Generating Excitement for the
Sport of Snowmobiling

Contact Us

Snowmobile North Dakota

1600 E Century Ave, Ste. 3

Bismarck, ND 58503


701-328-5363 Fax

Upcoming Events:
August 4th & 5th:  ND Trails Conference  Click here for more information and to register! 
September 6th & 7th:  Hay Days in North Branch, MN

The July 2014 e-newsletter includes information on the following:  AmazonSmile, Historical Pictures, 2015 Convention, ND Legendary Travel Guide and Membership Data Survey.


ND Club Membership Data

SND is still obtaining membership information from the ND snowmobile Clubs.  Please take the following survey so is ready to distribute at the November 1st, 2014 Annual Meeting!


Special thanks to these clubs for completing the survey:  Beaver Valley Sno-Goers, Magic City Driftbusters, Minto Area Joyriders, Red River Snowmobile Club, Roaring 20's, Rough Rider Snowmobile Association, Sno-Busters, Turtle Mountain Snowmobile Club, Valley Snowdrifters Snowmobile Club and Williston Trailriders Snowmobile Club.


2015 Annual SND Convention

SND is still looking for nominations to host the 2015 SND Convention.  A snowmobile club or trail association will receive cash donations from SND to help host the event.  $1 for every SND membership purchased during the 2014-2015 season is donated to the hosting organization.  The association will also receive up to $1,000 from the SND raffle ticket fundraiser.  Please contact SND to learn more or submit a nomination letter to the organization to host the event.


According to the organization's bylaws the event has to take place in the 4th quarter of the year.  The hosting club and/or association may choose the dates based on conference center availability.  Please contact the SND office for more information or with a nomination to host.


Government Data Shows US in Decade Long Cooling

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's most accurate, up-to-date temperature data confirm the United States has been cooling for at least the past decade. The NOAA temperature data are driving a stake through the heart of alarmists claiming accelerating global warming.Snowmobile Association, Sno-Busters, Turtle Mountain Snowmobile Club, Valley Snowdrifters Snowmobile Club and Williston Trailriders Snowmobile Club.  Read more here!


2015 Travel Guide

SND wants to help you advertise snowmobile events.  Please provide a listing of snowmobile events to SND by October 1st for the 2014-2015 season and SND will help enter the information into the ND Tourism's Partner Access Website.  All events entered will be placed inside 325,000 attractive, well-read ND Travel Guides. 



  1. Shop with and support Snowmobile North Dakota, Inc.  Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.
  2. The North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department is still looking for historical snowmobile photos to use in celebrating its 50th Anniversary in 2015.  The Department is looking pictures from the 70's and 80's.  Deadline:  ASAP
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