Providing current news on Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska's
government, administrative, and program activities.
- JULY 2016 -
News in this Edition...
  • New Tribal ID with Enhanced Security Features
  • Tribal Enterprise Acquires Federal Government Contracting Company
  • Tribal Transportation Manager Appointed to AMHS Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee
  • NAGPRA Grant Awarded
  • BIA Awards Additional Funding for Baseline Water Quality Testing
  • TANF & Child Care Relocation Notice
  • Back to School Fair
  • Strengthening Tribal Stewardship Conference
  • Southeast Environmental Conference
New Tribal ID with Enhanced Security Features
Central Council is pleased to announce the release of a new tribal identification (ID) card design with enhanced security features. While the older tribal IDs will continue to be valid, the new secure card will be phased in as the new standard for photo ID cards to protect tribal citizens' sensitive data and reduce the risk of counterfeiting.

How is this card more secure? The new tribal ID card has both background and foreground images, a holographic image of Central Council’s logo, and includes the address of the cardholder. Newly issued tribal ID cards will expire five (5) years after issuance, which will help the Tribe maintain Tribal Enrollment records and reduce the number of invalid addresses of tribal citizens. Central Council began issuing photo IDs to tribal citizens in 2003.  

For tribal citizens wishing to upgrade their tribal ID, please complete an affidavit or contact the Program Compliance department at or 907.463.7359.
Tribal Enterprise Acquires Federal Government Contracting Company
The Tlingit Haida Tribal Business Corporation (THTBC) has completed the acquisition of federal government contractor KIRA, Incorporated. Included in the acquisition are two additional smaller companies, intellectual property, trademarks, and other assets. KIRA is an accomplished and profitable facilities maintenance and base operations support services contractor with over 28 years of quality service at extremely competitive prices and excellent customer satisfaction. The award winning government contracting company is more valuable under tribal ownership pursuing awards for small business and “set-aside” contracts.  

“I am excited about this acquisition and its tremendous upside potential for the Tribe. Overnight THTBC has become a major force in government contracting,” said Central Council President Richard Peterson. “KIRA is the vehicle the Tribe needs to generate unrestricted revenue to eventually give us the ability to expand services to our tribal citizens regardless of service area.”  

THTBC CEO Richard Rinehart will oversee the investment in KIRA. “The board wanted a company with a national presence that can grow significantly in a relatively short period of time,” said Rinehart. “KIRA has a reputation of offering extraordinary value to its customers. The company is the low cost producer in each of the markets in which it competes. We encourage governmental organizations as well as Federal Prime Contractors interested in seeing how KIRA can save them money to contact KIRA directly at or by calling 303.402.1526.”  

To read the full press release, please visit: /info/press.
Tribal Transportation Manager Appointed to AMHS Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee
Tribal Transportation Manager William Ware was recently appointed to the State of Alaska’s Alaska Marine Highway System Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee. Will joins approximately ten other members from across the state that were selected by Southeast Conference in consultation with the Governor’s Office to oversee and guide development of a long-term strategic plan for the AMHS that includes a comprehensive operational and business plan that is financially sustainable and meets the needs of those it serves and should result in a 25-year plan. Phase One will focus on AMHS’ governance structure, involve broad public engagement, and review proposals submitted in response to a Request for Proposal (RFP) issued for firms with transportation and analytical services.

William Ware ( Lgeik’I Eesh ) was raised in Petersburg, Alaska and is of the Raven moiety and Ta’k Dein Taan clan. He was hired as Central Council’s Tribal Transportation Manager in June 2013 and is responsible for administering all Tribal Transportation Program (TTP) funding for Central Council and the Organized Village of Saxman, and contributing in the development of transportation system priorities for Southeast Alaska which are developed and incorporated into the Tribe’s Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) and Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). Will also currently serves as the Chair for the Inter-Tribal Transportation Association, and Co-Chair of the National Congress of American Indians Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.
NAGPRA Grant Awarded
The Native Lands and Resources department is pleased to report it has secured a fiscal year 2016 grant in the amount of $88,000 from the National Park Service for Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) consultation and documentation.  

The grant will be administered by the Native Lands and Resources’ Cultural Resources program and used to conduct research, documentation, and prepare claims for repatriation of cultural items located at the Birmingham Museum of Art in Birmingham, Alabama, and Denver Art Museum in Denver, Colorado. The funding will also allow Central Council’s NAGPRA program to monitor the completion of pending claims.  

The Cultural Resources program repatriates objects of cultural patrimony, sacred objects, funerary objects, and human remains in accordance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990 and the National Museum of the American Indian Act (NMAIA) of 1989. These Acts allow federally recognized tribes to repatriate from museums and federal agencies. To date, the program has successfully repatriated over 125 objects under NAGPRA and 30 objects under NMAIA.  

For more information on repatriation services, please contact Native Lands Manager Desiree Duncan or Cultural Resource Specialist Harold Jacobs toll free at 1.800.344.1432 ext. 7186, 907.463.7186, or via email at or
BIA Awards Additional Funding for Baseline Water Quality Testing
Central Council’s Native Lands and Resources department has received an additional $120,000 in funding from the Bureau of Indian Affairs to continue collecting water samples on three major transboundary rivers (Sitkine, Taku, and Unuk) for baseline water quality testing. The baseline water quality testing is part of a three-year study that will measure the levels of dissolved heavy metals and other toxic substances associated with Canada’s large-scale mining effort on the tributaries and headwaters of the three transboundary rivers that flow into Southeast Alaska. There is currently very little valid baseline water quality data available on the three transboundary rivers and the project goal is to produce a comprehensive, statistically valid, and scientifically defensible baseline water quality data set to help inform regulatory agencies on impacts from upstream development and to aid in management of these rivers to protect downstream communities.  

The data is critical to the establishment of future monitoring programs designed to assess and detect impacts of human activities to salmon habitat early enough to implement corrective actions and avoid undue disruption of the Pacific salmon stocks originating from these rivers. Tribal communities in the region rely heavily on these rivers for food security and cultural practices. The project will establish permanent sampling stations for future monitoring, a standard quality assurance plan and methodology, and will increase the ability of agencies on both sides of the border to implement watershed management plans . Data collected from the water quality testing will be shared with the State of Alaska, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, regulatory agencies in British Columbia, and be made available to the public.  

Kai Environmental Consulting Services has been retained to complete the water sampling, which began last November and will continue on a monthly basis as weather and time permit. A total of six monthly samples have been collected on the Taku River (no samples in the winter months) and eight samples have been collected on the Stikine River. There have been no water samples collected yet on the Unuk River due to logistical challenges to access the sample sites. Work is in progress to get permission from the United States Forest Service to utilize a helicopter for collection of water samples or consider alternatives.

For more information on baseline water quality testing, please contact Native Lands Manager Desiree Duncan or Natural Resources Specialist Jennifer Hanlon toll free at 1.800.344.1432 ext. 7186, 907.463.7186, or via email at or
TANF & Child Care Relocation Notice
In an effort to ensure tribal citizens have the greatest access to Central Council’s programs and services, the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Child Care departments have relocated their Juneau offices from downtown in the Federal Building out to the First Bank Building located at 3075 Vintage Boulevard (next to Safeway) in the Mendenhall Valley. The new office site is centrally-located and will include a computer lab and workforce development center for clients to participate in workshops, search for employment opportunities, and complete training course work. During t he move , there was a temporary office closure and intermittent delays in response to client calls and emails. Gunalchéesh, Háw’aa to our tribal citizen clients for your patience. We look forward to providing the best quality services at our new office location! 

For more information, please contact Julie Chapman at , 1.800.344.1432 ext. 7313, or 907.463.7313.
   Back to School Fair  
Date: August 13, 2016
Times: 9:00 - 11:30 AM (Pre-K to 4th Grade)                      12:30 PM - 3:30 PM (5th to 12th Grade)
Location: VTRC (3239 Hospital Dr., Juneau, AK)  

The Back to School Fair ensures our tribal children have a great start to the school year. This year's event will feature free backpacks with school supplies and a special presentation from Tatanka Means who is a Native American actor, comedian, and motivational speaker.

More Info
Strengthening Tribal Stewardship Conference
Date: August 23-26, 2016
Location: VTRC (3239 Hospital Dr., Juneau AK)
Registration Cost: $412  

The conference will build understanding, relationships, and knowledge for advancing the co-management of Alaskan fish and wildlife resources.
Southeast Environmental Conference
Date: September 19-23, 2016
Location: Cape Fox Lodge (Ketchikan, AK)

The conference brings together Southeast tribes, natural resource professionals, and others to learn about and address regional environmental priorities.
  Our Mission
“Preserving our sovereignty, enhancing our economic and cultural resources, and promoting self-sufficiency and self-governance for our citizens through collaboration, service, and advocacy.”