Issue 111 | July 2019
Your Monthly Access to the
Top Rated Trail Riding Show
in the World,
Best of America by Horseback !
Office Phone : 540-829-9555
Tom's Email:
A Note from Tom Seay
We have had so many questions about folks coming to our farm and home in Culpeper, Virginia for cattle drives and for our annual Gathering of old friends and new ones as well. 

We want to make it easier for you to visit us, so I want to share how we have recently updated our policies. 
First, we do not charge anything for you to come visit us in central Virginia. There is no charge for the electric hook up or parking, even if you are just passing through and need a layover! This is true year round, except during scheduled events or cattle drives. 

Second, many folks want to join our cattle drives but hesitate due to the no refund policy.  We changed that.  To join any cattle drive, simply call the office and reserve a spot with a small deposit. You can make monthly payments to any amount you wish, or pay nothing else until the event is two weeks off. If you have to postpone, you can just transfer to any other cattle drive over the next year. If we cancel due to weather or any unforeseen reason, we will give you a full refund or allow you to transfer. If there is a postponement by us and you wish a refund, refunds are sent within 30 days after the event date. We want to make it as easy as possible to enjoy a cattle drive. One more thing: if you are traveling more than a state away, we allow you to come in a day or so earlier so you can rest up after a long drive. Did I mention all meals are included as well? That is full sit-down meals at our dining room table at no charge!
This year, Daniel Boone Days will be combined with the Gathering. There is plenty of primitive camping available and your attendance includes access to all of the events. Colonial craftspeople will be on hand to give demonstrations in areas such as blacksmithing, quilting, dutch oven cooking, a trail ride, living history Native American Indian Village, authentic to the exact spot of an 8,000 village site, seminars, the grand picnic under the old walnut trees in the yard, and more! The whole event is always just a grand old time; please consider joining us. Just call Lisa in the office at 540-829-9555 and come visit.
Friends old and new come together in Tom and Pat's backyard at Andora Farm
One more thing: We are updating our birthday list. So many people move or change numbers, it is sometimes hard to get through to folks. If I have not called anyone on their birthday, it is because they have not given us a date and number. If you are not on our list, please let me know and I welcome the opportunity to call you.  I enjoy calling people to keep up with what they are doing, to be informed with illness or problems, or to help in any way. I never talk about business or joining rides. The purpose is to truly check on you and to visit with you. As we update our list, make sure you and each member of your family are included. It means a great deal to me and I trust it is something you enjoy as well. If you are not sure if you are on the list or have made a change in numbers or family contacts for us, give the office a call. 

As always, you can contact me direct at my personal email:    I read and answer every email, so be patient if it takes me a day or so to answer any email.

Tom Seay
Where should Tom Seay trail ride next?
Join Us at Events Across the Country
Back Country Horsemen (BCHND)
Medora, ND - August 2-4

Tom Seay and Best of America by Horseback are teaming up with the Back Country Horsemen of North Dakota for this spectacular ride at Bar X Ranch just outside Medora, ND. Come along with us as we take in the scenic views of the Badlands and explore trails that link up to the Theodore Roosevelt National Park!

Call 540-829-9555 for reservations.

Cattle Drive Weekend
Culpeper, VA - August 23-24

Why Go West? Tom and Pat Seay have been asking this question since they were outfitters in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Now, they invite guests to enjoy the cowboy way of life at their own horse and cattle farm, Andora Farm . Learn to work cattle on horseback from Tom himself and enjoy hot Southern meals each night.

Call 540-829-9555 for reservations.

Cook Forest Trail Ride
Clarion, PA - September 17-22

Explore more than 200 miles of trails through woodlands and logging trails in the Allegheny National Forest. Autumn foliage should just be starting, so this will make for a gorgeous ride for you and your horse. You don't want to miss this!

Call 540-829-9555 for reservations -- only primitive campsites remain.

RFD-TV The Ranch
Ribera, NM - September 28-October 1

Book the perfect Southwestern getaway with Tom Seay! Best of America by Horseback is heading for New Mexico this fall to stay at the spectacular RFD-TV The Ranch. Take advantage of their beautifully maintained equine accommodations and ride the National Historic Santa Fe Trail -- the same trail Tom rode during his monumental Transcontinental Trail Ride in 1995!

C all 575-421-3506 for reservations

Oct 3-6:   RFD-TV The Ranch - NM

Oct 9-12:   RFD- TV The Ranch - NM

Oct 18-20:   Daniel Boone Days, The Gathering, & Cattle Drive Weekend - VA **only primitive camping remains**

Nov 14th-16th: S henandoah Valley Equine Expo - VA

June 26-28 : Mackinac Island - MI
Be Part of the Best of America by Horseback Family Cookbook
Best of America by Horseback is looking for folks to submit their absolute favorite campfire cooking treat, cowboy dishes from the trail, or that special, Southern-style recipe your family can't live without.

Tom and Pat Seay will also be sharing a few of their favorite recipes with you, including some of the traditional dishes served at Andora Farm cattle drives!

These recipes and more would be included in a Best of America by Horseback family cookbook, available to the public this autumn-- just in time for Christmas.

To be included in the cookbook, please send recipes via email to .

Please include the following:

  • Recipe's title
  • Ingredients list
  • Cooking instructions (including times and temperatures, if applicable)
  • Your name & state
  • OPTIONAL - a high quality photo of your dish
  • OPTIONAL - a small personal or family history connected to the recipe
Best of America by Horseback is Proudly Sponsored by Priefert
Priefert's Ponderosa Fence offers you the convenience of no-weld fencing that is easy to install and easy to maintain. All steel components are powder coated to provide a beautiful and durable finish that does not require re-painting down the road. Our line of fencing products are used around the world and even line the ranch of Country Music Legend George Strait!
32 Tips for Transporting Your Horse
by Carole Herder

Preparation is Prevention
More than 50% of the injuries horses sustain in transportation are to the lower limbs. Ranging in severity, from treatable surface wounds to irreparable impairment, the main causes are scrambling, loss of balance and conflict with other horses. With less frequency are collisions, fires, over-turned trailers, trappings, falling and tying up. Although daunting, it is your responsibility to be aware of the risks for accidents and injuries and do the best you can to prepare for anything. You don’t want to be the one responsible for something that could have been prevented. Equally consider your own aptitude and preparation, your trailer safety and maintenance and your horses’ emotional and physical well-being. 
  • Be aware of the location of vets and large animal rescue teams along your route
  • Make sure you have all required documentation and insurance coverage
  • Check all regulations and health requirements
  • Carry a First Aid Kit and know how to use it
  • Learn how to drive with the extra weight behind you and take it easy. Don’t be bullied into driving faster
  • Ensure you are well rested, stay alert and avoid any distractions
  • Know your vehicle and read the owner’s manual

  • Check your brakes, wheels, landing poles and jacks. Lubricate as required
  • Replace batteries as required for lights, safety breakaway and camera monitors
  • Check your tire tread and pressure
  • Check your shocks. The vibration of travel can aggravate your horses’ joints, muscular and skeletal structure, making your horse sore and stiff. Always use Cavallo Transport Air Boots to absorb the shock of road travel
  • Make sure the inside of your trailer is clean and free of infestations, odors and bacteria
  • Make sure your flooring is solid with no soft or rusted areas
  • Check your hinges, doors, openings, side walls and roof for any problems
  • Cover protrusions like bolts or nuts with soft protective material
  • We assume that anyone reading this would not try loading a horse without proper training. If your horse won’t load, you need to increase the training. Never use anything like forceful electric prods to get the job done. Succumbing to short term measures rarely end well for the horse
  • Horses are herd animals. Transportation in compatible groups gives them emotional comfort. I have a friend whose horse suffered during a tire blowout, sustaining an injury and confined in the trailer until the road was closed and he could safely exit. He became very reluctant to enter a trailer after that. My friend installed mirrors to reflect him as a “companion” for himself, which seemed to provide the comfort of a herd and make the trailer more inviting
  • Always protect your horse’s feet with Cavallo Transport Air Boots. These will ensure proper traction to prevent scrambling and minimize the impact of any incident
  • The sound of road travel is strange for some horses, so make sure it is not increased by things like clanking chains and squeaks in your trailer. Try to keep his immediate environment quiet
  • Avoid respiratory problems and shipping fever by maximize fresh air circulation. It obviously becomes a bigger problem if there is little wind or frequent stops. Installing a fan may help
  • Remove soiled bedding often
  • As a horse’s survival instinct is to flee, restraint can increase worry and compromise the immune system. Unfit hoofs are a major source of anxiety. Another concern is restriction of their head and neck
  • Horses balance well and rest in a head down position, carrying their weight on the front quarters and resting one hind leg. Consider allowing a head free position in your trailer
  • There is some evidence that horses balance better facing in the opposite direction of travel
  • Allow room for your male horse to stretch out his hind quarters to urinate
  • Many of us are hesitant to use wraps or boots for fear of the leg overheating or the wraps coming undone. Simply use Transport Air Boots to prevent metal shoes from being pulled off or causing other damage to legs or your trailer
  • If your horse is uncomfortable, feels vulnerable, threatened or overly confined, he can refuse to eat or drink which can result in colic and gastro problems. Dehydration may be avoided by sprinkling a little salt on the grain to keep them thirsty
  • Not only is your horse vulnerable to the physical strain of road travel, but emotional stress and nervousness can be far-reaching. I always recommend feeding magnesium. It has a calming effect and can also keep them defecating
  • Always ensure their buckets are clean and fresh and the contents neither too warm nor cold. You might bring along their own familiar bucket from home
  • A couple of weeks before you depart, you could start including something like apple juice, apple cider vinegar or even a drink mix powder like Gatorade, so that this familiar taste carries through when the water taste changes
  • Usually if they are drinking, they will eat. If your horse loves his hay, bring as much familiar hay from home as you can
  • Rather than removing the metal shoes before a trip to prevent injury, you can now use your Cavallo Transport Air for overall protection, increased traction and shock absorption
Cattle Drive Weekends

Enjoy a weekend in the great outdoors, full of beautiful views and working cattle with Tom and Pat Seay. This is the perfect adventure for riders and horses of any experience level, whether you've worked with cattle before or not. 

August 23-24, 2019
September 13-14, 2019
October 19-20, 2019** primitive camping available!
November 1-2, 2019

April 10-11, 2020
April 17-18, 2020
May 8-9, 2020
May 15-16, 2020
June 5-6, 2020
July 24-25, 2020
July 31-August 1, 2020
September 25-26, 2020
October 2-3, 2020
October 30-31, 2020
November 6-7, 2020
Daniel Boone Days Celebration

Frontiersman Daniel Boone and his family lived and worked within a mile of what is now known as Andora Farm during the Cherokee Indian Wars, hauling tobacco to neighboring ports. We celebrate this each fall with Daniel Boone Days, a weekend where folks can explore the farm and learn about colonial Virginia by interacting with local historians, craftspeople, and artisans.

Attractions include:
wagon rides to the living history Mountain Man encampment, a Native American historian, educational booths where you can see colonial craft-folk in action, such as a blacksmith, quilters, spinners and weavers, candle making, soap making, pottery, and more. Many of these booths will even have one-of-a-kind items for purchase.

The public is welcome to come out and enjoy the colonial celebration. Join us October 18-20th, 2019 for Daniel Boone Days!
Team Penning Practice

Every Friday, weather permitting
Now - November 1st

Horseback riders in teams of three work together to separate numbered cattle from the herd as fast as they can. Tom and Pat Seay have been hosting team penning events in Virginia for more than 20 years.
Experience the cowboy way of life on the east coast!
Call our office to plan your next visit to the farm
Bad Things Happen to Good People
by Nancy Spoolstra, DVM
I met my friend Sandy last summer when my boyfriend Alan and I spent a week riding and camping at Grand Lake, Colorado. She’s a California gal, quite an accomplished rider. She fox hunts and rides dressage. She and her friend Sandra leased the campground trailer which provided access to more distant trail heads. They invited Alan and me to join them. I wrote about that ride  here , and it is quite the tale of surviving the Rockies on the Finnster!
A week ago, Sandy posted a photo on Facebook. Clearly, it was not a photo any of her friends wanted to see. The photo depicted Sandy in a hospital bed. The caption read: When horsing around goes sideways…

Sandy had been walking a 17 year old Quarter horse, just to give him some easy exercise. The week prior to her major accident, they had encountered a barking dog that rushed at them. In response, the horse reared up, and she went off. She suffered road rash and bruising; however, she had no major injuries. Fast forward to the next week. She had barely left the barn when they encountered some men working. The gelding reared again, only this time he went over backwards. Unfortunately, this time he came down on top of Sandy. She believes his right hip landed on her left pelvic region. She heard a “crack!”. Immediately, she did a “body check” and noted she could feel and move all of her limbs. Next, she got into “all fours” position and subsequently decided she didn’t want to lie back down.

The men immediately responded and called 911. At the hospital, she endured a battery of tests. The results indicated a broken pelvis, two cracked vertebrae, and a hematoma in her pelvic region. She will return to riding, but not for about 6 months. There will be no fox hunting for her this fall. She is incredibly fortunate that she will not have long term consequences.
Sandy had seen the Emergency tags that Alan and I were wearing last summer. She commented on what a great idea they were. But as she told me recently, she just never got around to ordering one and really wished she had. A woman witnessed the first incident, but Sandy said if it had been more serious, she realized the woman would have had no idea who Sandy was or what to do. The second accident resulted in an ambulance ride. The EMT’s were able to get some information from Sandy, but what if she were unconscious or unresponsive?

Garry Bass is a Kansas EMT, and also the official photographer for  Best of America by Horseback.  It was his feedback that resulted in the addition of the Red Cross logo to the second generation  Emergency Medical Tags . He states that when an EMT is initially assessing a patient, there are 3 possibilities. Is the patient alert, responsive and talking? Are they awake and talking but delirious and not making sense? Or, are they unconscious?

Garry says that in 2 out of 3 of those scenarios, having access to medical history and information could be critical. First responders are trained to look for a medical ID bracelet or other medical information as part of their initial assessment. Does the patient have a heart condition and take blood thinners? Are they allergic to morphine or certain antibiotics? What is their blood type? Garry states, “From the perspective of an EMT, it is extremely valuable to have medical information available. It can make a significant difference in our course of medical action.” Tom Seay of Best of America by Horseback is so committed to the concept that riders should have medical information available that BOABH has partnered with  ID MyHorse  to encourage the use of the tags.

Yes, I have a vested interest in these tags. However, I also have a vested interest in my friends, my horse and my health. I created them for my demographic! I noted that one of my friends had a copy of her driver’s license attached to her saddle. That would certainly provide her name if she were in an accident and unresponsive, but little else. I intend to ride as long as I can. If I have a horse wreck, I want prompt, efficient and appropriate treatment. I want to be able to get back on my horse as soon as possible! Pray you never need one of these, but be ready if you do. Sandy has ordered hers already!
We'll be back with part three of the five part series Does Your Horse Respect You? next month. You can read more on Nancy's blog here .

ID MyHorse Emergency Tags are available for purchase here .
Special Deal - 37% Off
For a limited time only, purchase an ID MyHorse Emergency Rider tag and get the Horse tag for just $10.05! That's you and your horse's tags for only $30 .

Previously owned by radio personality Don Imus and his family, the RFD-TV The Ranch sprawls across over 3,000 acres and is the perfect southwestern getaway. Amenities include trails for horseback riding and walking, sport shooting, bass fishing, outdoor games, and a crystal blue pool for cooling off after a long day in the New Mexico sun. There is also a large, family-style gathering area in the Hacienda (pictured below) as well as a game room and library.

The Ranch has rodeo arenas and beautifully maintained equine facilities for your own horses, but you can also choose to ride one of the ranch's own horses along the trails. Part of the National Historic Santa Fe Trail runs right through the property. Tom Seay traveled this very part of the trail during his Atlantic to Pacific Trail Ride!
Overnight accommodations can be made in their Old West Town or guests can spring for a luxurious stay in their gorgeous adobe Hacienda, both pictured below.

Finding the right time to book your ideal stay at RFD-TV The Ranch is easier than ever with several dates and special reduced rates for Best of America by Horseback in New Mexico available this year. Choose your stay below!

Sept 28-Oct 1
Oct 3-6
Oct 9-12
Reservations should be made with
RFD-TV The Ranch directly.
To book accommodations, simply call or visit
Guests can stay overnight in the Hacienda
The Ranch has its very own Old West Town
The Hacienda features a warm, spacious, family-style living room.
Tom Seay's Tennessee Log Home is For Sale
Jamestown, Tennessee is known for horses and trail riding with The Big South Fork Recreation Area, East Fork Stables, Pickett State Park and other nearby horse camping areas.

Tom’s log home is in the gated equestrian community known as “The Highlands”. This community has 23 miles of designated horse trails on private property that will always be there and open to The Highlands property owners. These shaded trails lead riders through the woods, past streams and natural outcroppings with beautiful views of the gorge. Other equestrian communities have no trails with only access to trails on neighboring properties that could one day be closed to horses. The trails in The Highlands community will be there for the property owners in perpetuity!
A large, open front porch greets visitors as they approach. The log home has gorgeous high ceilings with wood beams and natural wood floors. An open floor plan makes this cabin great for entertaining friends and family, and wood cabinets in the kitchen add to the home's rustic feel. There is a beautiful natural gas stove in the living room that conveys with the home.

The Master bedroom is downstairs and features carpet and lots of natural light. The en suite bathroom features a large vanity and sink, and a full size bathtub and shower. The home's washer and dryer are also conveniently located in the Master bathroom.  
Master bedroom
Master bathroom
Upstairs, there are two carpeted bedrooms with dormer storage, an open area overlooking the living spaces downstairs with wood floors between the bedrooms that could be made into a nice seating/office area, and a full bathroom with a large vanity, sink, and a full bathtub and shower.
Second bedroom, upstairs
Third bedroom, upstairs
The upstairs full bath
The loft could be an office or seating area
The back of the cabin has a large covered porch that faces the horse barn-- it's perfect for relaxing in the evenings after a long day of riding. There is a two stall barn (with turn out paddocks in the rear) and a storage area located behind the home. You can see your horses from the house. The trail head to 23 miles of private horse trails is just beside the barn. 
Tom Seay's Log Cabin
Jamestown, TN
Sale Price - $299,000
3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms

Please email any questions or inquiries directly to Tom Seay at
Choosing the Right Saddle
A few things to consider:

1.     Is my horse short backed ? If so, you may need a round skirt so as not to restrict your horse's movement. We can help with that decision. 

2.     What is my seat size? There are several formulas on the web that can help with that. I recommend checking at least two or three to make sure that all say the same thing. The best way to determine your seat size is to go sit on saddles and see what feels best to you.

3.     How much stuff am I going to want to carry on my saddle? How may rings do I want and where? Try making a list of items you typically want or need with you on a ride to help you decide.

4.     How long are my legs? What length fenders are comfortable? Most standard length fenders will work well for a inseam length of between 28 and 36”.

5.     How much saddle weight can I lift to saddle my horse? We make an all-leather saddle that is around 25 lbs. before you add a cinch or any other equipment.

6.    Which cinches and saddle pad should I use?  My choice for a cinch is 100% mohair or alpaca, both of which are not as likely to gall your horse, and they hold very well. My personal choice is not neoprene; I would not like to wear a rubber jacket while working if I don’t want to sweat a lot. At Wyoming Saddlery, we offer two different saddle pads. They are both 100% wool. Wool wicks moisture away, which in turn helps in cooling. Wool also has a impact rating much higher than any other pad on the market. Your horse (or in my case, my mule) loves this because it reduces friction at the saddle's pressure points.

7.     How do I know my saddle will fit my horse? We have a fix for that! We have a Saddle Fitting Program that we do through pictures. We send you a saddle tree and will make any adjustment needed to the tree to fit your horse. 

At Wyoming Saddlery, we are a completely custom saddle show. We want you to have exactly what you desire in your saddle. The colors you love, all the rings needed to tie stuff on, any little special branding, you name it. As I often tell customers, you dream it up and we will build it.
Have you had an awesome trail riding experience with Tom Seay and Best of America by Horseback? We want to hear about it!

Trail Club Members are invited to jump into the spotlight each month by sharing stories from the trail with us. Simply email and tell us about your trail ride.

To become a Trail Club Member, call our office: 540-829-9555
This Month's Giveaway Winners!
Carole Sutcliffe
is the July 2019 Winner of
one bottle of
Sue & Scott Kieser
is the July 2019 Winner of
one pair of Trek Hoof Boots from
Equinutrix Fly Shield
Fly Shield Spray is designed to topically provide long lasting natural protection from biting insects. The botanical formula is ideal for use in horses and dogs to repel against biting insects while nourishing sensitive skin. It is gentle enough for daily use and NON-TOXIC.
  • Ideal for any setting where biting insects may cause discomfort or distraction
  • Easy to use spray bottle
  • Easy to use
  • Comprehensive formula helps deter biting insects
  • Contains Citronella Oil, an ingredient proven to work more efficiently than Permethrin and Pyrethrin spray concentrates

Learn more about Equinutrix Fly Shield Spray by visiting their website .
Rides for a Good Cause
Join us November 8-10, 2019
for a ride benefiting
Tallapoosa Girls Ranch
in Alabama

The Alabama Sheriff's Girls Ranches provide homes for girls in need of support. These facilities also provide extracurricular activities, mental health care, and meals for the residents. 100% of the proceeds generated will go directly to the Tallapoosa Girls Ranch!

Call 256-872-1535 to join the ride or donate

Join us April 24-26, 2020
for a ride benefiting
Horses for Hope
in North Carolina

Horses for Hope is a nonprofit organization that provides services like therapeutic riding for individuals with disabilities as well as horsemanship lessons and a variety of riding lessons. 100% of the proceeds will go directly to Horses for Hope!

Call 919-270-4832 to join the ride or donate
The Painted Pony
West Plains, Missouri
The Painted Pony is a country store specializing in horse tack, country and rustic decor, and crafts in West Plains. Owned and operated by Sally Williams-Hickman, the store has a variety of western style merchandise to choose from and even has a Member of the Month Club!

When you're riding in southern Missouri, stop in to see Sally and support a small business.

The Painted Pony
1621 Porter Wagoner Blvd, West Plains, MO
(417) 256-1690
Open Tuesday through Saturday
Watch Your Favorite Trail Riding TV Show
Two Chances to Watch!
Episodes air Tuesdays & Thursdays on RFD-TV
Look for BOABH
all week long!
Episodes air
Monday-Friday on
The Cowboy Channel

You can always watch the latest episodes
or re-watch your favorite destinations
from our website or on our YouTube channel!
Upcoming Episodes on RFD-TV
July 25 History of Tom Seay's Andora Farm - VA
July 30  History of Tom Seay's Andora Farm - VA 
August 1 Lincoln's Ride to the White House
August 6   Lincoln's Ride to the White House
August 8  Land Between the Lakes - KY |  NEW!  
August 13  Land Between the Lakes - KY |  NEW!  
August 15 Cross Florida Greenways - FL
August 20   Cross Florida Greenways - FL