News & Updates
Saturday July 18, 2020
Quote of The Week
We all do well when things are going well. What distinguishes athletes is the ability to do well in times of great pressure. Roger Staubach
Thank you Nail
"I am writing this message to let you know that I will be leaving the Regina Dolphins family by the end of the month. This decision was not easy for me to make, I will be moving to Mississauga Ontario and will be working with the Mississauga Aquatic Club as the Age Group Head Coach. I think it is a really good opportunity for me to grow, learn, and develop more. Even that I am excited about this new journey 
I definitely feel more sad to say goodbye to this amazing team/family, I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed my time for the past 6 years that I spent here either swimming or coaching, I have so much respect for every member swimmers, coaches (Demone who has been the best mentor that I could ask for, and also believed in me and my coaching skills, Craig who is the first coach I worked with as an assistant and I learn so much from him), president, board members & parents. I couldn’t ask for a better team to start my career with as a swim coach it was an amazing journey for me here but its time for me to face new challenges"
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