July 2021
Our summer program officially kicked off today! have a ton of fun activities for the children to enjoy so we hope they are excited.

As a reminder, we will be closed Monday, July 5th. I hope you enjoy your weekend!

I'm looking forward to a wonderful summer with your children. :)

Summer Reminders
  • Children should bring a change of clothing in a small bag or backpack
  • On water play days, swimsuits should be worn under easy on/off clothing. A clean towel should be brought those days.  
  • Shoes must cover the entire foot – please, no flip-flops or open toe sandals. Feet need to be completely covered for safety. 
  • Please apply sunscreen daily. We can re-apply if you complete the form below and send in a labeled sunscreen (first and last name).
Text Alerts
Occasionally we send out text message alerts. If you have not received alerts in the past, please be sure to subscribe by texting @tlcmerrick to 81010.
Updated forms are needed at the following dates: 3-6-9-12-18 months &
2-3-4-5 years.

You will be reminded as your child's birthday or medical expires.
Please use TLC's form every time.
Medications can be administered with proper doctor's permission and medication that matches. For example: we cannot administer Tylenol if your doctor specified Motrin. It is VERY specific.

All medication must be provided in its original packaging including the cup/syringe. This will ensure proper dispensing of the dose.

If you want medication to be given to your child to manage pain, or if your child has allergies and they require medication, please speak to an MAT trained teacher to check in your forms/medicines.

MAT Trained Merrick Ave
Liz (Pre-K)
Ninette (Pre-K)
This Month's Menu
The latest menus can be found on our website.

Please bring in an alternative if your child does not eat what is on the menu. For children under 18 months, please continue to bring in yogurt, fruits/vegetables, and infant snacks. Some of the snacks are not appropriate for their age group and we don’t always have alternatives.


As a reminder, children should 8:30am for breakfast.
You are receiving this email as the parent of in the class at . If this information has changed, please send us an email to let us know.