Investing in Facility Upgrades
HVAC Upgrades. This summer, we are replacing our building's original 1925 boiler with a modern, reliable, energy-efficient heating and cooling system. When completed, this new HVAC system will improve air circulation and air quality in our building, while also providing much-improved heating and cooling capabilities and consistency.
Starting July 5, this work will begin throughout the facility. We will make every effort to avoid disruption, but there will be times during the summer that rooms will be closed and equipment will be unavailable.
Starting July 5, the NECC Cardio room will be temporarily closed. Cardio equipment is still available in the Fitness room on the main floor. We will keep you updated on room and equipment availability throughout the summer.
Pool Chemical Delivery Upgrade. Our Certified Pool Operator, Derrick Stoecker, maintains our water quality and ensures that we provide a safe environment while minimizing the use of necessary chemicals. We recently upgraded our automatic chemical delivery system to better support his efforts to provide consistent and comfortable water quality.