Reopening in Progress, Hygieia, Virtual Wellness and the Lion's Breath!
JULY 2020
Clinic Update on Reopening Progress

(as of June 29th)

CURRENT HOURS (with Rachel):

Mondays 12-5
Tuesdays 12-5
Wednesdays 9-2
Fridays 9-2

Beginning July 23rd, Anne Louise will be returning and her regular clinic hours will resume as follows, in addition to mine:

Thursdays 2-7
Fridays 3-7
Saturdays 8-2

We may increase hours in the future, but for now we are going to keep them as is, while we adjust to all of the changes and added precautions being taken. Note that space is limited due to the new protocols.


New patient appointments will resume the week of July 20th, provided we have the proper protocols in place. The website and Mindbody scheduling system will be updated once initial visit appointments are available for booking.


We sent out a protocols email recently, but in case you missed it, we are including a link here:

We have also created an Infection Control Plan; in other words - What Happens If A Client or Practitioner Tests Positive Who Comes to the Clinic - click HERE for more information



MASKS are Required , to not only protect yourself, but protect those around you.

WASH your hands when you arrive, using the bathrooms on the third floor. Hand sanitizers are available in addition, as needed, throughout the clinic area.

BRING your own blanket or eye pillow if you wish to use one during your treatment.

Stay home if you are sick.

Please let us know if you test positive for COVID and have been at the clinic within the previous three days. We have a plan in place and are following the recommended guidelines, to keep us all safe. See the link above for more information.

We have an AMAZING new air purifier running at the clinic 24/7.

Robust Cleaning and Disinfecting Protocols are in place, included in the above Protocols link.

air purifier
Meet Hygieia, our Latest Addition to the Clinic!

In addition to the wonderful air-purifying properties that our beloved trees, Sebastian and Oscar, bring to the clinic, we now have the addition of Hygieia , bringing with her the latest in technology to help clean and purify the air while you have your acupuncture treatment.

Hygieia is the name we've given to our new air purifier , a specialized air purification system that uses PECO, or Photo Electrochemical Oxidation to destroy pollutants in the air.

From the website of the company, Molekule:

"Developed over two decades by research scientists, PECO is an innovative technology that utilizes free radicals —the same radicals used to destroy cancer cells—to break down pollutants at a molecular level, including VOCs, bacteria, mold, viruses, and allergens. By using nanotechnology, PECO is able to destroy pollutants 1000 times smaller than the standard filters must meet to qualify as HEPA."

This reputable company values scientific disclosure, and includes their testing and scientific data reports on their website . Check it out if you're interested.

Hygieia was the goddess of good health, cleanliness and hygiene in Greek mythology, and we welcome her esteemed presence at the clinic to help us all to breathe easier, and breathe cleaner air.

Virtual Integrative Health
- See what Katie is offering these days!

Online Consultations for Acupressure & Meridian Self-Massage, Herbal Medicine, Supplements and Nutrition for Overall Wellness
Katie Oleksak, Lic. Ac. (our colleague and beloved former acupuncturist here at NCA) is now offering one-on-one guidance to patients online. This includes instruction for at-home, do-it-yourself acupressure and meridian massage, herbal medicine, supplements & nutritional guidance for preventative medicine and overall wellness.

As a practitioner, her process would be to gain an overall understanding of the specific needs of each patient. Patients may follow up for continuity of care with ongoing questions or concerns. Her goal is to empower and educate patients to take charge of their health.

For questions, inquiries and to make an appointment, please follow the website link below!

Rachel Condon, Lic. Ac.

One of the silver linings for me during this challenging COVID quarantine time is that I finally developed a daily yoga practice. One of the fun and new (to me) practices that my teacher likes to use is a breathing technique, or pranayama, called the Lion's Breath. Some of you yogis will already be familiar with this practice, but here is an explanation and a video, for those who are curious.

This is the definition from yogapedia:

"Lion's Breath is a type of pranayama (breathing technique), used to release stress and tension from the body and mind. Although Lion’s Breath is generally practiced in simhasana (Lion Pose), it can be performed in any comfortable and stable position, whether seated or standing. The breath involves a forceful exhalation from the back of the throat, whilst extending the tongue from the mouth and rolling the eyes upwards. This gives the practitioner a fierce, lion-like expression, which alongside the roaring sound of the breath gives this pranayama its name."

So basically, you take a deep breath in, and then a full, big breath out thru the mouth, while you stick your tongue out and look up towards the sky. Sure, you may think you look silly, but you're also releasing heat, stress and tension, and you are being fierce like a lion. What's not to love?

Here's an 11-minute video showing the technique in more detail, by my favorite online yoga teacher, if you're curious. She explains how to do the breathing technique, and the pose that can be used with it, in a silly, playful, down-to-earth kind of way. It's 2020, folks. Life is weird. Let's get weird, and relieve some tension and have fun while we're at it!

Northampton Community Acupuncture 413-586-8251