We have had an abundance of natural rain fall, in the first 4 days of June we got 1.94 inches! Since January 1st, the metro area has gotten 10.13 inches of rain. That puts us at 4.6 inches above average. We love to see that in the green industry but with every upside there are down sides. From lots of moisture and unexpected humidity, to fungal or bacterial growth and potential drowning of new plants. Even so, the good far outweighs the bad, we would rather have well hydrated trees and shrubs than drought stressed plants on our clients properties.

Things to watch for and educated guesses on

what's to come next . . .

Increased population of Japanese Beetle

As we've mentioned before, the Japanese Beetle pose a big threat to our plants and turf. With all this added moisture in the equation we're expecting a dramatic spike in population and pressure this year.

Ascochyta Leaf Blight

The shift between extreme rain and moisture back to our normal hot and dry conditions will cause stress. This fungal disease typically plagues lawns when we have these types of alternating weather.

Aphids & Thrips

Aphids (pictured left) are among the first to appear on plants in spring and thrive in rainy, cool conditions. Thrips (pictured right) however, do not thrive in cool, rainy conditions, so we expect to see an increased population as hot conditions return. Both like to eat our plants and are notorious garden pests.

Leaf Spot

Leaf spot weakens trees and shrubs by interrupting photosynthesis. It becomes a problem during times of prolonged leaf wetness.

Powdery Mildew

We often see powdery mildew during cloudy and humid periods. When there is no break in the rain, and no time for drying it can exacerbate this disease.

Anthracnose in Sycamore

Sycamore anthracnose is a fungal disease that can cause leaf drop, cankers and the sudden death of more than 90% of a tree's new shoot growth. The fungi produces microscopic spores that spread by rain and irrigation water.

Crabgrass & Noxious Weeds

Crabgrass and other noxious weeds love the wet conditions and all this rain has allowed them to germinate. Crabgrass will continue to pop up in place with sparsity and where grass is thinning, it is important to keep an eye out as everything begins to dry up.

Apple Scab in Deciduous Plants

Warm, rainy weather in the spring and summer creates ideal conditions for apple scab. Leaves with many leaf spots turn yellow and fall off early. This weakens the tree. Several years of early leaf loss can result in decreased growth, reduced bloom and increased susceptibility to winter injury.


Our tree's LOVE this rain but … maybe a little too much! Tree's are opportunistic, as more and more rain falls they continue to indulge. This is problematic because of the risks that come with all the added weight from all the extra water they have been drinking. We as humans know the importance of moderation and only take in what we can handle, however trees … not so much. All the extra water is making our trees heavier, it is also making their roots and surrounding ground soggy and weak. This creates a massive threat of trees uprooting and falling over. Whether from a gust of wind or sometimes even just because the tree couldn't handle the weight anymore.

There is also the prediction of compensatory leaf drop. This condition is brought about by environmental factors that cause a tree to drop its leaves prematurely. Once the rain stops and the summer heats up, the roots are unable to supply all the leaves with enough water to stay healthy and green. The tree compensates for this by dropping the leaves that are the least efficient at producing food through photosynthesis (usually on the interior of the canopy).

To avoid any of these disastrous threats, we highly recommend pruning. If we can trim some extra branches and remove some weight, your trees will be much happier and safer this summer!


We'd like you to meet . . .

Our star of the month for July is Julio! Julio means 'July' in Spanish so it was simply meant to be! He is one of our trim departments foreman and is always going the extra mile. His favorite part about working here at Autumn Tree is seeing Carisa's beautiful face everyday. (How sweet?🥰) When Julio isn't at work you can find him spending time with his kiddos, enjoying the outdoors or getting some well deserved rest! He loves corrido and rock n' roll music. The Austrian Pine is Julio's favorite tree. We are so happy to have Julio as part of our Autumn Tree family.

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