Issue 10

July 2022


A Southern Baptist Association
From Your Associational Mission Strategist

Camp Highlights

We had a great Girls camp and Boys camp! We had total of 35 campers! God moved in a great way during both camps! There were two girls and four boys who prayed to receive Christ! We are rejoicing over these decisions! I am grateful for Christina Wynn for directing our girls camp! There were nine teenagers and three adults who served as camp missionaries during girls camp. I directed the boys camp and had a total of three camp missionaries serving during the week! I want express appreciation to Jackson Musselwhite for serving as Camp Pastor during boys camp and for Nina Adams for serving both camps helping with recreation, and providing assistance in many ways! I also want to thank the churches who prepared and served the meals during both camps. I am also grateful for Lee Harris for providing watermelons and also Penia Baptist Church! This camp ministry cannot happen without our churches praying, providing supplies, and providing the meals! Because of this joint effort, six children prayed to receive Christ and other children grew closer in their walk with the Lord!

We have our Day Camp in two weeks for children 5-7 years old! Please pray for Director Amber Posey and all of the other camp missionaries as they minister to the children who will be attending! It’s not too late to register your child for this camp! We are anticipating great things to take place during this week of camp!

I appreciate all of our churches and Pastors and I am praying for each of you as we continue to reach people with the Gospel!

Brother Gary

Church News

Please pray for

■Associational Missionary Gary Leutzinger

■Church planters Drew and Shannon Cunningham, Santa Cruz Area, California

■ Daybreak Pregnancy Care Center

■Lost and unchurched people

■Revival in SCBN churches

■Unity in our churches and unity among our churches

■Churches without pastors

■TV ministries of Cordele First, and Pinecrest churches 

■Our schools, teachers and students

■All the events and activities mentioned in this newsletter

Church positions available

Byromville Baptist Church is seeking a part-time Youth/Children's Minister. Please contact Pastor Reed Benson- 404-886-6898

Morningside Baptist Church is seeking a Director of Family Ministries. This position will be a part-time position and will work closely with the pastor to lead and shepherd young children, youth, and their families. In addition, this role may grow over time to include other responsibilities based on gifting, experience, and ministry needs. Please contact Stan Bowen at 229-938-4022.

Please contact the SCBN Office at 229-273-4127 if you would like to feature an available church position in the monthly newsletter.

Opportunities coming up

South Central Baptist Network events are printed in bold. 

July 3 Religious Liberty Sunday


July 11-14 Day Camp

If you would like your church news or events featured in the Newsletter please send it to

What to do with all those old Sunday School books? 

Don’t throw them away–bring them to SCBN Office

Bring your old SS literature to Houston Baptist Center. Chad Harris will take it to a Edwin L. Hodges Ministries collection site to send overseas. ELHM is a Christian literature ministry that collects donated Bibles, books, magazines, tapes, and tracts from American Christians and ships them to Bible schools, churches, missionaries, and ministries overseas. ELHM is a non-denominational, nonprofit, evangelical ministry.
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