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This online seminar continues the American Trails

"Advancing Trails Webinar Series"



DATE:  Thursday, July 18, 2013

TIME:  10:00am-11:30am Pacific / 1:00pm-2:30pm Eastern 

COST:  $45 American Trails members / $75 non-members

CEUs: Continuing Education Units included in this webinar 


Space is limited! Reserve your seat now! 


(See registration and payment steps below.)




"Building Your Trail Right the First Time!"


When you construct or reroute a trail, you are putting a structure on the landscape that will be there, in good or bad condition, for 100 years or more in most places. So why not do it right?  


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A part of the American Trails Advancing Trails Webinar Series, "Building Your Trail Right the First Time," brought to you by another trail expert on sustainability, will teach you how to design and layout a sustainable trail when you are constructing or maintaining your trail system.


You will learn how to place a trail on the landscape so that it is consistent with the natural environment so that it will be aesthetically pleasing, meet user needs, and require minimal maintenance in the future.


You will also learn how to lay out a trail or re-route it in a sustainable manner. After this webinar, you will have the tools to:

  • Understand the influences of water on trail alignments
  • Understand the use of control points in trail layout
  • Learn how to determine sustainable grade
  • Learn how to determine grades between control points
The webinar is geared primarily towards beginning to intermediate level trailbuilders.

John Favro, a professional trail consultant, is the Owner of Trails Guy and the newly elected Chair of the American Trails Board. He retired from the U.S. Forest Service after a 35 year career. Read John's article in a previous issue of the American Trails Magazine, "Sustainable Trails: doing it right the first time."


Learn more about the webinar and the presenter HERE. Please join us for this informative webinar and share this invitation through your networks!


webinar bio
John Favro advising the country of Jordan on building camel trails


Header photo: Work crew studying the trail alignment; photo from Montana Conservation Corps




  • STEP 1: PAY FOR THE WEBINAR by clicking the PURCHASE NOW button below. You can also purchase an American Trails membership through the store -- just click the "Keep Shopping" link when you see your shopping cart. 
  • STEP 2: While in our store, if the person attending the webinar and their email will be different than the billing name please include the attendee's full name and email address in the NOTES section.
  • STEP 3: You're done! The attendee's email address will receive a separate confirmation email from GoToWebinar containing information about joining the Webinar. (If you checked the box that you are interested in receiving CEUs for attending this webinar, you will receive a separate email with further information before the actual webinar.)  


purchase now  



Audio Choices: 


  1. You can call in to the webinar using your telephone, keeping in mind that you will incur long distance charges and/or usage charges (depending on your carrier), or 
  2. So as not to incur long distance charges, you can listen to the webinar using the speakers on your computer (if your computer has that option). 

CEUsContinuing Education Units (CEUs): 

We are pleased to offer CEUs for this webinar (included in the fee) through the Texas Recreation and Parks Society (TRAPS), an authorized independent CEU provider through IACET (International Association for Continuing Education and Training). Please be sure and select "YES" if you want to obtain CEUs when purchasing through the store. Additional information on obtaining credits for this webinar, including the hours of CEUs to be earned, will be provided via email before the actual webinar.



All webinars in the American Trails Advancing Trails Webinar Series are recorded. A link to the recording is included with the advance purchase of the webinar and will be sent within a week following the webinar. Access to the recordings may also be purchased after the live session through the American Trails Online Store. Please note that CEUs are not available for archived webinar purchases. 


System Requirements:

PC-based attendees

Required: Windows� 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server


Macintosh�-based attendees

Required: Mac OS� X 10.5 or newer



Contact the American Trails office at trailhead@americantrails.org or (530) 547-2060.




American Trails members save on webinar fees!

American Trails will be offering additional webinars in the future as part of the American Trails Webinar Series. As an added membership benefit, American Trails members will receive a discounted rate on this and future webinars! You can join now by visiting the American Trails website member page or purchase a membership at the same time you purchase a webinar registration -- just click on the "Keep Shopping" link when you see your shopping cart.

For over 25 years,  American Trails has been a collective voice for a diverse coalition of enthusiasts, professionals, advocates, land managers, conservationists, and friends of the outdoors and livable cities. American Trails strives to enrich the quality of life for all people and the sustainable development of communities by advancing and promoting the development, preservation, and enjoyment of diverse, high quality trails and greenways. We envision a network of trails within 15 minutes of every home, school, and workplace.  


American Trails will continue to keep you informed on both trail know-how and issues critical to the future of trails. With your help, we can increase funding for trails, keep more trails open, and improve the health and well-being of Americans of all ages and abilities, including our children. We are happy to bring this informative webinar to you. 


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