Water Wisdoms | July 2021 Newsletter
Oregon to Require "Do Not Flush" Labeling on Disposable Wipes
Last month, Gov. Kate Brown signed HB 2344 into law, making Oregon only the second U.S. state to require "Do Not Flush" labeling on disposable wipes. This labeling standard will ensure that product packaging for items like baby wipes, makeup wipes, cleaning wipes, and other personal care wipes sold in Oregon clearly indicates they should not be flushed down toilets.

The MWMC supported HB 2344 and is glad that it is now law. Flushing disposable wipes causes clogs in wastewater pipes and pumps, as well as damage to equipment at wastewater treatment plants. Plus, accumulation of pipes can lead to backup of wastewater into homes and public spaces, creating a public health hazard and environmental damage.

"Do Not Flush" labeling will make a positive impact by informing consumers about what should not be flushed. However, the pollution prevention effort doesn't end there! It takes all of us working together to protect our wastewater system and local waterways. One simple habit that makes a big difference is only flushing the three Ps (pee, poop, and toilet paper). For more pollution prevention tips and to learn more about HB 2344, visit mwmcpartners.org.
GIVEAWAY: Win Tickets to the Lane County Fair
The MWMC is a proud sponsor of the 2021 Lane County Fair, July 21-25 at the Lane County Fairgrounds in Eugene. This year, we’re the Fair’s exclusive sponsor for multi-day admission passes, and we’re excited to be giving away a set of two 3-day passes to a lucky Water Wisdoms Newsletter subscriber!
If you’re receiving this email and are already subscribed to our newsletter, we’ve automatically entered you into the giveaway as a thank you for following along with our monthly updates. Those not already signed up for our e-updates who subscribe by midnight Friday, July 16 will also be entered. A winner will be selected and notified Monday, July 19. Encourage a friend or family member (who would take you if they win 😊) to subscribe for our newsletter too to increase your chances! For more info, click here.
For more opportunities to win Fair tickets over the next two weeks, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
MWMC Ratifies FY21-22 Budget, Including Rate Change
If you study your monthly Springfield Utility Board (SUB) or Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB) bill closely, you’ll notice a slight change in your wastewater rates this month. As of July 1, a 3.5% change was applied to regional wastewater user rates to allow the MWMC to continue to clean water and protect the Willamette River.

The regional wastewater charges represent a portion of your overall bill, and provide necessary funding for facility upgrades as well as operating and maintaining existing wastewater treatment facilities. The local rates reflected on your bill are set by the City of Springfield or City of Eugene, depending on where you live.

For a detailed breakdown of fees for both Eugene and Springfield customers, as well as more information on what user rates fund, click here. To view the MWMC's full Operating Budget and Capital Improvements Program (CIP) document for Fiscal Year 2021-2022, click here.
MWMC In the News: Eugene Magazine Feature
The MWMC was recently featured in an article entitled "Blue and Green: Pondering Our Relationships with Local Waters," as part of Eugene Magazine's summer issue. Multiple of our staff members were interviewed on the role the MWMC plays in protecting our community's water quality.

As MWMC Environmental Services Supervisor Todd Miller stated in the article, "We have one of the best fresh water supplies in the world with the McKenzie River, and we have a huge responsibility to protect it.”

To read the full story, click here or pick up a hard copy of the Eugene Magazine.

Photo Credit for image above: Eugene Magazine
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