Issue: 251                                
July 21, 2016 
In This Issue

Quick Links
TCGIS Online Calendar

Upcoming Dates

Aug. 25: Open House

Aug. 29: First Day of School 1-8 Grade

Aug. 31: First Day of School Kindergarten

Sept. 2-5: No School - Labor Day Weekend

Sept. 14: Early Release Wednesday

Oct. 6: Picture Day

Oct. 19: Early Release Wednesday

Oct. 20-21: MEA Weekend
 Volunteer at TCGIS!
Take a look at current volunteer opportunities! If you are not yet a volunteer, but are interested in becoming one - please fill out an application here. Vielen Dank!
Like us on Facebook

Administrative Information
Busing for 2016-2017

If you are interested in the bus service offered at TCGIS, please click here for the details. You'll fnd information on:
  • Stops by location
  • Commitment & Registration
  • More information that will follow
Job Posting Update

TCGIS is currently seeking a .5 FTE (20 hours per week) Lunch Server and multiple German-speaking Paraprofessionals for the 2016-17 school year. If you or someone you know may be interested in one of these positions, please visit the employment page of the TCGIS website for more information! You may also contact Gael Braddock at  gbraddock@tcgis.org for more information on these--or any--of the school's current employment opportunities.
NEW! EXCITING! Bulk Order is LIVE until  August 7!

In order to save families money and time, and also to save teachers work in organizing and sorting supplies, the  School to Community Committee is launching a  Class Supply Bulk Order this year. Participation is 100% optional.

Simply follow this link, and fill out all the required fields. The school will purchase, sort and deliver the supplies. The amount you commit to will be added to your Order Lunches account beginning in August.

Please note: The order will cover all items that are academic in nature. The more personal items listed below are included in the supply lists, but will not be ordered by the school, so please refer to the supply list and make sure you supply the following items for your student(s):
  • Backpack
  • Sport/Hausschuhe
  • Lunchbox
  • Snack containers
  • Water bottles
  • Paint shirt (elementary school)
  • Ear buds (middle school)
For those who wish to purchase school supplies on your own, please find the lists below.

Send any questions you may have to the Front Office at info@tcgis.org.

Summer Weeding Day - Volunteers Needed

Before the summer vacation is completely gone, our school's rain gardens and raspberry beds need weeding! Many hands make for a lighter load, and we can all take pride in the school grounds when they are looking good.

Any adults or children ready to get their hands a bit dirty are welcome to join us on  Saturday, August 6, from  8 - 11:30 AM, to pull weeds by the fistful. Bring your garden gloves, a water bottle (we can refill!) and any tools you prefer. We have a few trowels available, but likely not enough for all. For more info, email  hgoetzman@tcgis.org.

Can't make it? We'll have another date later in August before the school year starts!
Application for Educational Benefits

Please find the information letter and the  application form for the free and reduced lunch  program for the 2016-2017 school year. Click here for the instructions.  Applications can be submitted at any time during the school year, however to receive free/reduced school lunches for the 1st day of school, we would like to ask you to submit your application form no later than  August 15, 2016 .

If you have any question or need help, don't hesitate to email  lunch@tcgis.org or call  (651) 492-7106.
Board Member Appointee

The board is currently seeking applicants for a one-year board appointment. Ted Johnson is unfortunately stepping down, and the TCGIS By-laws state that a new board director shall be appointed by the board. Ted has been a great contributing member of the TCGIS community, and his financial expertise has been a great boon for the school; he will be missed.

Because of Ted's specific expertise, the board will likely give preference to candidates with training and/or experience in finance, especially in non-profit organizations, but any interested party should feel encouraged to apply. The board would like to make this appointment as soon as possible, hopefully no later than the August board meeting.

Please find here the application form.  Questions? Applications? Send them to Andy Thompson at  athompson@tcgis.org.
Kinderclub 2016-2017

Please  click here  to read more about Kinderclub 2016-2017:
  • Commitment form for returning families (those enrolled in 2015-2016)
  • Tuition scholarships
  • "Week 0" full- and half-day care - Aug 22-26, 2016 (who is this open to and how do I sign up?)
  • 2016-2017 Kinderclub calendar
Playground Playdate and Library Time

Mark your calendars for the two remaining playdates on the TCGIS playground, and check out some German language books for summer reading! 

Thursday, July 21 (today!) 4pm-7pm
Monday, Aug. 8 4pm-7pm

Thank you to all of the amazing volunteers who have helped make the summer library possible! We still need about 4 or 5 volunteers to help reshelve all of the books the evening of the school Open House (August 25). If you are interested, please sign up here.
Girl Scouts at TCGIS

All parents of 2016-2017 TCGIS Daisies, Brownies and Juniors are invited to join us in planning the program year for our TCGIS Troop.  More information will follow soon about dates for the upcoming year.
PTO Announcement

Save the Dates!
The TCGIS PTO would like to welcome new and returning families to these upcoming community events:
School Open House and PTO ice cream social:  August 25
Regional picnics:  September 10
Auflauf: The community's favorite casserole competition returns  Oct. 1
Kindergarten playdate:  October 15
Auction and strudel sale:  Oct. 19-25

GAI Announcement

Familienfest - 
Sunday, August 21, 
Join us for kid-friendly activities and family-friendly menus to celebrate the last days of summer and the start of a new school year, complete with a Schulanfang ceremony for incoming kindergartners, honoring the beginning of their school careers. Kids can enjoy a bouncy house and games on the GAI lawn while meeting other young friends in the GAI and TCGIS community. New this year, the GAI will be serving the fun summer dessert,  Spaghettieis. Sample this treat of pressed vanilla ice cream "spaghetti" with strawberry sauce and white chocolate flake topping.
German Night with Minnesota United FC - GAI Discount Code!
August 6 home game at NSC Stadium - 
Minnesota United FC vs Miami FC
Minnesota's pro Fußball team, Minnesota United, has a new German goalie and the GAI is celebrating with a block of discount tickets to a game! Enter the code  GAI16 when purchasing through the MN United website and receive a discount on tickets for the August 6th home game against Miami FC.  Visit  www.mnunitedfc.com  to purchase tickets.