboro, NC at A&T State University.

This is a big deal and the kids need YOU to support them! Each child must raise $1500 to compete. This covers their lodging, travel, and food. If you would like to support them, place a check in this Sunday's offering made out to MDTMT with "Junior Olympics" on the memo line and Debbie Layne will get the funds to the correct person.

Calendar of Events

Weekly Schedule

Wednesday, July 17th

9am - Property Day

Thursday, July 18th

4pm - Evangelism Team

5pm - Prayer Team

Friday, July 19th

9pm - Library Team

12pm - Bridge Group

Sunday, July 21st

8:30am - Worship

9:45am - Faith Formation

11am - Worship

3pm - Mrs. Louise Ray Celebration

Monday, July 22nd

10am - Faith and Fellowship (Zoom)

Tuesday, July 23rd

9am - Quilting

10am - Staff Meeting

Wednesday, July 24th

9am - Property Day

Thursday, July 25th

5pm - Prayer Team

Friday, July 26th

10am - Archives Meeting

  • Faith & Fellowship Zoom Link; Password: stmarks

Worship Assistant Schedule

July 21st, 2024


8:30am – Vic & Mary Anne Allwein

11am - Tom & Beth Biltz


8:30am - George Hahn, Ronnie Shoe

11am - Cindy Lauster, Anne Blackwell

Altar Guild:

8:30am – Debbie Layne

11am - Paula Lindsay


8:30am – Hannah Smith

11am - Deacon Katie


11am – Christian Wikoff

Assisting Minister:

8:30am – Mary Brady

11am – Bonnie Richards


8:30am – Linda Kinsinger

11am – Donna Turnbaugh

Communion Assistant:

8:30am - Mary Anne Allwein 

11am – Paula Lindsay

Live Stream:

Debbie Layne

Contact Information

Parish Administrator

Our Mission:

Making disciples by loving Christ,

growing in faith, serving all people

Our Vision:

Experiencing and sharing God's grace as an inclusive, intergenerational congregation through Worship, Outreach, Learning and Fellowship  
