July 2023 | Issue 7

Next year we'll celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the legislation which created Community Action Agencies! We'll celebrate at our 2024 Annual Conference, to be held in Cherokee, and again at a gala we're planning in Raleigh, tentatively set for August. Please plan to join us!

NCCAA Proud to Help Spearhead D.I.A.P.E.R. Project

Late last year the NCCAA became a recipient of the Diaper Distribution Demonstration and

Research Pilot grant. The Office of Community Services (OCS) within the Administration for

Children and Families at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services launched the

new Diaper Distribution Demonstration and Research Pilot on September 27, in Oct. ‘22. 

This program, also known as the Diaper Distribution Pilot, channels new funding to expand

existing diaper distribution services, using the robust network of anti-poverty services that

OCS already provides through community action agencies via the Community Services

Block Grant (CSBG). 

“Almost 47,000 children in the 14 most underserved counties of North Carolina currently live

with diaper needs. We are proud to partner with the Diaper Bank of North Carolina and local

community action agencies to address this issue,” says Sharon C. Goodson, Executive

Director of the NCCAA.

NCCAA’s model, now known as the DIAPER Project, identifies families most in need of

support by utilizing Head Start and Early Head Start waitlists to recruit families into the

program. Waitlisted families, unlike those enrolled in Head Start or Early Head Start, don’t

receive any diaper support so they often have the greatest need for diaper support. By

providing the wraparound supportive services offered at local community action agencies,

these families will now be able to not only meet their critical diaper needs, but also improve

their economic mobility.

This program is currently available only in select counties. If you live in one of the counties

listed below, contact the community action agency serving your location for more information.

Choanoke Area Development Association (CADA)

Bertie, Halifax, Hertford, Northampton

Economic Improvement Council (EIC)

Martin, Chowan, Pasquotank, Tyrell, Hyde

Franklin-Vance-Warren-Opportunities, Inc.

Vance, Warren

Greene Lamp

Lenoir, Greene



NCCAA Exec. Director, Sharon C. Goodson and Deputy Director Krystina Dillard visit the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library during a recent visit to Austin, TX, for the CAPLAW Conference.

Learn More

Community Action News From Around State

Franklin, Vance, Warren Opportunity wins Grant

Franklin, Vance, Warren Opportunity Inc., a Henderson-based nonprofit, won a $1.5 million YouthBuild grant and one of two winners in North Carolina.

"We feel very blessed to receive this investment for our service area," said Chief Executive Officer Abdul Rasheed, "and we look forward to contributing to the continued positive direction of our communities and individuals that need a hand up."

The grant funding will go towards helping 65 young people, aged 16-24, earn their GEDs and becoming certified in a trade. At this time, FVW is trying to fill three positions before advertising the program to potential applicants. Those positions are Program Director, Case Manager and Job Developer.

The nonprofit will then work with partners in the community to identify students who fit the criteria.

FVW Opportunity has administered social service programs in partnership with the local, state and federal government as well as charitable funders since its founding some five decades ago.

Second Harvest and Action Pathways Hold Food Distribution

Second Harvest Food Bank and Action Pathways held a spring food distribution at Mt. Sinai Baptist Church in Fayetteville, and the event was a resounding success!

“Mt. Sinai’s distribution was like a well-oiled machine!” said Second Harvest’s Hope Grinage. “They were friendly, polite, and warm toward the people in need and the staff. We could tell they were committed to serving and serious about doing so in an orderly manner. It was such a pleasure to work with them!”

“We live in a food desert,” said Cynthia Leeks, a volunteer for Mt. Sinai. “The price of food has gone up so much this will somehow give some relief to these families.”

“It was great to see the community come together and help each other,” said Amy Mace of Second Harvest. “Not only did we have a good time but a lot of people told us about how the distributions help them in the long run and how if it wasn’t for us and the people supporting such events they wouldn’t know what they would do.”

WAMY launches 'Christmas in July' holiday gift collection drive

WAMY Community Action, a non-profit organization serving Watauga, Avery, Mitchell, and Yancey counties, has launched its annual “Santa for Seniors” holiday gift collection drive.

The initiative, also known as “Christmas in July,” aims to spread cheer and bring joy to more than 1,400 senior citizens who are homebound, in hospice care, or assisted living during the holiday season.

“While Santa is away enjoying his summer vacation, we need your help to ensure that our seniors have a memorable and festive holiday season,” said Director of Development Allison Jennings. “We invite everyone to be a part of this initiative by donating new blankets, lip balm, lotion, puzzle books, and socks. Your contributions will make a significant difference in the lives of those who may feel lonely or isolated during the holidays.”

In addition to spreading holiday cheer, the Santa for Seniors program also helps provide practical gifts that will benefit seniors throughout the winter months. Donations can be dropped off at the Boone WAMY office located at 225 Birch Street, Suite 2. Please call ahead for an appointment with one of Santa’s elves at (828) 406-0593. Donations can also be dropped off in Avery, Mitchell or Yancey County by calling ahead.

Meet Tashina Patterson, of Salisbury-Rowan Community Action Agency

An 11-year employee, she was recently promoted to the position of center manager at the Livingstone EHS/HS location. Ms. Patterson sings and writes (she authored "The Walls, Breaking Down to Build Back Up Again", which is available on Amazon), and owns and operates Blissful Baskets LLC.

Says Patterson: “The fulfilling part of working with SRCAA is the networking and being able to work with families and building the needs of each child one step at a time together in the community. Taking action to teach them and watch their growth inside and out.”

NCCAA Exec. Director, Sharon C. Goodson with 2023 Dr. Andrea Harris Scholarship recipient Kaleb Felton and his mother Linda Felton

Feature Photo: Salisbury-Rowan Community Action Agency's Men of Action program sponsored a Daddy Dance this spring!

Media Watch

The New York Times

Opinion Package: Affirmative Action

With the Supreme Court’s recent ruling striking down affirmative action, the world of college admissions is poised for a transformation — which could also be an opportunity. We asked experts to offer their ideas on how higher education should move forward from here. Read More

Brookings Institution

Why We Need Head Start (And it's Not Why You Think)

The main reason we need more preschool is because, even if it doesn’t clearly benefit child development, it provides high-quality childcare for low-income working parents. That care enables the parents of three- and four-year olds to work, knowing that their children are in a safe and stimulating environment. Read More

UCI School of Social Sciences

Effects of minimum wages on health

Does increasing minimum wages positively impact health outcomes? A new working paper by UCI Distinguished Professor of economics David Neumark takes a deep dive into the large and growing body of evidence on minimum wage effects on health and health-related behaviors. Read More

Mitchell News-Journal

Local home repair program already paying off for some

Since receiving the grant funding in the autumn of 2022, the coalition has successfully assisted 50 households benefitting 91 senior citizens or disabled individuals. The work is made possible through the coalition’s collaboration with numerous local partners who volunteer materials, time and expertise. Read More


Raleigh artist paints mural as tribute to Black fatherhood

After being inspired by a photo of rapper Busta Rhymes kissing his son as he dropped him off at college, artist Dare Coulter painted a mural of the two on the wall of Irregardless, a local Raleigh restaurant. Read More


NC Is Providing Free Meals to Kids This Summer

In North Carolina’s push to curb childhood hunger, schools will provide locally sourced food to youth this summer. Read More

US Dept. of Labor

Labor Force Participation Rates

Find the most recent annual averages for selected labor force characteristics at this link. Data are presented by sex, age, race and Hispanic origin, educational attainment, marital status, and parental status when available. Read More

In Case You Missed It ...

National Community Action Partnership Announces Priorities for 2023-24

The National Community Action Partnership (NCAP) is proud to announce the release of its Public Policy Priorities for 2023-2024! The updated priorities are the product of a 10-month review process, including six national listening sessions, anonymous survey responses, and input from NCAP Board Members, stakeholders, partners, and staff. Overall, NCAP received feedback from 100+ Community Action individuals and organizations.

Check out this video on NCAP Priorities

NCCAA Annual Conference in Review

For Career Opportunities within our Network:

Employment Opportunities | YVEDDI

Careers | Blue Ridge Community Action, Inc

Careers | Mountain Projects

Share your community action career opportunities on our web page and have them distributed to 7000+ emails through the NCCAA newsletter! Send your job listings to communications@nccaa.net.

We Want Your Stories!

Working together to share the impact of Community Action

Does your Community Action Agency have impactful content to share? Let's collaborate. The NCCAA develops creative content year-round to celebrate, educate and inform. Let's amplify the voices of organizations in our network! Let's share the impactful work of community action and tell the stories of our clients! Reach out for collaboration: communications@nccaa.net.

“I Am” Community Action Video

Please share this video in your social media!

The purpose of Community Action agencies is to provide a broad range of activities and services that help individuals move the needle towards self sufficiency. Our programs help and encourage children and youth, support the working poor, support individuals and households in crisis, sustain and honor the elderly, strengthen families and work to strengthen the entire community. #CommunityAction #NCCAA

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As a member of the NCCAA community, we work to empower low-income families, change people's lives for the better and improve the communities we serve. We are all dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other. Please take a moment and forward this news to a co-worker and grow the community of professionals dedicated to this important work.

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