Women must vote.
Violence hits women every day – economic violence and physical and sexual violence.
On the job – we are injured when we are paid wages lower than men who are doing the same work with the same training and experience.
Women are paid less than men in every age group and across all education levels. Women continue to be more likely to be poor. And if they are poor, and particularly for women of color, they are likely to have responsibility – alone – for housing, feeding and clothing children. During this pandemic and economic collapse, women account for more than half of jobs lost as shutdowns of school and child-care force many to quit to manage children.
As reported in
The Washington Post
, “Because many people of color have jobs that are deemed essential, the lack of child-care access becomes yet another side effect of the pandemic that has disproportionately affected American minorities."
This economic violence should not be tolerated. It is against the law to pay unequal wages. Wage discrimination is illegal.
And yet thousands of companies –thousands of employers – knowingly pay women less, every day. Companies are breaking the law every day.
Women must vote and vote for leaders who will strengthen fair wage laws and – just as importantly - strengthen the agencies that enforce those laws!
VOTE to protect and strengthen women’s access to fair wages at work.
Many women also face violence every day at home.
Violence against women is rampant in our city and county and country. Our president, our vice president and our Congress are essential to keeping money flowing to critical services that help women who are trapped in this violence and to prosecute and hold batterers accountable.
We must vote to put leaders in place at every level, including the Tennessee legislature and in Congress, who care about our wages, care about fairness and care about our safety.
Fight violence against women – fight for women. VOTE!
Vote early by Aug. 1 or on Primary Election Day Aug. 6.