Dear Valued Customer,
During the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, Clackamas Water Environment Services (WES) continues to protect your health and our shared environment, while also moving forward with projects to strengthen our services.
Expansions and upgrades are progressing at our two largest wastewater treatment facilities, which clean a combined seven billion gallons of wastewater each year. Completion of these projects will ensure that we'll be able to serve the needs of a growing population for decades to come.
Since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, WES employees have adjusted to new safety guidelines and schedule changes to make sure the services you depend on each day continue uninterrupted.
This includes WES field crews who maintain nearly 370 miles of sewer pipes, and annually inspect and clean 2,500 structures that capture polluted storm runoff before it reaches area waterways. The WES Operations Team controls and maintains five facilities that treat tens of millions of gallons of wastewater every day, before safely returning the cleaned water to the river.
As Clackamas County moves forward with reopening plans in accordance with the Governor’s direction, WES continues to adjust our customer service hours. In this newsletter, you will learn when we are offering public access to WES offices. You’ll also find out how we've made it easier and safer for you to pay your bills online.
Due to financial hardships caused by COVID-19, we'll continue our policy of not charging late fees for unpaid wastewater or surface water bills for the duration of the crisis. We’ll also work with customers to develop reasonable repayment plans.
Please continue to follow all safety recommendations. Protect yourself and your loved ones.
Greg Geist,
WES Director