Generating Excitement for the
Sport of Snowmobiling
July 2013 Newsletter

Contact Us

1600 E Century Ave, Ste. 3

Bismarck, ND 58503


701-328-5363 Fax

Upcoming Events:     


September 6-7: KX Outdoor Sports Show - Minot, ND

September 7-8: Hay Days - North Branch, MN

September 12-13: Great Outdoors Expo - Bismarck, ND

September 14-15: Eagle River Derby Reunion - Eagle River, WI

The July 2013 e-newsletter includes information on the following: SND promotional bags and the new Sponsorship Program.


Promotional Bags

Each season, SND hands out 1,000's of promotional bags to interested snowmobilers looking for fun in North Dakota.  Clubs and trail associations that would like to insert trail maps or information in the bags, please provide the information to the SND office by Monday, August 19th.  These bags are distributed at sports and snow shows, events and snowmobile safety classes. 


If you would like promotional bags for local events and shows, please request them 2 weeks in advance of the event.  


Sponsorship Program

On June 19, 2013, the SND Board of Directors adopted a new sponsorship program.  The organization has developed some excellent partnerships the last several years and we want to make it even better for the 2013-2014 season.  Sponsorship levels include:  $250, $500, $750 and $1,000 and will help you promote too! 


Just one of the great opportunities is the chance to be included on a Traveling Banner that is displayed at events SND attends.  Exposing your company logo to over 10,000 visitors a season!  All levels of sponsorship are eligible to receive this exposure; all you have to do is commit to at least $250 by August 15th, 2013.  Please remember, SND is a 501 � 3 organization so all your donations are tax deductible!


To learn more about the different sponsorship levels and promotional exposure received, please click here!


Stay Tuned...

During the June 19th, 2013, SND Board of Directors meeting several new programs were adopted.  This information is in the process of being packaged for presentation to the membership.  As soon as it's ready, SND will distribute the information to the membership.  All of this information will be presented in detail at the annual convention on December 7th, 2013, in Grand Forks, ND at the Howard Johnson hotel. 


We are excited to announce a new partnership with to encourage snowmobile registration.  Please take the time to visit the website and learn more!  As the promotional materials are ready to launch for the 2013-2014 season, we'll get this in your hands for promotion!  



1.  SND Membership renewals start September 1st

2.  Land leases and updates are due November 1st 

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