" Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love ."
1 John 4: 7,8

Dear friends and Family,

We bring you warm greetings from Bethlehem with hope and prayer that all of you are staying safe and living under the protection and grace of our good Lord, Jesus Christ. During times like these, the whole world has been going through the dark cloud that the globe didn't see in a century. Yet, we believe that we will be able to survive it together, in the caution and care but also in brotherly love as well. It’s not easy for a family that loves each other to maintain social distancing and communicate only on a virtual platform, yet love has no boundaries and this is our trust for you our friends, that the love of God will abound in you and us and reach the hurting world we are living in. Please continue to love the people around you, showing them the love of Christ that is poured in our lives. Please accept again our gratitude and know that because of your love and support to us, we are able not only to survive amidst such turmoil and pandemic but also thrive and offer God’s love to those around us. 

Blessings to all,
Rev. Dr. Jack Y. Sara
President of Bethlehem Bible College
I am a Light in the World
"The College helped me to grow in my Christian faith and in my understanding of the Bible in a personal way."

Meet Paul Kawkabany, an Online Biblical Studies' student from Lebanon.
The Sin of Annexation
The recently proposed plan to annex the remnant of the Palestinian territories of the West Bank is just another episode in the series of Palestinian land thefts and expulsion of its indigenous people.

The Book of Revelation and Corona

Is the Coronavirus considered part of the End Times and God’s judgment? In other words, is God punishing humanity for their sins by sending the Coronavirus?

Our Teachers Overseas
Once again, we are sending out our best. Two of our faculty members have been accepted into doctoral programs and will be continuing their higher education overseas.

Arabic for Internationals
Since this coronavirus pandemic started, most of our visitors canceled their trips, thus, we thought it would be a great idea to keep them connected to the College by learning Arabic.
  • for the new batch of students, and for more students to join the BA program on campus. 
  • for our online students who are studying hard this summer (70 of them). 
  • that the Lord will continue to use us as witnesses for His love to our community. 
  • for our new educational programs to be a blessing to our students here and around the globe. 
  • for our financial needs to be met so we can continue to thrive amidst these difficult days.