July 18, 2023

In this edition of ENews:

  • Chapel at Fallen Leaf Lake Marks 100 Years of Ministry
  • Guest Clergy Reflection on the Its All About Love Festival
  • Next Evangelism Gathering is tomorrow evening
  • Green Team Energy Efficiency Assessments Begin

Around the Diocese

St. Francis of the Mountains Chapel Celebrates 100 Years of Ministry at Fallen Leaf Lake

Top: Bishop Megan welcomes worshippers, raps on the chapel doors with her crozier (see link to video below); Bishop Megan and The Rev. Richard Yale bless water from Fallen Leaf Lake

Middle: The Reconsecration service; Rob Sabino leads off the ringing of the chapel bell (see link to video below)

Bottom: Richard Yale, Aidan Rontani, and Seth Kellerman with Bishop Megan. They are just a few of the clergy who have served as chaplains over the years; Bishop Megan and Richard Yale present

Ruth Rich with a commemorative print. Photos by Aidan Rontani and Julie Wakelee

Last weekend, Bishop Megan was joined by faithful worshippers and many clergy to reconsecrate the chapel at Fallen Leaf Lake — St. Francis of the Mountains. The idyllic chapel, which is open from June – October is staffed by diocesan clergy who serve as chaplains.

The celebration began on Saturday, with a brief service opened by the Bishop rapping on the chapel doors three times with her crozier, just like the first bishop would have done when consecrating the space.

The service included readings, special hymns, and a blessing by clergy present using water from Fallen Leaf Lake. The service closed by ringing the chapel bell 100 times. Following the service, attendees processed to the nearby Community Center, where they enjoyed a potluck dinner and viewed displays and photos about the history of the chapel.

A highlight was the presentation of a print commemorating the event to Ruth Rich, who serves as Senior Warden of the Chapel. She has been a faithful and tireless supporter of the chapel.

Sunday worship featured a litany of prayers written for the occasion.

About the chapel

The construction of the Chapel at Fallen Leaf was undertaken in 1921 by William Wightman Price, the patriarch of the Price/Street/Craven Family lineage at Fallen Leaf Lake. Mr. Price was assisted by Walter Hansen and Carpenter Volk. Construction was completed in June of 1923, and the first service was held on Sunday, July 1, 1923. 

The chapel was built and furnished by members of our community, through which Fallen Leaf history runs deep. On August 23, 1978, the Chapel was deeded to the Diocese of Northern California by Harriet Price Craven and Frances Street Price. Cared for by members of this community each summer, the chapel has been a cherished place of worship, reflection, and peace at beautiful Fallen Leaf Lake for generations. 

Visitors and residents from many denominations (and from no church affiliation) find a safe and welcoming spiritual home here. The doors are open every day during the chapel’s season, and each day brings visitors seeking a quiet place to pray.

Looking Ahead – Help Raise the Roof!

Last winter's snowstorms caused significant damage to the roof of the chapel. The congregation is beginning a fund-raising for this project and could really use your help. 

Click here to support their campaign.

Watch Video of Bishop Megan at chapel entrance

Watch Video of Ringing of the Chapel Bell

Commemorative Posters Available

To mark the 100th Anniversary of St. Francis of The Mountains we are offering a limited number of posters for sale.

Designed by Alan Rellaford, based upon a photograph by Ruth Rich, the poster is designed to capture the spirit of WPA-era posters created for the National Park System.

Each poster is a high-quality giclee print on archival paper. The size is 12 x 18 inches. The print run is limited to 100 pieces.

A limited number of posters are available at Fallen Leaf Lake for a suggested donation of $45. All proceeds benefit St. Francis of the Mountains.

For an additional charge, we will be able to ship a poster to you. Please contact Alan Rellaford at alan@norcalepiscopal.org for more information.

It's All About Love! 

Left to Right: The Rev. Portia Hopkins, The Rev. Cliff Haggenjos, The Rev. Mack Olson, The Rev. Betsy McElroy, and Jo Ann Williams represented the diocese at It's All About Love Festival in Baltimore.

How can we be better witnesses to the gospel?

This was the question we were asked to ponder as a three-day festival began, leading us through numerous plenary sessions and workshops focused on the areas of evangelism, racial reconciliation, and care for creation. In our opening session, Bishop Michael Curry challenged us to open our hearts to the power of love saying, "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will have peace." 


In anticipation of the "Fearless Faith" revival we will be holding next April, Bishop Megan asked Mack Olson and I to attend last week's "It's All About Love" Festival in Baltimore. We were blessed to hear Bishop Curry, Julia Ayala Harris (President of the House of Deputies), Brian McLaren, Dr. Kwok Pui Lan, The Rev. Maria White-Hammond, Sarah Augustine, and others offer profound thoughts on how we can all become better witnesses to the gospel, as our love is expressed through continuing efforts to respect the dignity of all, while we work tirelessly to care for the creation with which we have been entrusted by God. A particularly moving plenary, entitled "Young Voices for Creation Care" helped us all understand that leadership with regard to creation care and climate justice is coming from our young adults. We are called to open our hearts to the way in which the Holy Spirit is working through them. 


The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California was well represented at the festival. Jo Ann Williams welcomed Sacred Ground Alumni to the conference, as we were invited to celebrate and give thanks for all the Holy Spirit is doing to empower us in the work of racial reconciliation. The Rev. Portia Hopkins, Chaplain of the Belfry Lutheran Episcopal Campus Ministry, presented a popular and well-attended workshop entitled "Creating a Third Space: Evangelism with the "Nones" and "Dones". During Rev. Portia's presentation The Rev. Betsy McElroy spoke of some of the ways in which sacred space has been co-created through the interactions of the UC Davis students and members of St. Martin's. 


Throughout the festival we were provided the opportunity to connect with old friends as well as make new ones. We were able to share our own stories and learn from the experiences of others. In the midst of such fellowship, it became clear that the Holy Spirit continues to move in our midst, leading us, calling us, reviving us, guiding us to renew our ability to proclaim God's love for the world by word and by deed. 

As one of the presenters reminded us, "You will never look upon the face of a person that God does not love, even when you look in the mirror." 


When all is said and done, "It's All About Love." 


Save the dates: April 26-28, 2024. A revival is coming our way!

– The Rev. Cliff Haggenjos | Rector, St. John's Roseville

Office of the Bishop

2023 Convention Registration Site Now Open

Registration is now live for the 2023 Diocesan Convention, scheduled for Friday, November 3 – Saturday, November 4 at Faith Church in Cameron Park.

Information for Clergy and lay delegates is available at the convention website, including important dates, instructions for nominating candidates for the Board of Trustees and Standing Committee, and Proposing Resolutions.

Links to area hotels may be found on the site as well. Early registration fees apply until July 31. Don't delay!

Register Now

Registration for Best Skills, Best Churches Now Open!

This exciting Continuing Education program is designed to meet the professional needs of leaders of nonprofit and public organizations. Upon successful completion of the program, participants will receive a Certificate in Nonprofit Management from the ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation.

For information on cost, graduation requirements, and policies, click here.

Register Now

Missioner for Church Life

Monthly Evangelism Gathering 

Our next evangelism gathering is Wednesday, July 19 at 5pm.  Click this link https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85973460558 to attend. If you can’t make it, be sure to check out the Evangelism Resources section of the diocesan website, which includes recordings of these gatherings. This month, I will be reporting back on some of the evangelism resources I gathered at It’s All About Love: A Festival for the Jesus Movement held in Baltimore, Maryland July 9-12. 

Missioner for Disaster Resilience

What Happens After a Disaster?

The first question I am ever asked when disaster strikes is: what can we do to help? The answer to that question is never easy because I don’t know your congregation and the needs of the community the way you do. The first tool I use is the Episcopal Asset Map which is being compiled by Episcopal Relief & Development. This map gives me immediate information regarding:

  • Languages other than English
  • Feeding ministries
  • Disaster resilient electricity
  • Local contact information
  • And many other topics

Tamara Plummer (program officer, Episcopal Relief & Development) says this about the power of the map: “How can you participate in the Episcopal Church being more resilient? Update your Episcopal place on the Asset Map. The Episcopal Church is more resilient and better positioned to respond to the needs of vulnerable communities after an event when we know what resources and connections already exist. This task will not even require you to leave the laptop, phone or digital device where you might be reading this article. You don’t have to form a committee, you don’t need to seek permission. You know your church, you know what kinds of ministry, worship and community connections already exist, so share them. Visit episcopalassetmap.org, search for your Episcopal place and add some information about how you all are connected to God and your neighbors.”

Please update your congregation on the map, and send me a note letting me know. If you need assistance, contact me.

Mark Dibelka | Missioner for Disaster Resilience

Commission on the Environment

Energy Efficiency Assessments Begin

Major step taken to reduce our carbon footprint and achieve carbon neutrality by 2030

Colby May, Energy for Purpose founder and energy efficiency expert, flew into the Humboldt County Airport on Monday morning, July 10 and assessed two Semper Virens churches. He began at St Alban’s, Arcata, and finished his day at St Paul’s Crescent City. 

Daniel Moyer, St Alban’s Green Team leader, welcomed Colby to the Diocese and led him on a tour of the facilities at St Alban’s. Colby’s surveys include visiting the various rooms in the buildings and noting the type of lighting, windows, and weather stripping. With his handheld thermal imaging camera, he views wall and roof systems as well as electrical panels. He also notes the age, condition, and efficiency of all energy using equipment such as hot water heaters, furnaces, air conditioners, air handlers,heat pumps, and kitchen appliances.

Colby will use this information to create a detailed energy efficiency assessment report for each church.

These energy efficiency assessments are the essential first step on the path to becoming carbon neutral. The information in the reports from this assessment will enable churches to develop their action plan to become more energy efficient. 

On Tuesday, July 11, Colby continued the assessments at St Francis, Fortuna, Good Shepherd, Cloverdale, and St Patrick’s, Kenwood. On the final day of this first round of assessments he surveyed Trinity Cathedral, St Paul’s, Sacramento, St Clement’s, Rancho Cordova, and Trinity, Sutter Creek. 

The second round of surveys is being scheduled for later this summer. If your church is interested in being assessed, please contact Bob Wohlsen, Commission on the Environment Project Coordinator at bob.wohlsen@gmail.com.

The assessments were funded by a generous mid-cycle budget addition from the Diocesan Board and a contribution from Trinity Cathedral. The Commission on the Environment has been awarded a $25,000 grant from the Episcopal Church’s Creation Care ministry to fund the second round of assessments, along with a donation from St John’s, Roseville.

Top: Colby May, Energy for Purpose with Trinity Cathedral members

Anita Williams, Green Team member, and Kevin Donohue, Jr. Warden

Middle: Doug Clay, Green Team Vestry Liaison, and Colby May, Energy for Purpose go over facility details at St. Paul’s, Sacramento

Bottom: Sharon Burke-Polana, Green Team Lead for St. Clement’s, Rancho Cordova with Colby May, Energy for Purpose

Commission for Intercultural Ministries

St. John’s, Roseville, Will Host Sacred Ground Dialogue Circles Beginning August 2023 

Sacred Ground is a film- and readings-based small group dialogue series on race and racism in America, grounded in faith and is part of Becoming Beloved Community, the Episcopal Church’s long-term commitment to racial healing, reconciliation, and justice in our personal lives, our ministries, and our society. To date, over 70 individuals have attended the four previous sets of circles offered at St. John’s. 


This is an 11-session program, with small group discussion and reflection. Sessions will be held bi-weekly on Wednesday evenings from 7-9 pm beginning August 9, 2023, and will be offered via Zoom. There is no cost for attending the program, although participants are asked to purchase two books to help guide them in our discussions.


We encourage Sacred Ground graduates to register if they are interested in a “deeper dive” into the Sacred Ground curriculum materials. If there is enough interest and graduates, we will form a separate “deeper dive” dialogue circle.


For more information, or to indicate your interest in attending, please contact Diane Williamson at dianewilliamson864@gmail.com or (916) 300-6384.

Thank you!

Jo Ann Williams | Commission for Intercultural Ministries


Healing Prayer Bible Study and Fellowship | Order of St. Luke

First Saturday of the Month | 10:00 am on Zoom

We pray, study and learn together. The group is currently studying The Grace Outpouring by Roy Goodwin.

Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85306478741pwd=SGZYcFFZZnVwRzVmOExJYnJTRGF4QT09

For more information call Elba White at 916 684 4015.

Explore Sacred Scotland

September 21- October 4, 2023

A pilgrimage with the Rev. Sally Hubbell and Joe Hattick through Scotland and Northumbria. Download more information here

*In Case You Missed it…

Job Opportunities in The Diocese

Saint Luke’s | Auburn is seeking a part-time Parish Mission Coordinator to assist the Clergy, Vestry and parishioners in the mission and management of the church. Read the Position Description Here.

Church of the Epiphany | Vacaville seeks a Part-time Organist/Music Director. View job description here. | epiphanychurchvacaville.org

Clergy Openings in The Diocese

All Saints Church | Sacramento seeks a Full-time Rector. View job description here. | https://www.allsaintssacramento.org/profile

For job descriptions or questions, please contact transitions@norcalepiscopal.org or call Cn. Julie at 916.442.6918 x 214

The ENews is published weekly on Tuesdays.
To submit news/events, please email communications@norcalepiscopal.org by Wednesday of the prior week
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The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

Making Disciples, Raising Up Saints & Transforming Communities for Christ


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