July 25, 2023

In this edition of ENews:

  • Early Registration for Convention Closes Soon!
  • Elections and the Self-Governance of our church
  • Save The Date – Fearless Faith Revival is April 27, 2024!
  • Be Disaster Ready Expo scheduled for Saturday, September 16
  • Katherine Frederick to be ordained to the Priesthood Saturday, July 29
  • Choral Evensong to honor Rev. Peter Rodgers is Sunday, July 30

Office of the Bishop

Early Registration for Convention Closes July 31.

Registration is now live for the 2023 Diocesan Convention, scheduled for Friday, November 3 – Saturday, November 4 at Faith Church in Cameron Park. Don't delay — fees for Registration will increase Tuesday, August 1.

Information for Clergy and lay delegates is available at the convention website, including important dates, instructions for nominating candidates for the Board of Trustees and Standing Committee, and Proposing Resolutions.

Register Now

Diocesan Convention

Elections and the self-governance of our Church

By The Rev. James Richardson

Among the strengths of The Episcopal Church is our enduring commitment to self-governance by all the baptized. Together we bring our experience and God-given talents to discern the will of the Holy Spirit to this task.

We do this at multiple levels in the Church, striking a balance between bishops, priests, deacons and the laity, beginning at the congregational level with committees, ministry teams, mission committees, vestries and delegations to our Diocese Convention. 

At the diocese level, we come together annually at our convention to elect those serving the diocese in several capacities required by our canons and constitution. Each congregation elects convention delegates at its annual meeting.

This year, our diocese convention will convene Nov. 3-4 at Faith Church, Cameron Park, to elect representatives to the diocesan Standing Committee and the Board of Trustees. 

Three of our deaneries will also caucus to elect their representatives to the Board of Trustees. More below about these two governing bodies.

You are invited to nominate yourself for one of these offices or nominate someone else (with their permission) for election to one of these offices. The nomination forms and other details can be found here: https://www.norcalepiscopal.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/2023-DioCon_Governance-Nomination-Instructions-1.pdf

A few words about each:

The Standing Committee:

Each diocese is required by The Episcopal Church to have a “Standing Committee.” The bland name does not convey its large responsibility. The Standing Committee, with four clergy and four lay members (the bishop is not a member), has many duties, including responsibility for the disposition of church property, approval of loans by congregations, and confirmation of those seeking ordination. 

Upon the vacancy or retirement of the bishop, the Standing Committee conducts the election to fill the vacancy. The Standing Committee also votes whether to confirm the election of bishops in other dioceses, and a majority of all the standing committees is required to confirm a new bishop. 

The Standing Committee serves as the “council of advice” to the local bishop, and becomes the “ecclesiastical authority” in the vacancy of a bishop.

Each year we elect one clergy and one lay representative to the Standing Committee to serve a four-year term.

The Board of Trustees:

The trustees are responsible for the financial and programmatic oversight of the diocese, serving something like a Vestry for the diocese. The Board approves the annual diocesan budget and the apportionment formula used for accessing congregations for diocesan financial support.

There are 16 members of the board, with the bishop serving as president and the trustees electing a vice president from among its ranks. The deans of the seven deaneries serve as non-voting members.

The diocese convention elects five trustees, either lay or clergy. The bishop has three appointments, and the deaneries, meet as a caucus before convention, to elect representatives as a voting member of the board. This year we will be electing two trustees, lay or clergy, to serve three-year terms. 

Three of the deaneries will caucus to elect their representatives to the trustees: The Capital and Russian River deaneries will elect their representatives for three-year terms; the Central deanery will elect a representative to complete one year remaining in a three-term that expires in 2024. The Central Deanery will caucus again next year for an election to a three year term.

If you have questions about the elections, please contact me at jrichardson@trinitycathedral.org

The Rev. James Richardson

Chair, Diocese Convention Nominating Committee

Standing Committee Members

The Rev. Seth Kellerman | 2023

Emmanuel, Grass Valley


The Rev. Tim McDonald | 2025

Good Shepherd, Cloverdale


The Rev. Sally Hubbell | 2026

St. Paul’s, Healdsburg


Mr. Mark McMillen | 2026

St. Luke’s, Galt

Ms. Leta Parks | 2023

Trinity Cathedral, Sacramento

Dr. Sandra Takagi | 2024

Ms. Donnie Wallace | 2025

St. Barnabas, Mt. Shasta

The Very Rev. Matthew Woodward | 2026

Trinity Cathedral, Sacramento

Board of Trustees

The Rt. Rev. Megan Traquair


Ms. Barbara Jewell 



Mr. John Nykamp



Ms. Adrienne Collom

Bishop Appointee | 2023

Mr. Kevin Donohue

Bishop Appointee | 2024

Mr. Bob Hall

Bishop Appointee | 2025

The Rev. Dr. Pamela Dolan

Trustee-at-large | 2023

The Rev. Karen Freeman

Trustee-at-large | 2024

Ms. Margie Harrison-Smith

Trustee-at-large | 2025

The Rev. Rod MacAulay

Trustee-at-large | 2024

Ms. Diane Curtis-Page

Trustee-at-large | 2025

The Rev. Aidan Rontani

Alta Deanery Rep | 2024

The Rev. Jim Richardson

Capital Deanery Rep | 2023


Central Deanery Rep | 2024

The Rev. Nancy Streufert 

Semper Virens Deanery Rep | 2024

Mr. Jim Evans

Sierra Deanery Rep | 2025

Ms. Anne Seed

Wingfield Deanery Rep | 2025

Ms. Daphne Vernon

Russian River Rep | 2023

The Very Rev. Tammy Smith-Firestone

Dean | Alta California | 2025*


Dean | Capital | 2024*

The Very Rev. Rick Laughman

Dean | Central | 2024*

The Very Rev. Ed Howell

Dean | Russian River | 2025*

The Very Rev. Lesley McCloghrie

Dean | Semper Virens | 2025*


Dean | Sierra | 2024*

The Very Rev. Perry Polk

Dean | Wingfield | 2024*

* non-voting

Mark your Calendar and Save The Date!

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry is scheduled to appear as he prepares to leave office next July at General Convention. Our planning committees are hard at work designier an experience you will not want to miss! No snake-handling…we promise!

Missioner for Disaster Resilience

Saturday, September 16 | 10 am – 3 pm

St. Johns Church Roseville | Free and In-person only

Around the Diocese

60th Annual Benicia Peddlers Fair Celebrates History, Collectibles, and Local Artisans


The 60th annual Benicia Peddlers Fair, sponsored by St Paul's Historic Trust, is set to take place on Saturday August 12th 2023. This highly anticipated event aims to preserve the historic building of St Paul's Episcopal Church in Benicia, California, while also providing a unique shopping experience for collectors and enthusiasts.


What started as a small outdoor event in 1963, with a few collectible and antique stores displaying their items on tables outside St Paul's Church, has now grown into a grand affair. The fair boasts 300 select antique and collectible dealers from all over the country, along with a diverse range of arts and craft makers. Spanning the entire 11 blocks of 1st Street in the historic town of Benicia (https://www.ci.benicia.ca.us/history), attendees will be treated to beautiful views of the Carquinez Strait along with the unique shops and restaurants that call Benicia their full time home. (https://www.visitbenicia.org/)

Read More

Commission for Intercultural Ministries

St. John’s, Roseville, Will Host Sacred Ground Dialogue Circles Beginning August 2023 

Sacred Ground is a film- and readings-based small group dialogue series on race and racism in America, grounded in faith and is part of Becoming Beloved Community, the Episcopal Church’s long-term commitment to racial healing, reconciliation, and justice in our personal lives, our ministries, and our society. To date, over 70 individuals have attended the four previous sets of circles offered at St. John’s. 


This is an 11-session program, with small group discussion and reflection. Sessions will be held bi-weekly on Wednesday evenings from 7-9 pm beginning August 9, 2023, and will be offered via Zoom. There is no cost for attending the program, although participants are asked to purchase two books to help guide them in our discussions.


We encourage Sacred Ground graduates to register if they are interested in a “deeper dive” into the Sacred Ground curriculum materials. If there is enough interest and graduates, we will form a separate “deeper dive” dialogue circle.


For more information, or to indicate your interest in attending, please contact Diane Williamson at dianewilliamson864@gmail.com or (916) 300-6384.

Thank you!

Jo Ann Williams | Commission for Intercultural Ministries


Healing Prayer Bible Study and Fellowship | Order of St. Luke

First Saturday of the Month | 10:00 am on Zoom

We pray, study and learn together. The group is currently studying The Grace Outpouring by Roy Goodwin.

Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85306478741pwd=SGZYcFFZZnVwRzVmOExJYnJTRGF4QT09

For more information call Elba White at 916 684 4015.

*In Case You Missed it…

Clergy Openings in The Diocese

All Saints Church | Sacramento seeks a Full-time Rector. View job description here. | https://www.allsaintssacramento.org/profile

St. Clements |Rancho Cordova is seeking a full-time Rector.

View Job Description here.

Job Opportunities in The Diocese

Saint Luke’s | Auburn is seeking a part-time Parish Mission Coordinator to assist the Clergy, Vestry and parishioners in the mission and management of the church. Read the Position Description Here.

Church of the Epiphany | Vacaville seeks a Part-time Organist/Music Director. View job description here. | epiphanychurchvacaville.org

St.Nicholas | Paradise is seeking a part-time Church Administrator.

View job description here.

For job descriptions or questions, please contact transitions@norcalepiscopal.org or call Cn. Julie at 916.442.6918 x 214

The ENews is published weekly on Tuesdays.
To submit news/events, please email communications@norcalepiscopal.org by Wednesday of the prior week
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The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

Making Disciples, Raising Up Saints & Transforming Communities for Christ


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