July 27, 2024


T37 Pizza Fin, T34B Sonder, & T34 Grace pass by very close to the shore of Whidbey Island.

photo by Aaron Gill, July 22, 2024

We are watching and visiting the whales in their home.
Please observe, love, and respect them from a distance.


Sightings through July 26 include:

Southern Residents - On July 22, J Pod was heard on the Lime Kiln hydrophone late at night.

On July 23, J Pod went north through Active Pass and into the Strait of Georgia.

On July 24, J Pod went south in Boundary Pass and down Haro Strait.

On July 25, J Pod made their way through Active Pass.

On July 26, J Pod made their way south in Haro Strait and spent the day off San Juan Island.

In next report: On July 27, J Pod spent the day off the west side of San Juan Island before heading north in Haro Strait.

Bigg's Killer Whales - On July 19, approximately 40 orcas including T35As, T37/T37Bs, T38As, T49C, T75s, T75Cs, T117A, T117Bs, T172 spotted in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. T65A5, T75Bs, T77C were in the Strait of Georgia.

On July 20, T35As, T38As, & T75Cs were spotted in Haro Strait. T46Bs were in the eastern San Juans. T65Bs were seen near Campbell River, BC.

On July 21, T46s were seen in Haro Strait.

On July 22, T46Bs were seen in Haro Strait. T34s & T37 were in Saratoga Passage - T37Bs may have been with them in the morning, but were not seen with them the rest of the day.

On July 23, T109A2s went through Deception Pass. T34s & T37 were spotted in Saratoga Passage - they appeared to re-join with the T37Bs in the late morning.

On July 24, T46Bs were in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. T34s & T37/T37Bs were spotted in Rosario Strait.

On July 25, T46Bs were seen in Puget Sound,

On July 26, T77s made their way south in Admiralty Inlet then north up Possession Sound & Saratoga Passage. T46Bs went north in Admiralty Inlet. T75Bs made their way east in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. T49C, T109A2s, T117A, T117Bs were in the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

In next report: On July 27, T77s spent the day in Saratoga Passage.

Humpbacks - 2023 calf of BCZ0408 Guardian spotted in Admiralty Inlet & BCX1251 Orion spending time in Puget Sound.

Gray Whales - On July 26, CRC53 Little Patch was seen headed north in Admiralty Inlet and out to the Strait of Juan de Fuca - we presume this is his farewell until winter!

CRC2259 & CRC2557 continue to keep a presence in inland Puget Sound.


SUNDAY, AUGUST 4 AT 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

For Tokitae - Meet the Author Nateli Sanderson Langley Whale Center, Langley, Whidbey Island

Nateli Sanderson is a teenage environmental advocate who is passionate about protecting the Salish Sea and the beautiful Pacific Northwest ecosystems. She was inspired to write this story after seeing Tokitae's family for the first time, and hearing about all of the people who fought tirelessly for her return home. Signed copies of Nateli's books will be available for purchase! 

SUNDAY, AUGUST 18 AT 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut - A Gathering of Hearts

Lime Kiln State Park, San Juan Island

Join us Sunday, August 18th at the Lime Kiln State Park Lighthouse for A Gathering of Hearts for Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut/Tokitae.

More details will be provided closer to the event.

Please keep in mind that a Discover Pass (or $10 fee) is required to park at the State Park. Transportation from Friday Harbor to Lime Kiln Park will also be available through San Juan Transit.

Please direct any questions to info@orcanetwork.org, thank you.

Webshop item: Whale Sighting Alerts Subscription 

Orca Network's Whale Sighting Network and Education Project is now offering our whale sightings phone/text alerts by annual subscription. 

Cost is $25.00 every 12 months. If finances is a hardship please email serena@orcanetwork.org.  


Real-time, or near real-time, call/text alerts create opportunities for people to connect with and observe the whales in their natural habitat from shorelines and other platforms around the Salish Sea. And for those who wish to contribute to Community Science you can report your sightings to our Whale Sighting Network team who vets, records, and disperses collected data to researchers, scientists, agencies, educators, public, etc. 

Your support enables Orca Network to continue our work to connect people & whales, educate & inspire people to take action, and collect & disseminate data for research & education.
With Gratitude!
Orca Network

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SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype)

Fri, Jul 26 - Haro Strait (J Pod)

J37 Hy'shqa and the no-longer-so-little J59 Sxwyeqólh passing Lime Kiln this morning as J-Pod went south down Haro Strait.

Orca Behavior Institute

photo & IDs by Monika Wieland Shields, July 26, 2024


21:17 - Still moving slowly down island from Point Edwards. Here's a breach. Hearing distant calls on the Lime Kiln hydrophone.

19:50 - Watching lots of whales move southeast, down island.

Fred Horn [WSSJI]


20:27 - Group of five or so between Land Bank and Edwards Point facing south but drifting north.

19:17 - Most or all of them milling a mile or more offshore of Land Bank.

18:58 - Three whales offshore of Land Bank heading north.

15:20 - Two to three got just north of Edwards and are now milling trending down island.

Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]


19:36 - J Pod is off San Juan Island viewable from Land Bank viewing area just south of Lime Kiln, about one mile off shore.

Joel Salafia


17:53 - At least ten orcas milling off of Pile Point and Kanaka Bay.

16:15 - Most orcas from Eagle Point to Pile Point had moved away from shore.

14:52 - Orcas spread from north of Eagle Point to the west side of Pile Point. Heading up island for the most part.

12:00 - Possible direction change for orcas near Eagle Point. Moving away from shore.

11:28 - Leader now down island from Eagle Point. Heading towards American Camp/South Beach.

Jenny Stands Wilson [WSSJI]


11:04 - Big male on the camera.

Tim Harder


10:58 - Seeing and hearing them again now.

Jennifer Taylor


11:00 - Presumed trailers approaching Lime Kiln.

10:05 - J19s and J16s sans J26 have passed Lime Kiln southbound; all others still north of here but coming south.

Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]


09:30 - Orcas mid channel off campground at San Juan County Park; two adults looked like a male and a smaller fin leading, and another group of three to five with probably a male and female and a juvenile following a few minutes behind. Headed south.

photo by Reagan Carosino, July 26, 2024


07:27 - Orcas heading west towards Turn Point on Stuart Island. Traveling like residents?

Anonymous [WSSJI]

Thu, Jul 25 - Active Pass (J Pod)

Thank you to friends on Pender Island for reporting orcas off Mouat Point early this morning. We investigated and found Jpod swimming leisurely through Active Pass and into the Strait of Georgia.

video by Salish Sea Orca Squad, July 25, 2024

Wed, Jul 24 - Boundary Pass/Haro Strait (J Pod)

Goodnight Mike. Goodnight light. Goodnight whale waving your tail. Goodnight smoky sky. Goodnight Lime Kiln fly. Goodnight Mike.

Orca Behavior Institute

photo & ID by Monika Wieland Shields, July 24, 2024


20:08 - One male foraging off County Park.

Karin Roemers-Kleven [WSSJI]


19:40 - We think nine whales have passed Lime Kiln southbound, some of the J16s and J19s in the mix.

Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]


18:50 - Echolocation clicks heard on Lime Kiln hydrophone.

18:34 - Leader now visible north of Lime Kiln Lighthouse on camera moving down island.

Fred Horn [WSSJI]


18:20 - Coming south and visible at County Park.

Joe Garvey [WSSJI]


16:50 - Leaders have passed Turn Point, southbound.

14:30 - J-Pod East Point coming south down Boundary Pass.

Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]

Tue, Jul 23 - Active Pass/Strait of Georgia (J Pod)

They're back! J-Pod was audible on the Lime Kiln hydrophone after sunset last night [07/22] and thanks to our friends at Salish Sea Orca Squad, we learned they went north through Active Pass this morning! 

Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]


06:10 - Thanks to a report from a friend of orcas entering Active Pass at 06:10. Jpod in Active Pass filmed from Bellhouse Provincial Park, Galiano Island BC.

video by Salish Sea Orca Squad, July 23, 2024

Mon, Jul 22 - Haro Strait (J Pod)

22:27 - 22:33 - Wanted to circle back and add that if you rewind on the Lime Kiln livestream to ~22:27 last night, you can hear K-pod [only J pod was heard per Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute] vocalizing and then J-pod by 22:33- shoutout to Chandra for these awesome timestamps!

Olivia Trahan [WSSJI]

BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype)

Fri, Jul 26 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T49C, T109A2s, T117A, T117Bs)


T49C Neilson

Another two species day! We started out with the T109A2s accompanied by T049C, T117A and T117Bs… plus a large group of humpbacks like BCX2073 "Sage". Link to more photos.

Sooke Coastal Explorations

photos by Pacific Imagery, July 26, 2024

Fri, Jul 26 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T75Bs)

20:05 - Libbey Beach.

20:31 - Southbound into Admiralty, right next to shore. Ebey landing area now.

photo courtesy of Kevin Phillips, July 26, 2024


20:17 - Went by Libbey Beach about 15 mins ago. Headed south and fairly close to shore. Three of them moving quickly through the rays of sun on the water.

Amy Leigh Chappelle


20:11 - Looking at a second hand report these orcas appear to be near Point Partridge southbound right now. I’m not on scene though, just passing it along.

Bart Rulon Art & Photography


14:32 - I’m here now, but when I left them I was a few kilometers south [approx. 48.323043, -122.988183].

14:28 - T075Bs in the Strait of Juan de Fuca, lots of direction changes, now steadily heading east toward Whidbey [west of Smith Island].

photo by Megan Stuart Chapin, July 26, 2024

Fri, Jul 26 - Admiralty Inlet/Possession Sound/Saratoga Passage (T77s)

T77 Asja & T77E Misneach

T77 Asja in background & T77D Alcyon

IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network

A nice day for whales! The T77s made a quick but beautiful, close pass by the Clinton ferry on their way north today!

photos by Donna George, July 26, 2024


19:51 - Continue northeast hugging Whidbey at Maylor.

19:48 - Still lingering right off the tip of Maylor Point.

Dylan Hix


19:41 - Just got eyes on them one more time, they have continued in east/northeast direction, aimed at Polnell Point as we leave.

19:37 - Leaving these guys right at Maylor Point, uncommitted but seem to be wanting to continue northeast.

19:26 - Just approaching the mouth of Oak Harbor still northbound.

Tyler McKeen, Blue Kingdom


19:05 - Due east of Long Point, distant, look northbound right now.

Rachel Haight, Orca Network


18:44 - One mile south of Snatelum Point, look to be heading for Penn Cove.

Tyler McKeen, Blue Kingdom


17:52 - Still heading north a couple miles north of Hidden Beach, they submarined by me. 

photo by Aaron Gill, July 26, 2024


17:45 - They've picked up the pace northbound.

17:35 - Continue slow trend north Whidbey side just out from north end Hidden Beach.

Rachel Haight, Orca Network


17:19 - Viewing from Hidden Beach. After stopping for afternoon tea, the 77s exited Holmes Harbor and are leisurely headed Whidbey side of mid up Saratoga Passage.

Cindi Crowder Rausch


16:30 - They hit the shoreline then turned north and they look to be in search mode [approx. 48.079372, -122.554598]. My last report as we leave the scene but you have a good chance of seeing them from Greenbank soon because they are close to shore.

16:18 - Update [approx. 48.082509, -122.549494]. Westbound.

16:05 - It looks like the T77s have committed to entering Holmes Harbor [approx. 48.105558, -122.550492]. Southwestbound.

Bart Rulon Art & Photography


16:04 - Viewing from Hidden Beach - whales heading into Holmes Harbor. Whale watching boat following.

Lynne Gadeken Evans


15:44 - Moving quickly northwest between Camano Island State Park and Baby Island, on Whidbey side. Might be aiming towards Holmes Harbor.

Serena Tierra, Orca Network


15:30 - Update northbound [approx. 48.097763, -122.489724].

Bart Rulon Art & Photography


15:26 - Approaching East Point, on Whidbey side.

15:18 - Orcas northbound south of Camano Island State Park. Looks like they are Whidbey side of midchannel right now. Hard to tell exactly how far away, maybe around Bells Beach?

Serena Tierra, Orca Network


14:44 - Approximately here [48.090209, -122.444721]. Spread out but seem to be generally trending more towards the Camano side.

Sarah Sadid


14:02 - Heading up Saratoga. Mid channel.

13:53 - They’ve passed Hat Island. Tough to call if they’ll go up Saratoga or Port Susan.

Shannon Boss


13:54 - In view from Sandy Point, angled towards it, north/northwestbound.

Rachel Haight, Orca Network


13:24 - John Shackman called to report two to three orcas, one male orca, between Hat Island & Whidbey Island headed north towards Sandy Point, moving at a good pace.


13:15 - Looks like it’s the four T77s.

Kyla Bivens, PSE


13:14 - Just saw about three to four orcas pass Clinton ferry terminal!

Madelyn Rasmussen [ONCG]


13:05 - Just about to pass north of Clinton ferry dock, close to shore.

12:37 - Long down times, north of Glendale, still close to Whidbey. Possible T49A3 present [confirmed T77s per Kyla Bivens], but not 100%. Still northbound. Grouped up.

Rachel Haight, Orca Network

13:07 - Northbound [approx. 47.969417, -122.344368].

Bart Rulon Art & Photography


12:55 - Approaching Clinton terminal northbound.

12:25 - Got them! Close to Whidbey northbound approaching Glendale.

Rachel Haight, Orca Network


10:19 - I'm sure you've heard Swiftsure has the 46Bs northbound approaching Point No Point. There's a second group off of Eglon southbound. I'm assuming the southbound whales were the ones from Double Bluff. They just swung over to say hi to the northbound whales [T46Bs] that were off of Jefferson Head.

Brian McGinn, PSE


08:48 - At least four orca in shipping lane southwest of Double Bluff. No direction given but possibly southeastbound based on a prior report. 

Whale Alert

Fri, Jul 26 - Puget Sound - North Puget Sound/Admiralty Inlet (T46Bs)

14:35 - Pod of five orcas off the Fort Worden lighthouse. Link to more photos.

photos by Rhett Russell, July 26, 2024


14:27 - 46Bs at Point Wilson now [northbound].



12:58 - SJC leaving scene with the T46Bs with them traveling steadily northbound up Admiralty off Marrowstone. Photo for reference [approx. 48.052954, -122.671908].

Alli Montgomery


10:46 - Northbound in shore of the blue dot [approx. 47.930587, -122.568538].

Kyla Bivens, PSE


11:08 - Update on the T46B pod northwestbound as we leave the scene [approx. 47.951920, -122.606032].

10:45 - Update on the T46B pod northwestbound grouped up very closely [approx. 47.930610, -122.569484].

10:10 - T46B pod plus more, northbound at my map spot [approx. 47.883374, -122.496769]. The other pod appeared to turn south before I got any photos of them. T46Bs are still northbound.

Bart Rulon Art & Photography


10:19 - I'm sure you've heard Swiftsure has the 46Bs northbound approaching Point No Point. There's a second group off of Eglon southbound. I'm assuming the southbound whales were the ones from Double Bluff. They just swung over to say hi to the northbound whales [T46Bs] that were off of Jefferson Head.

Brian McGinn, PSE


10:30 - Whales just blew by Point No Point heading north. Very long down times.

Jim Pasola


10:20 - Speeding past Point No Point.

Shade Whitesel


07:40 - Haven’t seen them since. They were heading north.

07:37 - Orca out off Fay Bainbridge. At least six were in [the] group.

Matt McCulloch



07:10 - Four orca spotted between Bainbridge Island & Golden Gardens, west of midchannel, headed northbound. Went on a long dive, may be up more towards Port Madison now.

photo by Sue Larkin, July 26, 2024

Thu, Jul 25 - Puget Sound (T46Bs)

19:32 - Northbound traveling. Jeff Head.

Lance King


19:18 - These guys are heading southbound though.

19:15 - Orcas about midchannel viewing from President Point.

Ashley Alecci Goninan


18:43 - Group of orcas off Fay Bainbridge milling.

Sue Surowiec Larkin


19:26 - I noticed them because of the water splashing from their tails and their spouts.

19:04 - They're toward Kingston. We’re right in front across Edmonds dog park. And saw them hanging in that area for about 20 minutes.

18:25 - Just saw them [southern side of Edmonds].

Olga Moreno


18:40 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 18:46 to report: 1840hrs: Vessel PUYALLUP reports 3 orca northbound, 1/2 mile due west of Edmonds Marina.


19:00 - Three to four orcas northbound west of mid channel between Shilshole and Bainbridge.

Sue Surowiec Larkin


17:00 - Northbound at Yeomalt Point.

16:55 - Northbound, past Bainbridge ferry terminal route now.

16:44 - Near Bainbridge ferry lanes now, northbound.

Amy Chung


16:35 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 16:40 to report: 1635hrs: Vessel TACOMA reports 4 orca northbound, due east of Tyee Light.


16:33 - Very close off the shores of Bainbridge. Headed north.

16:23 - Can confirm they are right off the south tip of Bainbridge.

Amy Chung


16:15 - Pod positioned on the south east tip of Bainbridge Island, Long downtimes. View from Beach Drive just south of the lighthouse. Very close to the beach side of Bainbridge. Heading north.

Patti Waterfall


16:13 - Looks like two males by Blakely Rocks and two smaller orcas by whale watch boat northbound Bainbridge side.

16:07 - West of yellow buoy off Restoration Point northbound.

Mary Hartmann


15:58 - Four mid way between Blake and Bainbridge. Headed north. Long downtimes. Boats appeared to be very close to the whales. Viewed from Beach Drive south of the lighthouse.

Patti Waterfall


15:57 - Still northbound off southeast tip of Bainbridge Island.

15:47 - Northbound mid channel by Glovis cargo ship, whale watch boat trailing, view from Emma Schmitz Park in West Seattle.

Mary Hartmann


15:39 - It was difficult to tell because they were very far away. But they looked to me like they were heading northeast.

15:32 - Spotted off the water taxi just east of the south tip of Blake Island.

Annette Messitt


15:38 - Almost past the north point of Blake Island, trailed by a Puget Sound Express.

15:24 - Northbound really close to south tip of Blake Island now, hoping they stay on the east side of it.

15:15 - Spotted south east of Blake Island viewing from Emma Schmidt's memorial overlook. Four traveling together northbound.

Rubie H Baker


13:38 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 13:55 to report: 1338hrs: [Tacoma] Vessel reports 4 orca moving in a southbound direction, 3/4 mile SW of Tyee Light [Bainbridge].


12:58 - Unconfirmed - but a group off kayakers off of Skiff Point Bainbridge Island reported to vessel traffic a pod of orcas. No other details given. 

Joey LaMarche

Wed, Jul 24 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T46Bs)

T46B2 Akela & T46B2B in foreground

We've spent the last few days with the T046Bs and multiple humpbacks all in the Sooke area! Link to more photos.

Sooke Coastal Explorations

photo by Pacific Imagery, July 24, 2024

Wed, Jul 24 - San Juans (T34s & T37/T37Bs)

T37B Harald seemed to be saying, "Wait for me!!" this afternoon as she sped to catch up with the rest of her family. The T34s, T37, and T37Bs were widely spread and hard to track west of Thatcher Pass. When the others started grouping up, we hadn't seen T37B for a good 15 minutes when she appeared out of no where porpoising past our stern to rejoin the group!

Orca Behavior Institute

photo & ID by Monika Wieland Shields, July 24, 2024


Out on Island Adventures Whale Watching, we caught up with the T34s and T37s, who are all part of one family. The great-grandma is T34 Grace (b. est. 1969), her son T34A Pachamama (b. 2007), and juvenile T34B Sonder (b. 2017), and the rest of the family are matriarch T37 Rocky III, who is T34's daughter, her daughter T37B Harald (b. 1998), and her son T37B1 Lance (sprouting!) and calf T37B3 (b. 2022)... four generations! We got with them near the beautiful Pea Pond Islands and followed them north to Puffin Island. They were together at first, then split apart, in travel mode. As usual on these afternoon/evening trips, the light was beautiful and it was a wonderful treat to see this family together. Kudos to Tyson, Sam and all the crew! 

photos by Bonnie Gretz, July 24, 2024


15:19 - Just left them as they passed east through Obstruction Pass.

Luke Jobe [WSSJI]


13:47 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 14:46 to report: 1347hrs: Vessel YAKIMA reports 7 orca moving in a southbound direction in the west entrance to Thatcher Pass.


13:50 - They got the west end of Thatcher Pass and flipped back north, heading towards the Lopez ferry terminal.

13:10 - Now west of Obstruction Island heading southwest towards the north side of Lopez.

Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]


12:30 - T34s/T37s northbound in Rosario Strait outside Obstruction Pass.

Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]

Tue, Jul 23 - Deception Pass (T109A2s)

T109A2A Seekah on left

Today we saw one of my favorite orca pods from shore. The T109A2s made a bit of an impromptu appearance in my day. With no report to go off of, only marine traffic, I headed out in my search for whales. I caught up with them as they passed under the Deception Pass bridge and watched while they massaged themselves and played in the kelp around Strawberry Island for nearly 45 minutes to an hour. They slowly made their way east where they played and hunted some more before finally making their way to Ala Spit around 19:30 - 20:00. Link to more photos.

photos by Kat Martin, July 23, 2024


19:20 - Showing hunting behaviors, back and forth from mid channel Ala Spit to Skagit Island.

Kevin Phillips


18:40 - They look like they may be hunting east of Skagit Island [approx. 48.415662, -122.574283]. I’m viewing from Dewey Beach.

Brandy Jackson Ritchie


17:51 - Still seeing distant blows off Yokeko Point, they’re slowly heading east. Whale watching boats still with them.

17:17 - Viewing now from Deception Pass Bridge. They’re just off the north side of Strawberry Island, possibly hunting.

Jasmine Ye


17:16 - Staff member Rachel is seeing who appear to be the T109A2s stalled off the north side of Strawberry Island.


17:13 - Blackfish VI ID'd them as T109A2s.

Kevin Phillips


16:54 - Group of at least five orcas just passed under Deception Pass bridge headed east. Whale watching boats with them, no IDs.

Amy Smith Norris 


14:30 - Sounds like they're still milling and killing outside Aleck Bay.

11:30 - Group of Bigg's killer whales heading west from Aleck Bay, Lopez Island. Assuming they continue, they could be visible from Cattle Point sometime early afternoon.

Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]

Tue, Jul 23 - Saratoga Passage/Possession Sound (T34s, T37, T37Bs)

19:22 - Passed by Summerland [previously had been northbound] mid channel.

Stephanie Griffee [CWW]


16:15 - They were heading southbound, and crossed past Sandy Point across towards Hat Island. One male, one female, and a tight group of three to four and one looked small: we were 800 yds away and slowed to idle to let them decide which way they were going then slipped past. No good pics, too far away. 

Steve Marczewski


16:13 - Just passed Sandy Point heading east. They are in Possession Sound now.

Luanne Seymour


15:59 - Watching in Langley. About three. Near two smaller boats.

Rachel Heaps


15:40 - At the seawall in town! I’ve seen three to four fins but they are pretty far out.

15:32 - They are headed down Saratoga Passage, mid channel, I’m in Langley.

Lucy Miller


13:39 - Our orca friends continue to push south, Whidbey side of mid. They are currently with the Clipper.

Cindi Crowder Rausch


Sent via form submission from Orca Network

Name: Roger Kacmarcik

Date of Sighting: July 22, 2024

Time: 1:00 PM

Species seen: Orca

Number of animals seen: 3

Where seen: Saratoga Passage near Sandy Point

Direction of travel : East

Behaviors observed: Travelling

If orcas, any males?:

Any unusual markings?:

Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: The San Juan Clipper was under power following at less than 100 yards the entire time

Photos available?: No


12:45 - Friends viewing from Hidden Beach report six orcas including very small one, moving southbound very slow.

Rachel Haight, Orca Network


12:35 - Appear to be heading east now.

12:20 - Just off Whidbey, heading south just north of Hidden Beach. They were just off the shore crazy.

photos by Aaron Gill, July 22, 2024


11:55 - Just found T37 and 34s southbound on the Whidbey shore [approx. 48.155765, -122.573481].

Brian McGinn


11:00 - From WIWS southbound from Race Lagoon very close to shore Whidbey side. Three orcas text and a video. Confirmed big male and two others. Again southbound.

Kevin Phillips


10:59 - I have three orca head[ed] southbound at Race Lagoon. Close to shore.

Cat Ullman Deleonardis [WIWS]


Sent via form submission from Orca Network

Name: John Shackman

Date of Sighting: July 23, 2024

Time: 5:28 AM

Species seen: Orca

Number of animals seen: 3

Where seen: Just off Clinton shore north of ferry terminal

Direction of travel : North

Behaviors observed: Traveling

If orcas, any males?:

Any unusual markings?:

Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:

Photos available?: No

Mon, Jul 22 - Haro Strait (T46Bs)

14:55 - Slowly moving south/southwest near shore at Ten Mile Point on the Canadian side.

14:00 - Orca sighting. Reported as T46Bs, five miles due west of Lime Kiln lighthouse, on the Canadian side, moving south/southeast.

Fred Horn [WSSJI]

Mon, Jul 22 - Saratoga Passage (T34s & T37 - possible T37Bs present in early morning)

17:44 - My last report for the T34 pod and T37 southeastbound along the shoreline. Four orcas. We never saw any of the T37Bs with this group this morning or this afternoon [approx. 48.086395, -122.376512].

Bart Rulon Art & Photography

17:21 - Just passed Tillicum, grouped up southbound outside the buoys.

Serena Tierra, Orca Network


17:13 - Southeastbound very close to shore [approx. 48.110210, -122.405485].

16:50 - T34 pod and T37 eating a meal, no direction [approx. 48.148309, -122.409273].

Bart Rulon Art & Photography


13:50 - South of south end of Hat Island headed south.

Rachel Haight, Orca Network


13:43 - Watched from Langley, the Victoria Clipper and another tour boat moving slowly between Camano and Whidbey. I spotted the orca fins, but too far away for photos.

Samantha George


13:49 - Now south side of Hat - headed towards Clinton southbound at a good clip.

13:21 - North side of Hat.

Joanna Bowers


13:33 - Whales have pushed to the Hat side of mid channel. I’m viewing from Whidbey. They are continuing east towards Clinton.

Cindi Crowder Rausch


13:15 - SJC leaving these whales trending very slowly south, passing Sandy Point. Longer downtimes, but closely grouped!

Alli Montgomery


13:10 - Passed Sandy Point and heading toward Hat Island Marina.

Shannon Boss


12:43 - North side of Sandy Point and south side of Langley Marina southbound.

Marilyn Armbruster


12:30 - T34 pod with T37 super slow southbound. My last report on these four orcas before we leave the scene [approx. 48.051821, -122.404023].

11:53 - T34 pod + T37 pointed south but not really moving [approx. 48.070078, -122.427977].

Bart Rulon Art & Photography


11:37 - Just picked these guys up. Moving southeast slowly. Abeam of Mabana mid channel.

Tyler McKeen


09:46 - They are stalled south of where I originally saw them. Slow surfacings, lots of directional changes. At least four.

09:41 - Northbound Camano side of midchannel south of Lowell Point [photo taken by Serena showed T37].

Serena Tierra, Orca Network


09:42 - Off Camano Island State Park now.

08:54 - They just passed Mabana northbound Whidbey side of mid.

back of camera photo by Susan John, July 22, 2024


07:59 - Viewing from Sandy Point. I've got them. Four maybe, no males. They are past Sandy Point in Saratoga Passage moving west towards Langley. Mid to Whidbey.

Cindi Crowder Rausch


06:40 - Orcas just past [Hat Island] marina headed west [video confirms orcas]. 

Aimee Caccavale [HIWS]

Mon, Jul 22 - Puget Sound

18:39 - I saw one orca passing through under the Agate Bridge heading towards Kingston. It looked like a juvenile.

Vic Kleiven

Sun, Jul 21 - Haro Strait (T46s)

T46D Strider

Check out the water surging over the leading edge of the dorsal fin of T46D Strider in Plumper Sound! The T46s made their first confirmed visit to the Salish Sea since March. They were photographed in Chatham Strait in southeast Alaska on July 3rd, over 700 miles north of the central Salish Sea, so they've covered a lot of water in the last 2 weeks! After losing their iconic matriarch T46 Wake last spring, it's been awesome to see these four siblings continue to stick together. Sometimes the loss of a mother prompts a family split or dispersal, but it seems that T122 Centeki, without any offspring of her own, has perhaps taken on the maternal role for her three younger brothers.

Orca Behavior Institute

photo & ID by Monika Wieland Shields, July 21, 2024


16:48 - They are past Stuart Island still going northbound. Had to leave because of choppy water.

Kat Martin [WSSJI]


16:00 - Just passing Henry Island still northbound.

James Richardson [WSSJI]


14:56 - At least three orcas visible from Lime Kiln far offshore.

Anonymous [WSSJI]

Sat, Jul 20 - Campbell River, BC (T65Bs)


T65B1 Birdsall

T065Bs traveling close to Discovery Pier in Campbell River, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Link to more photos

photos by Heather V. Baskey, July 20, 2024

Sat, Jul 20 - Haro Strait (T35As, T38As, T75Cs)

Confirmed Bigg’s - relay from Orca Behavior Institute is T35As, T38As, T75Cs.

Jason Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]


19:02 - Group of ten killer whales (perhaps more) at Eagle Cove, moving up island.

Lodie Laurieanne Gilbert Budwill [WSSJI]

Sat, Jul 20 - Eastern San Juans (T46Bs)

T46B2 Akela & T46B2B

T46B Raksha

We got on the water with our friends at Maya's Legacy Whale Watching and caught up with the T46Bs in Samish Bay. At first they were very spread and doing long dives, and no sooner had I explained to our intern Kelsey that this often precedes a hunt than the action erupted at the surface. Due to the activity level of the whales we at first thought they were on a harbor porpoise, but it turned out to be a harbor seal that had caught their attention. Adult orcas can often grab a seal with ease, but this appeared to be training time for the youngsters. The adults kept the seal corralled while the littler whales took their shots at it. It was not a good night to be a harbor seal but it was spectacular to watch. We aren't sure who struck the killing blow, but the whales started prey sharing just as it was time for us to depart. Link to more photos.

Orca Behavior Institute

photos & IDs by Monika Wieland Shields, July 20, 2024


19:33 - Southern tip. Vendovi Island when we left, westbound.

Smith Siromaskul


18:24 - Heading south.

17:06 - [Been] watching them for the last 30 minutes.

17:03 - Southern tip Lummi Island! Seeing whales.

Traci Higgins


16:21 - I’m viewing from Lummi and it looks like maybe they flipped and are going back southbound. Near Sinclair.

JR Puffer Fish


17:26 - Now due east.

17:13 - Heading southeast [approx. 48.627787, -122.608296].

16:09 - Heading to Lummi. Direction changed to due east [approx. 48.664569, -122.703448].

16:00 - Now northbound east of Orcas [Island].

15:39 - Westbound. Northern tip of Cypress Island.

15:06 - Steady northbound now passing Eagle Harbor.

14:46 - Now against Cypress shore heading northbound.

14:39 - Successful kill in Deepwater Bay. They're sticking around for a while.

13:49 - Entering Deepwater Bay [southeast Cypress Island].

13:20 - T46Bs southbound Bellingham Channel [between Guemes and Cypress Islands].


Fri, Jul 19 - Strait of Georgia (T65A5, T75Bs, T77C)

A peak above the waves from T75B3 Rubble last night in the Strait of Georgia. Do you see thee white under the water in front of him? That's T65A5 Indy who was swimming upside down right beneath the surface!

Orca Behavior Institute

photo & ID by Monika Wieland Shields, July 19, 2024


15:19 - They're staying outside and on the outside of Gossip Island.

15:11 - Nevermind. They're stalling outside the east edge.

15:07 - Entering Active Pass now.

13:54 - 77C, 75B3 are among this group.

13:35 - T75, T77, and T65A5 here south of Active Pass heading nw [northwest]. Right along the Canadian border [approx. 48.899662, -123.163204].


Fri, Jul 19 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T35As, T37/T37Bs, T38As, T49C, T75s, T75Cs, T117A, T117Bs, T172)

T49C Neilson

What a day - approximately 40 Biggs orca were found minutes from our dock! T035As, T037 and T037Bs, T038As, T049C, T075s, T075Cs, T117A, T117Bs, and T172! As if that wasn't enough, our guests also encountered humpback whales Nike, Zephyr and Zephyr's new calf! Link to more photos.

Sooke Coastal Explorations

photos by Pacific Imagery, July 19, 2024

Sat, Jul 13 - Strait of Juan de Fuca

Sent via form submission from Orca Network

Name: Christian Jackstien

Date of Sighting: July 13, 2024

Time: 1:00 PM

Species seen: Orca

Number of animals seen: 3

Where seen: Just off Beechey Head (East Sooke Regional Park). 48.313014, -123.653454

Direction of travel : East (dove, so not sure if continued East or went south)

Behaviors observed: Travelling

If orcas, any males?: No

Any unusual markings?: None seen.

Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: 3 Orca. 2 female, and one juvenile.

Photos available?: No


Thu, Jul 11 - WA Coast

Sent via form submission from Orca Network

Name: Michael Glynn

Date of Sighting: July 11, 2024

Time: 8:00 PM

Species seen: Orca

Number of animals seen: 2

Where seen: 47.8777° N, 124.5868° W Third Beach, WA

Direction of travel : N

Behaviors observed: traveling

If orcas, any males?: maybe

Any unusual markings?: no

Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:

Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to sightings@orcanetwork.org

photo by Michale Glynn, July 11, 2024

Sun, Jul 7 - California Coast (CA201s AKA T355s)

[Update with IDs:] Very cool encounter! These look like the Bigg's killer whale matriline, CA201s (aka T355s), Liney's matriline; there are likely seven whales in that group. A seldom-encountered group.

Alisa Schulman-Janiger, California Killer Whale Project, Lead Research Biologist


Around 08:30 - I got a call from Richard Thornton of Anchor Charters, he was running a fishing trip down to a reef just north of Van Damme and saw this pod attack a California Sea Lion. I've asked him to send you more videos. He thinks there may have been eight to ten individuals present. I drove down there and saw them from shore, about half a mile out, just south of the buoy at Van Damme: 39°15'49"N 123°48'01"W. When I saw them they were just milling around, rolling, lunging and occasionally jumping - we saw several full breaches. Then the fog rolled in and we lost sight of them. They were too far away from us for photos. I'll be really interested to know if the pod can be identified. Hoping the videos have enough information for that. This is only the second time in 25 years I have seen orca off Mendocino.

Tim Bray

Mendocino Coast Audubon Society


Fri, Jul 26 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (BCX2073 Sage)

BCX2073 Sage

Another two species day! We started out with the T109A2s accompanied by T049C, T117A and T117Bs… plus a large group of humpbacks like BCX2073 "Sage". Link to more photos.

Sooke Coastal Explorations

photos by Pacific Imagery, July 26, 2024

Fri, Jul 26 - Puget Sound (BCX1251 Orion)

11:44 - Possible humpback [humpback confirmed - video in FB comments] out in middle sound south of Jefferson Head and east of Point Monroe. Heading north.

Matt McCulloch


12:35 - Humpback Orion (CRC-15262) circling at my map spot [approx. 47.737593, -122.460512].

Bart Rulon Art & Photography


09:21 - Saw its full tail on a dive! It’s heading south towards Shilshole.

09:00 -We spotted it while fishing Jeff Head across the ship channel. I saw two spouts and watched it take a dive.

Conni Navarre


08:08 - Small humpback is mid channel between Golden Garden and Jefferson Head. In the middle of the fishing fleet.

Carolyn Burns Iwata

Fri, Jul 26 - Central Puget Sound

17:24 - Report to Whale Alert, Single whale breach, likely humpback, coordinates given are Dash Point.


10:25 - Good morning - just received a report of a large whale (likely humpback) headed north near Reddings beach area. If continued should be visible from Lisabuela soon. But could also shuffle back south. Let us know if you see it!

Amy Carey, Sound Action


09:54 - We saw a humpback about an hour ago [~08:50] just off the point at Point Defiance. Headed north.

Rachel Graves

Thu, Jul 25 - Haro Strait

05:31 - Humpback sighting. Half mile off the Land Bank, moving south.

Fred Horn [WSSJI]

Thu, Jul 25 - WA Coast

13:21 - My girlfriend is currently in Long Beach Washington and has spotted whales from the beach! I’m brand new to this community and I’m not sure how to report this to the group. Link to FB reel.

William Schwan

Thu, Jul 25 - Possession Sound

14:54 - He or she is now headed north towards Mukilteo.

14:50 - Humpback just east of Possession Point heading east to west slowly.

photos by Tom Rider, July 25, 2024

Thu, Jul 25 - Puget Sound (BCX1251 Orion)

Orion. Link to more photos.

photos by Janine Harles, July 25, 2024


20:50 - Seen from President Point, south, then east.

Joanne Graves


20:26 - We can see the blows and a little bit of tail from the Kingston side!

Jennifer Taylor


20:00 - Humpback flipped back northbound, passing the north end of Richmond Beach on the mainland side.

19:30 - One humpback, southbound in between Richmond Beach and Jefferson Head on the mainland side of midchannel.

Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound


18:40 - Saw them from Kingston as well. I saw one took a dive just now.

Iravasa Athem


18:37 - Two whales off of Marina Park Edmonds. Headed southbound near shipping lanes. Humpbacks perhaps? Hard to tell. Still out. Directly off of the point by the dog park. 

Maureen Talbott


12:25 - SJC is leaving BCX1251 Orion the humpback circling in the center of the Possession Triangle. Currently facing northbound, but changing directions each breath cycle.

Alli Montgomery


10:15 - Orion on Possession Bar, lots of directional changes, had a mini breach fest, logging now.

Janine Harles


10:05 - Orion is still here [approx. 47.885941, -122.421806] breaching and tail slapping on Possession Bank.

Brian McGinn, PSE

Thu, Jul 25 - Puget Sound

A quick visit from this humpy along Dune Peninsula & Owen Beach Point Defiance Park. Link to more photos.

photos by Jason Cook, July 25, 2024


16:23 - Glad someone was able to ID. There was a huge spout right next to us on the beach but he was moving so fast we couldn’t tell. Amazing.

Jadoti Gibbons


16:05 - Humpback westbound Owen Beach.

15:57 - Humpback westbound from Dune [Peninsula, Dalco Passage].

Jason Cook


13:28 - Just spotted a whale off of Point Robinson. Not an orca. MUCH bigger than the porpoises we saw a minute earlier. Dove in and has a big tail. Am not good at ID-ing whales. Seemed to be heading south.

Jennifer McKell

Wed, Jul 24 - Strait of Juan de Fuca

We've spent the last few days with the T046Bs and multiple humpbacks all in the Sooke area! Link to more photos.

Sooke Coastal Explorations

photos by Pacific Imagery, July 24, 2024

Wed, Jul 24 - Possession Sound

For the record, this was a confirmed humpback thanks to video shared by Eric Kamila in PSWS. This is likely the same whale that was reported by the ferry as a gray whale.


16:56 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 17:01 to report: CHELAN reports that the grey whale has moved to the south and is off-shore of the Mukilteo Lighthouse.

16:44 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 17:01 to report: Vessel CHELAN reports they have a grey whale moving slowly south, very close to shore, swimming under CHELAN at the terminal. The whale is moving very slowly south.


16:00 - Caller reports a whale several hundred yards out from Howarth Park in Everett, repeatedly slapping its tail on the water, over and over for at least ten minutes.

Wed, Jul 24 - Puget Sound

Sent via form submission from Orca Network

Name: Kate Stovel

Date of Sighting: July 24, 2024

Time: 7:45 AM

Species seen: Humpback

Number of animals seen: 1

Where seen: A few miles north of Edmonds ferry, fairly close to shore

Direction of travel : Milling

Behaviors observed: Lolling, several blows, then sounded

If orcas, any males?:

Any unusual markings?:

Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: We were in our sailboat, and not close enough to see any markings.

Photos available?: No

Wed, Jul 24 - South Puget Sound

21:15 - I heard a humpback going north towards the Narrows Bridge. You can hear it in my video but you can’t really see it. I’m on Day Island [video in FB comments]. I was very happy I was outside at that time! I had JUST been sitting on the deck couch with my phone about ten minutes before. I’m sure I would have gotten video of him. Thanks for doing what you do for the beautiful water life around here! I was on the side of my house with phone inside the house charging when I heard it for the first time. I ran in the house and ran back out just in time to get a decent recording of his blows.

Karen Caldwell


20:47 - Pretty sure I saw it [humpback] just off of Chambers Bay. Breached quite a few times over the last hour. Going north towards the Narrows.

Nicholas Alexander Rubesh


~20:30 - I got this up by Sunnyside [video in FB comments]. A lot of breaching but always when I stopped filming.

Chrystal Ely


20:22 - Humpback breaching at Chambers Bay.

Sung Jun Oem


Sent via form submission from Orca Network

Name: Nicole Larsen

Date of Sighting: July 24, 2024

Time: 1:35 PM

Species seen: Possible orca - just saw black back

Number of animals seen: 1

Where seen: 47.26038° N, 122.86752° W

Direction of travel : S

Behaviors observed: Traveling

If orcas, any males?:

Any unusual markings?:

Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:

Photos available?: No


09:26 - Humpback in Case Inlet near to shore, north end of Harstine Island heading north.

photo by Ben Reynolds, July 24, 2024

Tue, Jul 23 - Strait of Georgia

Sent via form submission from Orca Network

Name: Nadine Urquhart

Date of Sighting: July 23, 2024

Time: 2:21 AM [presume PM - report received at 2:40 PM]

Species seen: Humpback

Number of animals seen: 1

Where seen: 49.2397, W123.537

Direction of travel : North

Behaviors observed: Feeding

If orcas, any males?:

Any unusual markings?:

Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Very brief. We turned off our motor when we saw the whale. It dove down and we didn’t see it again.

Photos available?: No

Tue, Jul 23 - Puget Sound (BCX1251 Orion)

17:48 - Looks like it’s a single one just circling this area in the three times we’ve observed it surfacing.

17:33 - Just spotted off the south end of south Whidbey off Possession.

photo by Levi Sawyers, July 23, 2024


12:10 - SJC has spotted BCX1251 Orion circling in the heart of Possession Triangle [approx. 47.875183, -122.430909].

Alli Montgomery


09:55 - Looks like a humpback just inside Cultus Bay, PSE is now on scene!

Stephanie Brenaman

Tue, Jul 23 - Central Puget Sound

11:39 - Now in front of Sculpture Park, as viewed from Don Armeni. It was heading generally northwest, away from downtown. But I haven’t seen it since then.

11:34 - Spotted moving north, looking from Don Armeni Boat Ramp toward Pike Place.

Steve Rice


11:24 - Spirit of Seattle harbor tour reported of a whale off of Vigor shipyard in Elliott Bay to vessel traffic.

Joey LaMarche


10:03 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 10:27 to report: 1003hrs: Vessel TACOMA reports via 800MHz they've spotted the humpback whale between Alki Pt. and Duwamish Head, heading northbound. 


Sent via form submission from Orca Network

Name: Andy Leonhard

Date of Sighting: July 23, 2024

Time: 9:26 AM

Species seen: Humpback whale, confirmed through tail fluke

Number of animals seen: 1

Where seen: ~2.5 Miles NW of Alki Beach

Direction of travel : E, Unknown Pace

Behaviors observed: Traveling, Dove down for 10+ minutes on 2 separate occasions

If orcas, any males?:

Any unusual markings?: None Seen

Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Seen off the Bremerton-Seattle Ferry, only upper body and tail observed

Photos available?: No


09:18 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 09:29 to report: 0918hrs: Vessel reports via 800MHz they've spotted a single humpback whale located 1/4 mile NE of buoy Tango, heading in a NE direction.

Mon, Jul 22 - Puget Sound (BCX1251 Orion)

11:30 - SJC has spotted Orion the humpback, slowly trending south in line with Richmond Beach!

Alli Montgomery


11:30 - One humpback “Orion” heading south! Seen while fishing! [Approx. 47.782826, -122.407405].

Tony Tilt


11:08 - [Humpback] It's east of Point Jefferson.

Keith Robbins


10:35 - Humpback spotted from the ferry. He is north of Point Wells headed north towards Marina Beach.

Brooke Thompson


BCX1251 Orion

09:30 - 10:15 - Humpback off of Edmonds this morning. 35 - 40 feet long. Viewed from our boat.

Link to more photos.

photos by Rhett Russell, July 22, 2024


08:07 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 08:12 to report: 0807hrs: [SPOKANE] Vessel reports via 800MHz they've spotted a grey whale heading southbound located between Pt Wells and Edmonds Marina.

Sun, Jul 21 - Admiralty Inlet (2023 calf of BCZ0408 Guardian)

16:17 - The humpback whale northbound at my map spot is the 2023 calf of BCZ0408 (Guardian) [approx. 48.087337, -122.619582].

Bart Rulon Wildlife


16:06 - The Lagoon Point humpback is not the Point No Point one from earlier. Different animal.

Trevor Tillman


15:39 - Viewing from North Lagoon Point. Finally spotted the humpback. Mid to Whidbey off the north end of Marrowstone. Moving east/northeast in no rush.

Cindi Crowder Rausch


14:43 - Single humpback off Lagoon Point. Moving slow, long dives. 150 yards from shore. Aiming north. 

photo by Bill Setter, July 21, 2024

Sun, Jul 21 - North Puget Sound (BCX1251 Orion)

12:48 - The humpback off Point No Point today is Orion.

Bart Rulon Wildlife


10:30 - 12:20 - The humpback has been hanging out here off Point No Point. It’s now [12:20] just in front of the lighthouse with the Clipper as its audience [video in FB comments].

Micky Bates


11:21 - Single humpback just off northwest of Point No Point. Milling.

Trevor Tillman 

Sun, Jul 21 - Central Puget Sound

18:44 - Humpback whale surfaced several times then went down. Tail seen west of mid channel between Bainbridge and Golden Gardens.

Sue Surowiec Larkin

Sat, Jul 20 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (BCX1251 Orion)

Weekends are better with whale adventures. I spent Saturday aboard Glacier Spirit with Puget Sound Express out of Port Angeles. Some nice shots of Orion CRC-15262/BCX1251 & company as we dodged some crazy rolling fog banks. Link to more photos.

photos by Jason Cook, July 20, 2024

Fri, Jul 19 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (Nike, Zephyr & calf)

BCX1377 Nike

BCZ0414 Zephyr

Our guests also encountered humpback whales Nike, Zephyr and Zephyr's new calf! Link to more photos.

Sooke Coastal Explorations

photos by Pacific Imagery, July 19, 2024


Fri, Jul 26 - Admiralty Inlet (CRC53 Little Patch)

CRC53 Little Patch

14:05 - Grey whale in the ferry lane at Port Townsend. Very shy and not showing a lot of its body. Link to more photos.

photos by Rhett Russell, July 26, 2024


13:31 - SJC has just spotted CRC53 traveling northbound steadily up Admiralty Inlet, currently in the Coupeville ferry lanes. If this is indeed his exit of the Puget Sound we wish him safe travels!

Alli Montgomery

Thu, Jul 25 - Possession Sound (CRC2259 & CRC2557)

Gray whales. Link to more photos.

photos by Janine Harles, July 25, 2024


13:35 - SJC leaving grays CRC2259 and CRC2557 just beginning to feed off the daymarker of southeast Hat Island. Little spyhops and side tail flukes!

Alli Montgomery

Thu, Jul 25 - Saratoga Passage

18:12 - Heading toward Camano Head [video in FB comments appears to show gray].

18:03 - It’s turned south and moved closer to Camano.

17:44 - Seems to be going up the passage.

17:43 - Blows just spotted out from the Langley. Not sure what it is.

Shannon Boss


17:35 - From Richard on WIWS - "Gray or humpback Langley Marina right now. Solo." Looking at video [by] RichardChere Zastoupil posted they are watching a grey whale that seems to be slowly southbound. 

Kevin Phillips


11:33 - Update - gray whale appears to be moving slowly southbound.

11:23 - Viewing from a private beach north of Mabana. Saw blows from a possible gray whale a little north of Mabana. Can’t tell direction may be milling.

Linda Aitkins

Wed, Jul 24 - Possession Sound (CRC53 Little Patch)

17:34 - Gray just passed Sandy Point going north Whidbey side of mid channel.

Shannon Boss


14:58 - Nancy Akada shared video with us that shows a gray whale in the Clinton to Mukilteo ferry lane headed northbound. Link to FB reel.


13:41 - On our southbound travels we also spotted CRC53 Little Patch right off Glendale close to shore. Facing northbound.

Alli Montgomery

Wed, Jul 24 - Possession Sound (CRC2259 & CRC2557)

13:23 - SJC has observed gray whales CRC2259 and CRC2557 milling off of southeast Hat Island.

Alli Montgomery

Mon, Jul 22 - Possession Sound (CRC2259 & CRC2557)

13:41 - SJC can confirm gray whales 2259 and 2557 are still in the same spot as they were last reported, logging and waiting for the tide to change for lunch!

Alli Montgomery


13:04 - Gray whales CRC2259 and CRC2557 are northbound at my map spot [approx. 48.007744, -122.298302].

Bart Rulon Art & Photography

Sun, Jul 21 - Possession Sound (CRC2259)

12:50 - Just now southeast end of Hat Island.

12:41 - We were stopped, no engine and the whale watching boat went north, before we started to follow this happened [video in FB comments shows CRC2259 ID’d by Serena Tierra, Orca Network].

Andrea Duffield


12:18 - At least two grays east of Gedney.

Trevor Tillman


12:10 - Just saw the whale east of Hat Island, northbound.

Midnight Supply Company

Sat, Jul 20 - WA Coast

Sent via form submission from Orca Network

Name: Jimmy Dallman

Date of Sighting: July 20, 2024

Time: 3:00 PM

Species seen: Gray

Number of animals seen: 1

Where seen: 48.265, -124.681 (Shi-Shi Beach)

Direction of travel : Unknown

Behaviors observed: Hunting

If orcas, any males?:

Any unusual markings?:

Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: iNaturalist info here.

Photos available?:

photo by Jimmy Dallman, July 20, 2024

Sat, Jul 20 - Port Susan

14:23 - Gray whale with lots of white mid channel about Tyee Beach head north slowly.

Christi Smith [CWW]


13:30 - There’s a potential gray whale heading north up Port Susan between Tulalip Shores, and Camano Island.

Joshua Nelson [PSWW]

Fri, Jul 19 - WA Coast

Sent via form submission from Orca Network

Name: Aubree Renfro

Date of Sighting: July 19, 2024


Species seen: Gray

Number of animals seen: 3

Where seen: Cape Flattery

Direction of travel : Milling/northbound

Behaviors observed: Milling

If orcas, any males?:

Any unusual markings?:

Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: A friend of mine posted pictures of a gray whale so I started asking questions. He saw them from Cape Flattery sometime Friday, he says he saw three individuals.

Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to sightings@orcanetwork.org

photos courtesy of Aubree Renfro, July 19, 2024

Fri, Jul 19 - Possession Sound (CRC53 Little Patch, CRC2259, CRC2557)

15:49 - Just sighted two beautiful grays right here [approx. 48.027317, -122.249115].

Nicole Damron


12:54 - SJC has located three grays, CRC53 Little Patch, CRC2259, and CRC2557 all between southeast Hat and Mission Beach. All spread from each other, milling.

Alli Montgomery


Tue, Jul 23 - Hood Canal

10:00 - 11:00 - On Hood Canal this morning north of Fisherman Harbor and south of Hazel Point.

photos by Charlene Pinks, July 23, 2024


Tue, Jul 23 - Puget Sound

20:33 - Unconfirmed species [video in FB comments shows blow of baleen whale] wayyy off Picnic Point. My GF sighted and thinking orca but sounds like it’s probably this guy [referring to BCX1251 Orion who was seen in the vicinity hours prior].

Josh Nutter


Mon, Jul 22 - Puget Sound

Sent via form submission from Orca Network

Name: Cole Glossinger

Date of Sighting: July 22, 2024

Time: 5:55 PM

Species seen: It was either a group of Dall’s porpoises or Harbor dolphins

Number of animals seen: 4

Where seen: 47.60664° N, 122.39438° W

Direction of travel : North, maybe 5 knots

Behaviors observed: Maybe hunting? Traveling in random directions and breathing

If orcas, any males?:

Any unusual markings?:

Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:

Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to sightings@orcanetwork.org


Tue, Jul 23 - Central Puget Sound 

20:00 - My wife and I live at Point Ruston. We happened to look out and saw a single large orca only about 50-70 feet off shore right in front of the Ruston apartments/condominiums. Moving slowly, heading north toward Dunes Point, we only saw it surface twice, then disappear! We scanned the water for the next fifteen minutes or more looking from the Port of Tacoma all the way to Dunes Point, Vashon to Browns Point, and never saw it surface again. [Follow up:] I am actually not confident at all! I do know it didn’t have the big dorsal fin like the transient orcas have… we saw two of them heading north a couple of months ago and the dorsal fins were so prominent. Also now that I think about it, this mammal seemed lighter in color than an orrca would. It only partially surfaced twice while we were watching. My guess would be that it was 12’ to 15’ long, kind of the size of a large orca. It was a mystery to us how it just disappeared too, because both my wife and I were scanning the water for 15 minutes from our balcony on our fifth floor apartment. 

Art Nicklaus

Orca Network is a 501 c3 nonprofit organization, dedicated to raising awareness about the whales of the Pacific Northwest, and the importance of providing them healthy and safe habitats.
Orca Network's Whale Sighting Network involves citizens in helping researchers track the movement of whales, and encourages people to observe whales from their homes, businesses, ferries, and shorelines.
Whale reports are sent in to our Sighting Network and emailed out to researchers, agencies, and citizens on our network, and posted on our website (MAP of sightings also on website) and social media pages. Whale reports and observations are sent in by a variety of sources, and while we do our best to obtain accurate species and individual IDs, Orca Network does not guarantee the accuracy of any report or whale identification.
Report Sightings to Orca Network:
  • Call 1-866-ORCANET (1-866-672-2639) & choose sightings option
  • Email sightings@orcanetwork.org
  • Facebook: DM or post on our page
  • Website form: https://www.orcanetwork.org/report-sightings

  • Please include: Date/Time - Species (describe if unknown) - # of Animals - Location of Cetacean(s) - Direction of Travel & Behaviors
Visit Orca Network's Langley Whale Center - Whidbey Island:
  • Location: 105 Anthes Ave, Langley, WA 98260
  • Telephone: 1-360-221-7505
  • Hours: Generally open 11am-4pm, Thurs-Mon, but please call for current schedule.
  • Museum: Exhibits - Specimens - Educational Materials - Lending Library - Movies to view
  • Gift Shop: Books - DVDs & CDs - Field Guides - Clothing - Jewelry & more
Be Whale Wise:
All marine mammals are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Killer whales have special protection in Canadian and U.S. waters. Be sure to educate yourself about current protections, including regulations with specific distances and recommendations for viewing killer whales. The rules apply to all types of watercraft, including motor boats, sail boats, kayaks, and paddle boards in Washington State.

Report Harassment of Whales:
  • In WA/US waters call NOAA Enforcement: 1-800-853-1964
  • In CANADIAN waters call DFO Violations Hotline: 1-800-465-4336
(Include watercraft name, registration #, description, and photos/video when possible)
BE WHALE WISE - Regulations & Guidelines
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