Recently I've been asked how to find out what is happening at NACMS. I encourage you to continue reading our newsletter to find out. We have lots of exciting news to share this month.

We just completed the summer workshop for the 2017/18 MSP 2.0 participants. It was a busy week filled with research, community building, and prayer. We've shared a few snapshots of our time together below.

If you are interested in 2018/19 MSP 2.0 "The Mother of Jesus is Here: Building Today's Marian Church" click here. More details follow.

We are continuing our summer book sales to commemorate the beatification of Adèle de Batz de Trenquelléon. This month we are featuring Letters of Adele, vols. 1 & 2 for the discounted price of $15.00 for the set.

We are excited to offer Father David Fleming's advanced course on the Marianist Charism via Zoom Video conferencing this month. Details below.

Continue reading to get the details for submissions to the Marianist Family Prayer book. The deadline is July 22, 2018.

Please forward this newsletter to anyone you think might be interested in reading the most current NACMS news.
Father David Fleming's
Marianist Charism Course
NACMS is excited to host Father David Fleming’s course on the Marianist Charism.

Where: NACMS will be offering this course using Zoom Video Conferencing so the course is available to anyone with internet access. (Limited class size)

When: Monday-Friday, July 16-20, 2018

Time: 2:30-4:30 PM ET (10 hours total)

How: Contact Lauren Boyd ( [email protected] ) or Patti Gehred ( [email protected] ) by July 11, 2018 to sign-up or get more information.

Cost: $100.00 (no charge for members of the SM and FMI)

Topics Include: The Starting Point: southern France under Napoleon, A Developing View of Mary in Chaminade and Adéle, Marianist insights into Mary after the Founders and Beyond France, The Relevance of this Charism in the 21st Century.

(Please note this is an advanced course for those already familiar with the lives of the Founders and the characteristics of the Marianist Charism).
Edited by: Father Joseph Stefanelli, SM

Father Joe Stefanelli, SM, says the number of letters from Adèle was “certainly in the thousands. Of them, only 737 have come down to us.” Because her companions in service were scattered over a large geographical area, she developed a system of letter writing. She wrote, “It is not so much the style that should preoccupy us, but rather our own improvement.”
We gain insights into Adèle’s personality, her spirituality, her deep faith, her mission, and her desire to live for God alone. Although her life was short—she died when not quite 39—Adèle worked diligently to spread the faith to all around her. The primary work of the Daughters of Mary continued to be the development and guidance of young women of the Sodality and the Association. During her life as a religious, she founded convents at Tonneins, Condom, Agen, Arbois, and Bordeaux.

Sale price: $15.00 - now through July 31, 2018.

Click here to purchase.
  "A Marian Church remains standing by the Cross. It is exposed, and vulnerable to the ridicule of the executioners. But it remains upright beside the Cross."
~ Sister Marie-Luce Baillet, FMI
We are all called to remain standing at the Cross in some manner. The challenges of our modern world make that a challenge. Knowing that we are not alone, that we are standing with Mary in a community of believers, we are filled with hope.
What is a Marian Church? How does the concept of a Marian Church resonate with the Marianist charism? How can we, as Marianists, contribute to the building of such a Church?
We invite you to participate in the 2018/19 Marianist Studies Program ( MSP) 2.0 to grapple with these questions, to explore how the Marianist Charism offers hope to our Church and world, and to consider ways to meet the challenge of proclaiming “The Mother of Jesus is Here.”
Why MSP 2.0?
In the 1970s, the Marianist Studies Program brought together lay and religious Marianists for summers of study in a community context. NACMS has developed a 21 st century update, MSP 2.0, which includes several of the key elements of the original Marianist Studies Program in a format more compatible with today’s lifestyles.
What is MSP 2.0?
As a participant in MSP 2.0 you will engage in a year-long program of inquiry both as an individual and within a scholarly community. The topic for this year is The Mother of Jesus Is Here: Building Today’s Marian Church. Background reading, video, and conversation will help prepare you for monthly virtual meetings where you will interact with experts and share your developing ideas. As you begin to focus on a particular aspect of the topic NACMS personnel will guide you to appropriate resources. A centerpiece of the program is a week at NACMS where you will finalize your research in our extensive library while continuing to build community with your colleagues. You will then have about six weeks to synthesize your learning into a final product, print or other media, to be published by NACMS.
This sounds serious. How much time is required?
It is serious. We are interested in developing an ever-widening circle of scholarship in Marianist Studies and in high quality, publishable products. That takes time. We have designed the program with an expected time commitment of approximately 10 hours per month, including the virtual meetings, plus the week of in-person time at NACMS, planned for July 2019.
 I’m interested, but I’m not a scholar. Could I be a candidate for MSP 2.0?
You do not need to be a scholar, but you do need to be willing to engage in serious study under the guidance of NACMS personnel. You should have a basic knowledge of things Marianist (e.g. the Marianist Founders, the Marianist charism) would be helpful, but can be supplemented by the provided materials. Primary requirements are a desire to learn and the ability to participate fully in the program.
What does it cost?
The cost of the program is $250. This includes transportation, food, and lodging for the week at NACMS, access to NACMS personnel throughout the program, and all materials, including shipping. The materials alone represent an over $250 value. Financial aid is available.
How can I find out more about MSP 2.0?
Contact Patti Gehred, NACMS Program Coordinator, at [email protected] for more information. The application and tentative schedule can be found on our webpage: www.nacms.org . The deadline for applications is August 1, 2018.
Got Prayer?

Attention modern mystics, music makers, and prayer-filled pilgrims, NACMS is seeking your help with a new prayer project. We are creating a new prayer resource, and we want your help. (Our apologies for the abundance of alliteration, but we wanted to make a pronounced point!)

Seeking Prayers
If you have written original Marianist or Marian prayers or music, please send them to NACMS. We are creating a new version of our popular The Marianist Family Prayer Book , and we welcome your contributions.

Prayer material may include Marianist-inspired prayers or songs pertaining to our holy Marianist forbearers/founders, Marian and Marianist feast days, Mary, community, or various life stages and situations viewed through a Marianist lens (such as family, elderly, diversity, inclusivity, and social justice).

Submissions can be—but are not limited to— praise, intercessions, contemplation and meditation, feast days, dedication/commitment, and lamentations.

Material submitted must consist of original content or a contemporary adaptation of current Marianist contents, such as a new wording for The Three O’clock Prayer or Marianist prayers of dedication.

Music submissions must include both lyrics and musical notation.
Note : All material must comply with US copyright law.

A panel of Marianist experts will review submissions and make recommendations to NACMS for prayers to include in the new praye r book. The panel is comprised of the following people:

·  Margy Lisjak: Office of Spirituality for MLC-NA
·  Sister Laura Leming: Office of Spirituality for the Marianist Sisters (USA)
·  Father Dave McGuigan, Representative for the Office of Spirituality for the Society of Mary, USA.

Submission is not a guarantee of publication.
Deadline and Submissions
Submissions must be received by Sunday, July 22. Email all material to Dan Jordan, [email protected] , or mail to Dan at the NACMS office.

4435 E. Patterson Road
Dayton, Ohio 45430-1083
Sharing Our Marianist Stories
This podcast is inspired by NPR’s Storycorps podcast series. Sr. Gabby Bibeau and Patti Gehred record different people within the Marianist Family as they tell their stories of being Marianist. We strive to get a variety of experiences recorded from both lay and religious Marianists from different parts of the country.

New Podcasts will be coming soon!

Click here to listen to all previous episodes of "Sharing Our Marianist Stories."

Here are links to subscribe to this podcast so you never miss an episode:
Subscribe and listen to us on Stitcher:   https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/sharing-our-marianist-stories
You can also search for Sharing Our Marianist Stories on whatever podcast app you like to use.
Subscribe to our RSS Feed:   https://feedpress.me/sharingourmarianiststories
2017/18 MSP 2.0
The Five Silences: Marianist
Mindfulness for the 21st Century
From June 18-22, NACMS hosted a workshop for our MSP 2.0 participants. Each participant had time to do additional research and discuss their project on the topic "The Five Silences: Marianist Mindfulness for the 21 Century" with other participants and staff members.

There was also time for community building, socializing, and prayer. The Marianist PULSE communities hosted a "dessert social" for each group of participants which was as informative as it was delicious.

The participants are creating a diversity of projects including a daily reflection app, scholarly articles, podcasts, retreats, and power point presentations.

We are excited about sharing these projects in the coming weeks and months. We thank all of the participants for their hard work and dedication.
Participants: Fr. Ignase Arulappen, Mike Bennett, Diane Browne, Anthony Garascia, Beth Garascia, Maureen Hoock, LeeAnn Meyer, Fr. Neville O'Donahue, Mary Snyder, Marg Van-Herk Paradis, Fr. Thomas Schroer, Kay Stone, Br. Stan Zubek
Sr. Laura Leming, Father Jim Schimelpfening, and Steve Mueller spent a day listening, observing, encouraging, and consulting the participants as they work on their completing their final drafts of their projects.
All of us at NACMS wish you and your family a safe and Happy 4th of July holiday as we continue to pray for the safety and happiness of families throughout the world.

Thank you for reading.
North American Center for Marianist Studies
Dayton, OH 45430-1083

NACMS Office Hours are M-F 9 AM -2 PM (ET). If you'd like to make an appointment
outside of office hours, please call 937.429.2521.

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