Beginning June 25, 2021, Manti-La Sal National Forest implemented Stage 2 fire restrictions for all National Forest System lands located within the Sanpete, Ferron/Price, Moab and Monticello Ranger Districts of the Manti-La Sal National Forest boundaries. These same fire restrictions are in effect for all BLM lands and National Park Units in southeast Utah.
“With the extremely dry year we are facing, and unprecedented fire activity we are experiencing so early in the year, it is necessary to take measures to prevent anymore wildfires on our national forest,” said Darren Olsen, acting Manti-La Sal Forest Supervisor.
Within the first two weeks of June, Manti-La Sal experienced two large wildfires within the forest boundaries, the Bennion Creek Fire in the northern portion of the forest and the Pack Creek fire burning in the La Sal mountain range area. Both fires exhibited extreme fire behavior due to the drought-like conditions and high winds.
With a noticeable increase in public recreation on the Forest, the potential for human-caused fires also increases. Restrictions are placed to reduce the potential for human-caused fires. Remember to recreate responsibly during visits to the Manti-La Sal.
The following acts are prohibited until fire danger decreases and fire restrictions are rescinded:
· Igniting, building, maintaining, or using a fire, including charcoal and briquettes.
· No discharging of fireworks or other pyrotechnic devices outside of incorporated city limits. This applies year-round to national forest lands.
· No shooting of exploding targets or tracer ammunition. This applies year-round to national forest lands.
· No cutting, grinding, or welding of metal in areas of dry vegetation. This includes acetylene torches.
· No use of equipment without a working and properly maintained spark arrestor. This applies year-round to national forest lands.
· No smoking near vegetation or outside of a developed recreation site, personal vehicle, or building.