Affirmation of Welcome
Reformation, a congregation of Christ's Church, welcomes everyone to join with us in a journey of faith. We are committed to providing worship, programs, ministries and pastoral care to all, regardless of religious background, age, color, ability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic status, or national origin. Everyone is welcome in this place, where the love of God is the foundation of all that we say and do!
July Newsletter 2022
The Reporter
Reformation Lutheran Church
ALL Are Welcome & Affirmed Here!
Website 803.252.1507 Calendar Email
Worship Service Update
  We have resumed the in-person worship service on Sundays at 10:00 AM.  In addition to this, and in order to ensure the health and safety of our congregation, we will continue to broadcast the service online via Facebook Live.  Please join us for worship online HERE.
Pastor's Perspective

As I write this Perspective I’m sure most of you are aware that as of July 24, 2022, I will be stepping down from my call as pastor at Reformation Lutheran Church. I assure you that this was not an easy decision, but it is time for me to move on to the next steps in God's plan for my life. I know I speak on behalf of Kathy as I can genuinely say that this wonderful congregation has blessed our lives immensely. I hope in some small way I have blessed your lives through my teaching and preaching, visitations and more. Although we are moving on from this place physically, a piece of our hearts will always be here with you. 

It is with many mixed emotions that we came to this decision. After almost nine years of joyful service, it is not with ease that we have come to this conclusion. While I have no doubt that it was God's will for me to be here, I now believe God is calling me to pastor at another ministry setting of Word and Sacrament. I must also be transparent by saying, along with new ministry opportunities that await us, our new granddaughter Sadie being in the same city as the new call has helped with our discernment. It is a great opportunity to be a part of her life as she grows, and be with family regularly for so many life events. I hope you all will understand this decision, and know you all will always have a place in our hearts.

But as I remain your pastor for this month of July, I wish to remind you as summertime is upon us, I know it is the time for vacations and travel, but I also want to remind you all, don’t forget your church! No, I’m not saying we all pile in the car and join you on your vacation! I mean don’t forget to support your church with your weekly, monthly, or quarterly offerings. Yeah, I’m a little more brazen with that request, but there are urgent needs at Reformation as we come out of Covid.

We have struggled with finances since Covid hit, and to be quite frank, we were struggling before Covid hit. I am asking all to pray about what Reformation and the work of Christ’s inclusiveness that happens here mean to you. As we come out of Covid and face this transitional period in a pastoral call, there are some financial needs that need to be addressed. I believe as those financial needs are addressed, not only will you carry on the ministries that identify Reformation, but also support the new pastor as you continue to explore and grow into new ministries of inclusiveness and grow together with Christ Mission Lutheran Church.

During this time I pray you will continue to be a beacon of Jesus’ inclusive love for Columbia and the South Carolina Synod. Reformation has been such a blessing for Kathy and me, and I pray that blessing was reciprocal.

Pastor Tim
Monthly Zoom Schedule
The 2022 schedule and listing of Zoom meetings and ID numbers are on the RLC website and updated as necessary.
1118 Union St. Columbia, SC 29201
Tim Bupp, Pastor