July 2023 Newsletter

To give aid and encouragement in promoting the education and welfare of at-risk children in the state of Georgia.

Happy Summer Everyone!

I am so excited to kick-off the year and I hope you have been enjoying TIME this summer with family and friends!

Be sure to join us for our Summer Cocktails and General Meeting on Tuesday, August 29th! This event will be a little different than our usual meeting :) We wanted to kick the year off with TIME to socialize with your Circle friends and the opportunity to get to know our Board members and Committee Chairs.

The reception style meeting will feature heavy apps, cash bar and focus on TIME to catch up with friends after summer activities as well as TIME to talk to our committee chairs about the great things we have planned and how you can plug into our activities!

Before we get into the swing of a new year, there are three things we need our membership to put positive energy and TIME into:

  1. We need volunteers for the City of Refuge Back to School Bash next week- please sign up TODAY!
  2. It's TIME to start soliciting golf tournament sponsors and players for our October 23 fundraiser at Indian Hills Country Club.
  3. Send us a list of potential members to invite to our garden party!

Be on the look out in the next week for a virtual President's packet in your email including a link for renewing your membership online. If you would like to receive a printed copy of the packet and member form, email me at thecircle4children@gmail.com.

Happy Summer,



August 31

City of Refuge

Back to School Bash

July 26, 2023

10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Executive Board Meeting

August 9, 2023

6:00 pm

Summer General Meeting

The Mill Kitchen and Bar

August 29, 2023

 6:30 pm


October 1

2:00 - 4:00 pm

New Member Orientation

October 18, 2023

Golf Tournament

October 23, 2023

Indian Hills Country Club

Marietta, Georgia

10:00 am


Join us on August 29th for our Summer Membership gathering at the

upstairs LOFT space at the Mil Kitchen & Bar in Roswell!

Click Here to RSVP through Payment

Don't want to pay online? RSVP and check payment can be mailed to:

Elaine LaMontagne, 5421 Beau Reve Park, Marietta, GA 30068


Click here to learn more about our Golf Tournament!


Please help us recruit new members by recommending 5-10 women for membership by August 31.

Our big recruitment party is scheduled for Sunday, October 1 at the home of Susan Fulkerson. Thank you Susan for hosting! 

This is what we need you to do:

  1. Email our membership team circle4children.membership@gmail.com your list of recommendations of women you know well who have a heart for helping children.
  2. Include the prospective member's name, address, phone, and email. They will receive a printed party invite, follow up phone call from our membership committee, and a post event email asking them to join.
  3. Let them know you nominated them and to look for the invitation in August. Tell them a little about The Circle.

The Membership Chairs, Emily Lemmy and Abbie Lemmy will do the rest, with support from Rita Robb Furness and Pat Iffaldano who provided inspiration for this membership push.

It's ok if your list is less than five or more than ten; any amount helps. It's great to think about groups of women to invite to join together. The more women we invite, the more who will attend. The more who attend, the more who will join!

By growing The Circle we can do more to help children, meet more amazing women, and spread the work of the organization across more hands

Thanks in advance for your help!

Emily, Abbie, Rita and Pat

Email Your List to Emily

It’s Time to start Rounding Up our Members from over years past that were a Big Part of our 97 year Circle history!! As we count down to our 100 year Jubilee in 2027!

Over the next 3 years we would like to keep our past Circle members in the loop and it would be awesome to add these ladies to our newsletter to keep them in the loop. Let’s create a Big On-going Reunion of Circle ladies past, present and future! 

Make a list of your favorites... I need names including cell # and email so we can start lassoing them back into The Circle!! Forward this newsletter and tell them to contact me!! Even if they have moved out of town...

We want these ladies to Circle back and we don’t want to have to send a posse after them!! 

Please forward to Rita Furness at ritafrobb@icloud.com or text contacts to 770-356-3696. 

Rita Furness and Pat Iaffaldano 

VP Membership 


Back to School Bash at City of Refuge


Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Event runs from 10 am to 12 pm (ish)

Please arrive by 9:45 for an overview of the crafts 

or as early as 9:30 am to help set up!

City of Refuge will be giving away school supplies and having tons of fun (see their community flyer below for all the planned activities). You do not want to miss this event!

The Circle will supervise a fun arts & craft activity for the various age groups that will be in attendance. Thank you to our Charity Liaison Chair, Suzi Goodman, who is planning our fun activity!

Remember a background check is required to volunteer at City of Refuge so sign up today to complete that process if you haven't already done so.

Register to Volunteer

Access the Directory online with new Password! The membership directory of active Circle members can now be viewed on our website. For the privacy of all members, the directory is password protected. You can access the directory under the membership tab on the website.

July 2 Katie Judd

July 8 Abbie Lemmy

July 10 Suzi Goodman

July 13            Cynthia Dolezal

July 15            Cindy Formica

July 20            Julia Davis Barwick

July 22 Holly Scardino

July 25            Kimberly Johnson

July 27            Heather Rees

July 28 Gail Godfrey

Belated wishes for our June Birthdays!

June 1            Betts Fisher

June 3            Jodie Kissling

June 3            Carrie Kissling

June 20      Martha Bechtel

June 19      Kyla Marie Discus

June 28      Shirley Jones

June 29 Jennifer Michaels

If your birthday (month and day) is not in the new Circle directory, please email that information. We would love to acknowledge that special day.
Circle Celebration Fund
Can't think of a gift for a friend? Consider donating to the Circle Celebration Fund in their name. A lovely acknowledgment will be sent to the honoree informing them of the donation you made in their name. Please contact thecircle4children@gmail.com if you would like to donate.
Circle Correspondence
Please send any Circle Correspondence to thecircle4children@gmail.com for announcements of births, loss of loved ones, outstanding events or illnesses. Please include the individual's address so the corresponding secretary can send the appropriate correspondence. Also, indicate if the information should be posted in the newsletter.
Kroger Community Rewards will donate a portion of your grocery purchase total to The Circle for Children.Please sign up for a Kroger Card the next time you're grocery shopping and link it to The Circle for Children.

To link your Kroger card go to www.kroger.com and login to access "My Account". Under "Community" select "Community Awards" then click the "link card" button. Then, search for "The Circle for Children" or enter number, CX636. You can also call Kroger at 1-800-562-4438 and they will sign you up over the phone.
The Circle for Children | circle4children.org
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