CCEI July 2021 Newsletter
Exploring Leadership
If you have spent any time living and working among others, you have probably found yourself in a situation with a group of people wondering, “Who is in charge here?”.  In these situations we attempt to identify the people we assume would (or should) take on the leadership role(s), often without realizing that others in the group may be looking to us to be that leader. Learn More
Important Leadership Skills
Leadership Styles
Building Children's
Leadership Skills
Director's Corner - Building Leadership among Team Members
CCEI Additional Articles
CCEI Special Offers
DEALS for Back-to-School!
If you've never purchased a CCEI annual training subscription, there's no better time than NOW! Training plus FREE School Supplies! It's a win win!
(Offer not valid on subscription renewals.)

CCEI Poll Results: June 2021 Newsletter
Tell us how you help keep children cool
during summer weather.

A. Sprinkler days - 159 responses or 24.8%
B. Water tables and wading pools - 108 responses or 16.9%
C. Splash pads - 78 responses or 12.2%
D. Trips to a pool - 79 responses or 12.3%
E. A combination of these - 125 responses or 19.5%
F. None of these - 91 responses or 14.2%

Total: 640 responses
CCEI Survey
Newsletter Topics
Helps us determine future newsletter themes and topics!
Please click on the survey button above to share your ideas now!
EQ: The Secret Leadership Skill | CCEI

It is likely that you are familiar with the term IQ or intelligence quotient, but are you aware that there is something called EQ, or emotional quotient? EQ is also sometimes referred to as emotional intelligence and it turns out that it plays a...

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CCEI Student Spotlight
Shalini Tyagi
Denver, CO
I completed the Director's Certificate with ChildCare Education Institute and I have already recommended the program to a friend from the education field. It was a great experience working at my own pace and the curriculum was very helpful to my current and future career goals. I would love to take additional courses with CCEI that I know will help with my career advancement in the near future.

Ready to Get Started? 
It's Not Too Late! Take CCEI's No-Cost Trial Course Today!
CCEI offers ADM113: Elements of Program Management asno-cost online child care training course to new CCEI users July 1-31, 2021.

This is a two-hour, beginner-level course and grants 0.2 IACET CEU upon successful completion. CCEI professional development courses are available to account holders with an active, annual individual or center-based subscription, or can be purchased individually.
Watch how CCEI has helped childcare providers in their professional development journey just like you.

CCEI students have completed nearly 7,000,000 online course hours and over 19,000 early childhood professionals have graduated from CDA and other certificate programs. CCEI also maintains excellent student satisfaction scores and 99.4% of students say they would recommend CCEI to others.