July 2020

  • New IDDSI Framework images and Audit Tools
  • Access IDDSI globally
  • Updates on German and Chinese Translations
  • Alternate education options during COVID-19
  • IDDSI not on the move
IDDSI Framework Images Approved For Use
In follow-up to our June e-bite regarding what images or information can be used when creating IDDSI materials for websites/webpages, blogs, educational videos, programs and materials, we have developed these IDDSI Framework images which have been approved for use.
The IDDSI Framework with Headline
The IDDSI Framework
A new look and function for the IDDSI Audit Tools

Our IDDSI Audit tools have just been revised and are now available in a “fillable PDF” format. This improvement allows you to save your audit sheets electronically. Thank you to the group of volunteers who tested the forms out for us. The feedback was very positive.
Example of Audit Sheets
Example of the new IDDSI Audit Tools for Liquids Level 0, 1, 2, and 3. You can find this sheet, plus Level 4, 5, 6, and EC7 under the Implementation Resources tab.
Accessing IDDSI Globally

From the beginning, the IDDSI Board of Directors had a vision that the IDDSI would be accessible around the world.  We have been working towards this goal with the support and dedication of numerous volunteers to help with translation of the IDDSI resources and to provide education about IDDSI in various languages through our webinar series. 

We are extremely grateful for the dedication and hard work of all those who have done webinars and worked on our various translations.

If you were not able to attend these sessions, recordings of the following webinars are now available on the IDDSI YouTube channel. Click on each link below to access its recording:

Upcoming webinars include:
  • IDDSI 101 in Chinese
  • IDDSI 101 in Japanese
  • IDDSI 101 in Dutch
  • IDDSI 101 in Arabic

Watch for registration information on the IDDSI website and upcoming e-bites!
IDDSI Translations

Thanks to the hard work of an expert translation team from Austria and Germany, the German translation of the IDDSI Framework/ Descriptors and IDDSI Testing Methods documents is complete.  In addition, the IDDSI posters and Testing Reference cards are also available in German.
Chinese (Traditional & Simplified) – the expert translation team from Hong Kong, Taiwan, China and Singapore have arrived at a consensus for a draft unified Chinese translation of the IDDSI framework.  It is currently undergoing one final review process and will be published shortly.

You can submit your translation feedback through the online forms. We need volunteers to review and provide comments or suggestions. Please take a few minutes of your time to visit: www.iddsi.org/translations
Reminder Alternate Education Options During COVID-19

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many dysphagia conferences/congresses which are normally held “in person” have moved to an online format.  Just a reminder to check out a variety of online resources and education opportunities:

Dysphagia Research Society (DRS).  
DRS  is now offering a webinar series of dysphagia topics. Check out the details at: https://www.dysphagiaresearch.org/general/custom.asp?page=DRSWebinarHomepage

European Society of Swallowing Disorders (ESSD):  The 10 th  ESSD congress will be held as virtual – watch for more information.  http://www.myessd.org/
Japanese Society of Dysphagia Rehabilitation (JSDR)  has postponed their 2020 conference until 2021 where it will convene jointly with the 2 nd  World Dysphagia Summit in Nagoya Japan: http://www.congre.co.jp/jsdr2020/en/index.html
Essential Workers
IDDSI Not on the Move

Due to the Covid -19 Pandemic, IDDSI has been staying at home and we are working  hard on updating resources and supporting our global community “virtually” with IDDSI implementation.

Stay tuned. More activity to follow from around the globe!