We hope you will join us for our AGM as we report on the happenings of our 2019 fiscal year. This years meeting is going to be primarily an information meeting and will go through the basic business of the CSA for fiscal year 2019, as well as the introduction of the 2020-21 CSA board of directors. During the CSA AGM we will also be holding the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation (FCSF) Annual General Meeting.
IGS is holding a webinar on July 16
th at 5pm Mountain Time. This webinar will be focused on how breeders can impact their EPD to make them the most meaningful reflection of their genetics possible.
On behalf of the Foundation we would like to thank all of the donators who have stepped up to donate an item in all of our past Auctions, purchased an auction item or have donated to the Foundation separately.
Since our very first Foundation Auction in 2007, your generous support has ensured funding towards education, research and youth in agriculture continues and has made our past auctions and program a huge success. Although the auction isn't taking place for 2020, donations to the Foundation are always welcome and a charitable tax receipt will be provided.
A look at our Past Foundation Auctions
YCSA's Annual AGM will take place by webinar
Please join us on
Saturday July 18th @ 1:00 PM MST
Important September Simmental Commercial Country Deadline!
The next issue of Canadian Simmental Country magazine is the final Commercial Country issue for 2020. With its expanded circulation the Commercial Country goes out to past commercial bull buyers in addition to our regular readers. No Canadian beef magazine is received by as many Canadian cattle producers for the price of your ad.
Ad booking deadline: August 1st
Camera-ready ad deadline: August 10th
Contact Sue Giles to book your space or for any Member Announcements