Making the Switch to Electric Tools to aid in Ecological Restoration
July Article- Should you go gas or electric?
It’s a clear, crisp, quiet morning. You grab a cup of fresh brewed coffee and find your favorite spot on your deck. The birds are chirping, the bees are buzzing, and you are just loving your peace and tranquility. Then, all of a sudden, your eager beaver neighbor, starts up his old two stroke, gas dripping weed whip and proceeds to do some aggressive trimming right along your property line. Instead of birds, you hear a high pitched whine of fossil fuel combustion and clouds of oily smoke fill the air.
It’s a given that all of us at some point have been annoyed by these gas-powered lawn tools. On top of the noise and smoke, these engines are responsible for a substantial quantity of carbon emissions. In the United States, over 26 million tons of pollutants are produced by 2 stroke garden equipment each year. 

Pollinator of the Month!
Silver-Spotted Skipper
( Epargyreus clarus )

These butterflies are mostly brown but have bands of white, yellow, and orange on their wings. They also have lobed hindwings. Their larval host plants are woody legumes, like honey locust or false indigo. They are found throughout North America. The adults don't like yellow flowers, but prefer to visit purple, pink, and blue flowers like bergamot, liatris species, milkweed species, and other native plants.
Retail Nursery News!

Our Retail Nursery is closed for the season but our plants are still available!

Call or email our Greenhouse Manager Jill for plant orders.

For more information:
Invasive Species of the Month- Common St. John's Wort
( Hypericum perforatum)
Common St. John's Wort is an invasive species from Europe that forms dense colonies that can push out native plants. They have smaller flowers than the native St. John's Wort. Their flowers and leaves also have small black dots that help identify it as the non-native. Management strategies include hand pulling and herbicide treatments.

Native Plant of the Month-
Prairie Tickseed
( Coreopsis palmata )

Prairie Tickseed is a perennial native that grows from 1-3 feet and blooms from June-August. This charming flower grows in colonies that prefer full sun but can handle some shade as well. They are found in dry soils, and are drought and deer resistant. Their dark green leaves have three deep lobes on each leaf. Prairie Tickseed flowers are bright yellow with a darker yellow center.
Five Plants For...Adding Pink!
Need a pop of color? Here are some plants that add an eye-catching pink!
Mystery Plant of the Month!
This month's Mystery Plant is a pollinator favorite! Here's a hint- when you crush the leaves it smells like black licorice!
Can you guess what it is?
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