August 2023 Newsletter
Healing the earth, one yard at a time.
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Plant Disease and Tree Health
with Benjamin Moore
Monday, August 14, 2023
6:00 pm EDT
63 E. Main St., Chattanooga TN
Free and open to the public
Get up to date on the latest pests and diseases currently affecting our local trees. We'll discuss the newer threats that we're seeing like Redbud Wilt and Laurel Wilt as well as the status of well known pests such as Emerald Ash Borer and Hemlock Wooly Adelgid. You'll also learn about chemical and non-chemical methods for keeping your trees healthy as well as general tips on tree maintenance.
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The Flora of Orchard Knob Reservation
with Alaina Krakowiak
Monday, September 11, 2023
6:00 pm EDT
Live via Zoom
(link will be provided closer to the time of the program)
Free and open to the public
Orchard Knob Reservation is a 2-block national military park in the heart of Chattanooga, TN. Once overlooked due to its small size and urban location, a detailed floristic inventory revealed that it is a rare prairie remnant home to over 200 species of plants, including numerous species of conservation concern. In this program, you will learn about not only the many plant species found at Orchard Knob, but also Chattanooga’s historical prairies, and how genetics are being used to conserve one of the Knob’s rarest species.
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Do you want to receive a reminder email
in advance of our free public programs?
Under the Programs & Events tab, click on Calendar.
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Certificate in Native Plants Classes | |
The Certificate in Native Plants program is designed to expand students' knowledge of botany, ecology, conservation and uses of native flora in the southeastern United States. The CNP offers a blend of classroom instruction, hands-on learning and guided hikes. Participants are required to complete four core classes, eight electives, and 40 hours of volunteering for approved native plant projects. Classes are open to Wild Ones members and non-members, whether or not you are pursuing the certificate.
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Late Summer
Wildflower Hike
Instructor: Dr. Richard Clements
Saturday, September 9, 2023
9:00 am - 12:30 pm EDT
North Chickamauga Creek
State Natural Area
(4 credits for the Certificate in Native Plants)
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Using Native Grasses and Sedges |
Instructor: Shannon Currey
Saturday, October 14, 2023
9:00 am - 12:30 pm EDT
Tennessee Aquarium Conservation Institute
175 Baylor School Road
Chattanooga TN 37405
(4 credits for the Certificate in Native Plants)
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More 2023 CNP classes will be announced soon!
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Tennessee Valley Chapter
Members-Only Events
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Saturday, September 16, 2023
10:00 am - 12:45 pm EDT
Free to members of Tennessee Valley Wild Ones chapter.
The September 2023 Landscapes in Progress program features gardens of Wild Ones members in the Harrison area. Rather than a traditional “garden tour” where everything is perfect, Landscapes in Progress is an event where members — host and visitor — can ask questions, share information about their own endeavors, and spend time with others dedicated to landscaping with native species.
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Roan & Unaka Mountains Highlands: Member Hike & Overnight Trip |
Saturday - Sunday,
August 26 & 27, 2023
Zach Irick, hike leader
Free to members of Tennessee Valley Wild Ones chapter.
This overnight trip features a Saturday afternoon exploration of metamorphic rock outcrop and glade botanical interests amongst the exhilarating mountain views of the Unakas. We’ll then retire to our overnight accommodations for a good rest before an early start the next morning. Sunday’s main event hike will be a stretch of three grassy balds east of Carvers Gap along the Appalachian Trail on Roan Mountain.
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New to Tennessee Valley Wild Ones? Want to know more about your board? Interested in becoming a board member? Do you have Excel or QuickBooks skills that you're willing to share?
If you answer "yes" to any of these questions, you are invited to a
Meet & Greet Your Board
August 28, 2023
6:00- 7:00 p.m.
for an informal meeting and light refreshments at the home of our president, Beverly Inman-Ebel,
276 South Crest Road,
Chattanooga TN 37404
on Missionary Ridge.
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Upcoming Calendar of Events | |
To view all upcoming programs, classes and events presented by the Tennessee Valley Chapter of Wild Ones, click below: | |
More Programs, Classes & Activities | |
Regional Wild Ones Chapters | Wild Ones is growing in Tennessee and the Southeast! Check out the events at nearby chapters! | |
The virtual webinars presented by Wild Ones, as well as virtual public programs presented by the Tennessee Valley chapter are available online. They are excellent educational resources for learning about landscaping with native plants. |
The Tennessee Native Plant Society hosts monthly Native Plant Seminars. These events are held via Zoom on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm Eastern (6:30 pm Central) and last about one hour. All members, and potential members, are welcome to join the seminars at no cost. If you miss the live seminar, you can usually watch the video by clicking on “VIDEO” next to the seminar listing on the webpage.
Coming up on August 15 – Removing Invasive Plants with Sam King
National Moth Week was July 22-30,
but Here's More!
What is a moth, and how are they distinguished from butterflies? In general, moths are more muted than butterflies (there are clearly exceptions—looking at you, Luna). Moths tend to have fluffy, comb-like antennae, while butterflies have thin, long antennae. While butterflies are active in the light of day, moths are predominantly nocturnal, where they can often be found congregating around light sources.
Read more.
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A Summer Spectacle
Where Fireflies Are the Guiding Light
A couple in Connecticut host firefly viewing parties, hoping to inspire their neighbors to stop using pesticides and consider rewilding their lawns.
Read more in the New York Times article.
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Dutch study identifies several examples of corvids’ ‘amazing’ ability to adapt to the urban environment
Birds have never shied away from turning human rubbish into nesting materials, but even experts in the field have raised an eyebrow at the latest handiwork to emerge from urban crows and magpies.
Read more.
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Research reveals Butterflies and Moths share ancient ‘blocks’ of DNA
Although moths and butterflies have widely varying numbers of chromosomes, researchers have found blocks of chromosomes that exist in all moths and butterflies.
Read more.
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Cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis)
Photo by Mike O'Brien
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Female Green Lynx Spider eating small bumblebee prey.
Photo by Mike O'Brien.
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Gray Hairstreak butterfly on Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)
Photo by Mike O'Brien.
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Sleepy Orange Sulphur Butterfly on Garden Phlox
Photo by Mike O'Brien.
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Spiny Oak Moth
Photo by Mike O'Brien.
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Becoming a Wild Ones member shows your commitment to the native plant movement and is a great way to connect with a helpful and knowledgeable native plant community that will prove invaluable in your native garden journey!
Benefits of a Wild Ones membership include:
Access to the current electronic issue of the quarterly Wild Ones Journal
- Invitations to workshops, garden tours, seed exchanges, plants sales, and stewardship project
Discounts for partner educational webinars such as NDAL, etc. and Wild Ones chapter programs
Participation in an annual national photo contest
Access to the Wild Ones Member Center for learning resources
- Participation in Wild for Monarchs and Native Garden recognition programs
- Involvement in citizen science and networking with conservation partners
- Receiving Wild Ones National e-Newsletters
Invitation to Wild Ones' private Facebook discussion group and the national Wild Ones Annual Member Meeting
- Networking opportunities and camaraderie with like-minded people who care about native plants and our planet
Additional benefits for members of the Tennessee Valley chapter:
Discounted admission to all Certificate in Native Plants classes year-round.
Discounted admission to the annual Plant Natives Symposium in the spring.
Free admission at members-only programs, including local and regional guided hikes, garden visits (Landscapes in Progress), the annual meeting, an annual plant swap, and other member social events.
- Access to the chapter's Member Directory, so you can connect with other members.
Annual Welcome Party and Orientation for new members.
Monthly email Member Update, with news about chapter activities.
- All members of the family who live at the same address are entitled to member benefits!
Your membership dollars help forward our mission of promoting the restoration of native landscapes by allowing us to:
Provide free, educational resources and learning opportunities that are open to the public from respected experts like Wild Ones Honorary Directors Doug Tallamy, Neil Diboll, Heather Holm and Donna VanBuecken
Support the efforts of over 65 local Wild Ones chapters in 23 states
Publish a quarterly, award-winning, online journal featuring current native plant information and resources
Share free, professionally-designed native garden templates for multiple regions in the United States.
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Get More Involved with Us! | |
The Tennessee Valley Chapter of Wild Ones is 100% volunteer run!
Here are a few ways you can get more involved in the chapter
and in our Chattanooga Pollinator Partnership.
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Follow our chapter on social media: | |
Follow Wild Ones on social media: | |
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This is the only method you have for receiving important communications from
the Tennessee Valley Chapter of Wild Ones!
This is needed to keep our emails out of your SPAM folder.
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