NEWS & UPDATES July 2023

Youth Spotlight:

Summer Campers @ Massanetta 2023!

massanetta 2023
massanetta 2023
 Massanetta 2023

"Welcome Home" is an interesting theme choice for a sleepaway camp; 4 days and 3 nights away from home isn't easy! PLUS, round the clock activities, energizers, games, dances, workshops, and 100+ other middlers from the entire East Coast mean camp can be intimidating . . . but our middlers were brave!

On day one, they packed onto the church bus, endured pounding rain the entire 5 hour drive, shyly introduced themselves, made covenants on how they would engage one another, and quietly observed. By dinner the same day, they began to speak up. They leaned into the discomfort, participated in small groups, engaged in discussion, connected with other middlers, and represented us all well as leaders, listeners, and people of faith.

What started as the camp director claimed as the "Soggiest Camp Ever!" become bright sunshine, blue skies, and plenty of pool time. From braving the annual oversized slip n slide, to spontaneous dance moves learned from worship energizers, our youth were all in!

The last day, they even decided the camp dates for 2024 and presented to Rev. Tara why they needed to return those specific dates (to reunite with friends made this year). As one youth said when loading the bus for departure, "wow, leaving is making me sadder than I expected." The stop at Popeyes for lunch and an exciting contest to see who had memorized the camp's theme verse Psalm 23 brightened up the group.

We say WELL DONE to this year's camp group and hope your middle schooler will join us in 2024! Special thanks to Mr. Marty Dennis Richardson who was not only a chaperone, but a trusted help and active participant for these middlers.

We want to share your good news! Youth can share their good news by sending us email to be featured in next month's spotlight! [email protected]

A Look Back at Youth Block 2022-2023!

Thank You All for Another Awesome Year!

*Youth Block Will Resume Fall 2023*

You'll be hearing from me!

While we may feel a bit distant during the summer, know that we are still connected in Spirit! In fact, Rev. Tara will be making calls and sending emails to check in with every youth on our roster from today until August 30th. If you need to contact me sooner, please don't hesitate! I look forward to catching up with all of our awesome youth families!

-Rev. Tara Gibbs

youth massanetta camp

Summer Dates

Summer Hangouts

Stay Connected! Bring A Friend!

July 23 | 11am-12:30pm

Youth Hall Closet Clean Up

Youth Hall

Volunteer Hours | Snacks | Giveaways

August 6 | 11am-12:30pm

Sundae Sunday

Youth Hall

Ice Cream | Movie

volleyball youth park

Freedom Park Volleyball Hangout in June 2023

Teens acting costumes

3rd Annual

Youth Homecoming

Theme: Acting Out!

August 5, 2023


We're back and ready to act out! bring your energy, creativity, and humor to an event centered on connection, movement, and fun!

Activities | Free Food | Comedy | Improv | Special Guests

Sign Up for One or All!

 Vacation Bible School
Sign Up Now
Sunday Worship

Youth Volunteer Opportunities!

Looking for more ways to keep active this summer? Volunteer with any or all the ways below!

Vacation Bible School

Lead crafts | Lead games | Set Up

July 18-20th


Freedom School Finale

Set Up | Decorate | Serve Food

July 27th


Participate in Sunday Service


Greet |Offering | Read Scripture


Join us for Charlotte PRIDE!

August 19-20th

Official MPBC SHIRT:

We are taking orders for MPBC Shirts now so that we can all show up and show out as we walk together and participate in the Charlotte PRIDE Festival August 19-20. The deadline to order is July 5 so that we have time to get them printed and delivered. Special offer- order an adult shirt and get a kid's shirt FREE!

Order Shirt
Youth Pride
Sign Up to Volunteer

Parent/Caretaker Corner

youth guest

Eddie & Wilhemena Bell talked Black Poetry and shared personal stories for Black History Month.

youth JJ guest

Rev. JJ stopped by to put an interesting spin on "Environmental" Justice by discussing disability.

youth roof solar

Bob Thomason and Paul Fricke took youth on the roof to tour our solar panels and learn about conserving energy.

Ready to Shape a Teen's Life?

Volunteering Isn't As Scary As You Think!

We'd love for you to volunteer with our youth ministry! We have a variety of ways you can make an impact on our youth:

  • Bring your talent or hobby (ex. teach us to garden, draw, or knit, etc)
  • Bring your passion for service (ex. teach us about going green!)
  • Bring your experiences and journey (mentor a discipleship youth)
  • Bring your love and care (chaperone a field trip or donate snacks)
  • Bring your support and knowledge (lead a parent/caretaker group)
I'm Interested in Volunteering

Get Ahead of the Game!

Update your Youth's 2023-24 Info TODAY!

Help us keep your youth feeling safe, supported, and engaged! We need to know who to call in an emergency, any allergies, what school they attend, and their special interests.

Complete by July 23rd to get a chance to win a FREE MPBC t-shirt!

Update Now

Online Resource Guide

From family liturgies to mental health resources, there's something for everyone on this list! We're always adding suggestions, so please let us know if you have local, national, or online resources to share with other caregivers!

View or Download

Happy Birthday June Celebrants!

Happy Birthday!

Christopher D

Bridget D

Mileah J

Arianna F

Happy Birthday July Celebrants!

Happy Birthday!

Conor D

Harper H


Questions, Comments, Concerns? Reach Out!

Rev. Tara Gibbs (she/her)

Associate Minister of Spiritual Growth

[email protected]

Keep up with us on Social Media


