Kitchen Angels   |    1222 Siler Road  Santa Fe, NM  87507   |    505.471.7780
Halo Headlines w/ Clouds
JULY 2020
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Thank you for your on-going dedication and support of Kitchen Angels and the community of Santa Fe.

  KA Color Logo

1 Year
Barbara Shelton
Frank Shelton
Dave Misconish
Jack Kelleher
John Lippe
Scott Werner
Linda Williams
Mary Ann Salomone
Meg Wiezwa
Roger Donahue
Roxie Nichols
Sherry Sorensen
Valana Fritchie
 5 Years  
Magdalena Colton 

The future depends on what you do today. 


After much preparation and training, KITCHENALITY has reopened! You may have been one
Thanks Tamara, for training Fran and other returning volunteers on our new protocols.
of the lucky volunteers who got to shop during the "soft opening" when we fine-tuned all of our safety practices.  The Kitchen Angels phone has been ringing off the hook with shoppers who can't stay away any longer, and now they don't have to! 

Please help spread the word that our hours are now 10am - 2pm, Monday through Saturday. We are letting only five masked customers into the store at a time. Gloves are required, and shoppers will need to keep 6-feet distance at all times.

We're grateful for the brave group of volunteers who are willing to maintain all the new risk-reducing protocols that help keep everyone
Melanie and Kate processing donations. 
safe. It's not easy to train our brains to perform new behaviors, and then pass those on to the general public in a kind but firm fashion. We are impressed by your willingness to show up in these strange new times.

Many thanks to the folks who have been donating and to those who are ready to shop. Donations have been pouring in after people spent months indoors, going through their things and finding treasures they no longer use.

As part of our commitment to making sure shopping in KITCHENALITY is as safe as possible, Kitchen Angels joined Santa Fe Safe, an initiative of the Chamber of Commerce promoting best risk-reducing practices for customers and staff. Look for the logo at local businesses or check out their site to see which businesses are participating.  

We Want Your Paper Bags

I t's time to start returning gently-used paper bags to Kitchen Angels. During the past few months, we've been purchasing all of the grocery bags we use for single-use meal delivery. Early on, we didn't know how long the virus lived on paper surfaces.  
Monday delivery prep volunteer Cecily, filling those bags with nutritious meals.
That prevented us from reusing bags. Now that research is showing a lower transmission rate via surfaces such as paper, we are able to safely reuse bags. Please ask your clients if they have any bags you can take back to Kitchen Angels. You can drop them off at the loading dock during delivery pick-up, or in the entry vestibule if you aren't a delivery volunteer. We will set the bags aside for a week before reusing them to make sure they're ready for use.

Thank you for collecting bags for us once again!
Tasty TidbitsTastyTidbits

As we start getting into the hotter summer months, ice cream tends to be on people's minds more and more!
Turns out, National Ice Cream Month starts July 1. For those of you who like making ice cream at home, Cooking Channel's website has a great selection of creative ice cream flavors and recipes. Get fancy with some pumpkin stracciatella gelato or put a twist on a classic with roasted strawberry and buttermilk ice cream. Top those delicious homemade ice creams with the easiest and most decadent hot fudge. It takes ten minutes to make and you probably already have the ingredients right in your pantry. 
Want to combine a love of ice cream with your Fourth of July celebrations? Take a page out of the Mount Vernon recipe book and make a modern-day version of the peach ice cream George Washington himself dined on - probably made by his cook Hercules Posey.
For those not a fan of dairy, try a specialty found right here in New Mexico: paletas! Paletas or Hispanic popsicles, can be fruity, spicy, or creamy, but are always perfect for hot summer days. A great recipe blog called The Other Side of the Tortilla has several great paleta recipes: fresas con crema , mangonada , and mango peach to name just a few.
If you're tired of cooking, then stop by one of the local paleterías. Paleteria Oasis has a location in the Design Center in downtown Santa Fe. Albuquerque has even more palaterías to choose from. There is the new Paleta Bar with locations all over Albuquerque ; Pop Fizz, which has a drive-through in the North Valley; and La Michoacana De Paquime, a classic mom and pop shop just outside the Nob Hill area.
Volunteer OpportunitiesVolunteerOpportunities 

We always welcome new volunteers! Here are our current opportunities:

Substitute Delivery Drivers (4:30 - 6:30pm)
  • M, W, Th, FR

Substitute Kitchen Volunteers (M-F)

  • AM (10am - 12pm)
  • PM (1pm - 3pm)

 Kitchenality Volunteers (10am - 2pm)


We're making sure KITCHENALITY is the safest place to shop
in Santa Fe!

We are recruiting volunteers who can assist with the reopening of Kitchenality. We are looking for volunteers who are:


Flexible - Able to adapt to a changing environment and have flexible schedules.


Personable - Capable of being firm and friendly to all different personality types and can give clear directions with kind words.


Trainable - Can take and follow directions without difficulty.


Physically Capable - Able to work a 4-hour shift wearing a mask and can hear others from 6-feet away.


If you are interested in assisting - even just for a few weeks while we get our processes in place, we welcome your help! We will be recruiting throughout the larger community eventually, but it would help to have some current volunteers who already know how to safely be in a shared space. Please                                                        contact Lauren if you have some time to spare. Thank you!
Continuing EducationContinuingEducation  
Ahmed Obo of Jambo Cafe -  
supporting Kitchen Angels for 
eight years. 
As things begin to slowly re-open, many of us are beginning to reevaluate the things we really need in life. For some, this might mean reexamining our spending habits. Lockdowns and quarantine have certainly changed the way many of us have been spending our money. Earlier this year, as household supplies like toilet paper became scarce, giant retailers Costco and Amazon did a booming business selling essentials.
But now it might be time to start spending money more locally.
Ras Rody's Jamaican Vegan -  
food with heart. 
So, where can you spend some money in New Mexico that will make a difference in our own community? Try food. 

Edible New Mexico has an ever evolving list of
Black-owned food businesses in New Mexico, each one deserving of support.   They also have a large "How to Find Local Provisions" list that spans the entire state. Just remember to pick up the food yourself to avoid the pricey delivery services like GrubHub and DoorDash. Often, delivery services deliver food without the original restaurant's consent meaning that you might not get the food or the service that you want. Click here to learn more.  
What about other lockdown activities? During the hot summer months, many of us might want to go swimming, maybe at a friend's home or one of the many public pools once they re-open. The New York Times has a primer for whether or not it's safe to go back in the water. The CDC also has a helpful list of swimming pool health requirements for every state, just in case swimming is your thing.
Even with the summer in full swing, you might be feeling a little stir-crazy and maybe even a little lonely. CNet has an article about how loneliness could be changing both your brain and body. One way to banish any summertime sadnes s is by forming a "germ circle" or as the New York Times called it recently a social pod: specific people with whom you don't live, but whom you trust to social distance so you can hang out together without worry. Maybe even, gasp, hug!
Still feeling down? Well sit down with some of that local takeout and watch Some Good News with John Krasinki, guaranteed to cheer you up with thoughtful and happy stories from around the globe.  
Community ConnectionsCommunityConnections   
Thank you ARTsmart New Mexico for donating 5% of sales from ceramic platters and plates to Kitchen Angels. In addition to a generous monetary donation, we were also gifted a beautiful Dia de los Muertos platter by Enrique Marquez from E.J.  Martinez Elementary School

We encourage and support kid's art education and are happy to partner with ARTsmart New Mexico. If you would like to support ARTsmart and Kitchen Angels by purchasing a hand-painted platter, click here .
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! Thanks
Kay must be seeing dots by now.

We want to give thanks for our behind the scenes volunteers who keep things running smoothly from day to day. Kay Jenkins, Juliana Lujan, Collen Carias and Jane Prouty are performing tough tasks which lighten Jeanette's, Lauren's and Joe's work loads. This assistance is especially welcomed in the past four months. Thank you ladies! 
Kay comes in at least three times a week and does the painstaking work of correctly dotting client slips. Highlighting numbers and allergens, using different methods for each day of the week, and remembering all the tiny details - this is no small task. We're grateful for your sharp eye and patience with the process. Jeanette is happy to have some extra time on her hands to tend to other tasks since you've taken over the dotting.   
Colleen keeping the ball rolling. 
Colleen volunteers for delivery prep on Tuesdays and also helps prepare the entree checklists on Friday. This is yet another detail-oriented job that takes time and precision. Since she began volunteering at Kitchen Angels a little over a year ago, we've had Colleen doing lots of different volunteer tasks. Turns out she excels at all of them! We're grateful for her adaptability, and the speed and accuracy she brings to her various jobs.     
Juliana - is that a wink or are you giving us stink-eye?
Juliana is a "Jane of all Trades" here at Kitchen Angels. She comes in three-days a week. On  Wednesdays Juliana loads salads, fruit, shakes, desserts, and fresh entrees into the meal bags for our clients living outside                                                      the delivery area. Thursdays will find her volunteering for the AM kitchen shift. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays she prepares the checklists and sets up grocery bags. We love how Juliana sanitizes surfaces all over the building - just because you can never be too clean and careful! Thanks for going above and beyond. 
Jane keeping it cool with the frozen meals - every week
Jane starts off the week early in the morning - rolling rack after rack of frozen meals into the delivery room. She carefully loads a week's-worth of meals into thermal bags for our frozen meal program. After that, Jane does inventory for all of the remaining frozen meals, consolidating trays, and moving each tray up the rack in the best FIFO fashion (First In/First Out) so no meal hits its expiration date. Starting in March, Kitchen Angels began building up our frozen meal stock in case of an emergency. We have over 1,200 meals in the deep freeze, so keeping the meals organized is a huge undertaking for one person. You're doing an excellent job Jane - thank you!  
Together with everyone's help, we're fulfilling our mission and making sure Santa Fe is well-fed.
Kitchen Angels | 505-471-7780 | |
1222 Siler Road
Santa Fe, NM 87507