Celebrating Over 30 Years of Professional Meeting & Association Management

July 2023 news & updates

Upcoming Client Events

Detroit SHRM HR Learn:

"Optimizing Performance Management"

Wednesday, July 19, 2023, 5:30-7:00 PM

MSU Management Education Center, Troy

Please click HERE for more information and to register

Women in Defense Michigan's

Superstar Networking Event

Thursday, July 20, 2023, 5:30-7:30PM

Applebee's Bar & Grill, Warren

Click HERE for more information.

MSE Detroit's

Summer Meet & Greet

Thursday, July 27, 2023, 5:30-7:30PM

Shield's Pizza of Troy

Please click HERE for more information.

Women in Defense Michigan's

Scholarship Golf Outing

Monday, July 31, 2023

Cherry Creek Golf Club, Shelby Township

For more information, please click HERE.

Detroit SHRM HR Webinar:

"Why Health Equity Matters: Viewing Healthcare through the Eyes of People of Color"

Wednesday, August 9, 2023, 12N-1PM, Virtual

Click HERE for more information.

Meeting Coordinators, Inc.

is Hiring!

Are you detailed-oriented? Do you love planning an event and seeing it through? Are you proficient in MS Office and social media?

Meeting Coordinators, Inc., is now hiring for part-time positions. To see what we do, click HERE.

For more information, please click HERE or contact us at 


Community Events

Diversity Expo

featuring Minority, Women, and Veteran Owned Businesses

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

4-7PM, Royal Oak Farmers Market

Click HERE for more information.

Forgotten Harvest

Volunteers Needed!

Please click HERE for more information.

Michigan Farmers Markets

Click HERE to Find a Farmers Market.

In every great association or company there comes a time when a conference, seminar, sales meeting or special event must be arranged. Utilizing the services of Meeting Coordinators, Inc. will not burden your employees or volunteers with countless overwhelming logistical tasks. Meeting Coordinators, Inc. has a staff of experts to manage the day-to-day operations of your organization and also create professional events to exceed your every expectation.

Meeting Coordinators, Inc.


Meeting Coordinators, Inc. has developed a resource page for meeting planners on our website. Please visit the page at: https://meeting-coordinators.com/resources.

Farewell to a Dear Friend and Colleague


The last few weeks have been emotionally tough for me. Our dear friend and employee Kimmie Jacob died. Kim was our longest working employee. I started Meeting Coordinators, Inc. in July of 1988; as of this month we are celebrating our 35th Anniversary. Just a few years later I hired Kim on a part-time basis. She had experience working for caterers and at the Troy Marriott in convention services. When she married Gary she joined him at the family business: Jake's Automotive. She told me she missed getting dressed up and wanted to work part time at our client awards programs, conferences and special events. What an asset Kim was to our team. You could always count on her for her work ethic, team spirit and quick wit. Everyone loved working with Kim--it was such a cheerful aura she always brought to our events. You may remember seeing her at the registration desk. Over the years she assisted with SAE, MSE Detroit, Women in Defense, Project Management Institute programs and too many more to list. She was not only a valuable employee but my dear friend always. With Jake's Automotive Repair Shop she helped me with a series of automotive repairs on my teenage daughter’s cars. You know kids and cars…always something. Kim was ready to help and provide a good laugh along the way. She is so missed. It still has not settled in that she will no longer be on the work roster and our lunch/dinner get togethers. On June 21, her heart just gave out. I want to think it was because she had so much love in her that it just couldn’t hold it all anymore. RIP Kimmie, we all loved you dearly.

Kimberly Sue Jacob


We are pleased to announce that I will be speaking at the August 16th meeting for Michigan Society of Government Meeting Planners. The topic is “Financial & Contract Management.” The meeting is open to non-government meeting planners too. Looking forward to seeing my meeting planning colleagues in Flint at the Hilton Garden Inn for lunch.


I was recently introduced to a fun website. If you are a trivia buff you will also like this site. I believe it is really designed for kids…but we are all a kid at heart in the summer. Check it out: The Kid Should See This: Smart videos for curious minds of all ages.

Enjoy your summer….and appreciate the cherished ones in your life. Life is short.


Ann K. Bruttell

President, Meeting Coordinators, Inc.


A huge "Thank You!"
to our Sponsors!

For sponsorship opportunities, please click HERE for our advertising rates or contact us at meetings@meeting-coordinators.com.
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