Carolina Mountain Club                         Since 1923
eNews  | Hike . Save Trails . Make Friends
July 2020  
In This Issue
Using AllTrails and Gaia GPS
by Jan Onan

Your Outreach and Education Committee is looking for innovative ways we can bring you educational opportunities as we move through this time. Please provide feedback for us so we can continue to provide meaningful content. Furthermore, if you would like to share your knowledge with CMC members, please contact me. In the meantime, enjoy the work of Bob Levy who provided us with these instructional videos for our CMC members.

Using AllTrails and Gaia GPS
Bob Levy has prepared two YouTube videos - one on the use of AllTrails, and a second on the use of Gaia GPS.  The videos cover the following topics: (1) using the apps real-time as you hike; (2) importing and exporting GPS tracks to and from the apps; and (3) creating new hikes and new GPS tracks.

You can access the videos at your convenience.  Here are the links:

Hiker's Guide to Using AllTrails - (29 mins.)

Hiker's Guide to Using Gaia GPS - (26 mins.)

AllTrails and Gaia GPS are available for both iPhone and Android users.  After reviewing a number of hiking apps, Bob selected Gaia to replace MotionX, which is no longer supported by its developer.  Before you watch the videos, it would be helpful to install AllTrails or Gaia on your smartphone.  Bob recommends the free versions until you determine if you need the premium features.  You may also want to establish account logins and passwords for the apps and the related websites, and

Additionally, Bob has posted two written guides on the Carolina Mountain Club public website under Hiking / Resources:  (1) Guide to Using Motion X GPS & All Trails; and (2) Guide to Gaia GPS Hiking Basics.

Outdoor News for the CMC area -  
and more
by Danny Bernstein

By the time you read this, the deadline for comments on the Pisgah-Nantahala Forest plan will have passed. But there's plenty of other outdoor news.

DuPont State Recreational Forest to charge an entrance fee?

With hiking, biking, horse riders and just plain nature lovers, it's predicted that there will be over 900,000 visitors this year in DuPont Forest. So it's no surprise that the NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services are thinking of charging an entrance fee for the forest.

After a lot of discussion and delays, NC Governor Roy Cooper signed  State Bill 390 that will authorize a study to impose entrance fees for DuPont State Recreational Forest. The bill states in part that the commission should set fees to favor North Carolinians and require out-of-staters to pay more. Fair enough, since the state forest is funded by North Carolina taxpayers.

Now that the bill has passed, there's going to be a study. Any recommendation for legislative action needs to ensure that forest fees are only used for the capital, maintenance, and operational needs of the forest. They need to create a plan for a sustainable income stream that will help preserve and protect the forest. The group that will work out the details of the issue will report back August 2021; it's a long time from now.

To read more Outdoor News, click here.

The eNews is published on the first Friday of each month.  Articles are due on the last Friday of the previous month. S end your news to  [email protected]Please limit articles to no more than 1,000 words.  You may send up to two photos as jpg attachments.

To join Carolina Mountain Club go to: Click on "Join CMC" on the right side. Follow the instructions. Send all address and email changes to Dennis Bass at  [email protected]Your email changes will be automatically reflected in eNews delivery.
Carolina Mountain Club | P.O. Box 68
Asheville, NC 28802