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This Leadership Team Newsletter is published every two weeks by the Dean's Office in the College of Health at the University of Alaska Anchorage.

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The UAA College of Health advances the health and well being of people and communities
July 28, 2016
COH Curriculum Committee Update

The COH Curriculum Committee holds regular weekly meetings throughout the academic year. The AY16-17 schedule will be announced at the beginning of Fall 2016 semester. Proposed changes to the committee's bylaws will be presented in August to all COH faculty for review and approval. Please watch your email for this communication. For more information on the procedures for accepting and processing curriculum submissions, as well as contact information, download the following document: (Note: this document will be updated once the committee reconvenes in the fall to reflect any approved bylaw changes.)

COH All-College Meeting to Take Place August 25th 
COH Dean Bill Hogan and 2015 Keynote Speaker Valerie Davidson.
The College of Health All-College meeting will be held Thursday, August 25th, 11:30-2:30 pm. Please mark your calendars to join us for this kick-off of AY16-17. Preliminary plans include an opening address by the chancellor/provost and sessions on various topics of interest to faculty and staff. We will be cooking up an assortment of chili for every taste, accompanied by salad and bread bars. If you have a special recipe for chili or salad you'd like us to consider serving, please send it to Harriet Paule at by August 5th. In the coming weeks, look for a save-the-date notice, more information, and a request for volunteers to help with the event. Thanks to our planning committee: Jeni Taylor (AHS), Brenda Levesque (TP), Elaine Main (JUST), and Harriet Paule (DO).  
IPE Faculty Development Workshop - Thank you also to Ryan Shercliffe, Pat Sammartino, Kendra Sticka, Ammie Tremblay, and Gloria Burnett who are coordinating a faculty development workshop with faculty from the University of Washington on interprofessional education (IPE). This workshop will be highlighted in the general session of the all-college meeting and offered as an extended session for all interested faculty. More information will be coming soon. 

New COH Grant Hub Has Email Address
The newly formed COH Grant Hub has a new email address: This email will reach all three Grant Hub team members: Robin Calvert, Debbie Gleason, and Ginny Hamlin. The Grant Hub team support grant administration for most COH departments.
Unit Updates
Alaska Center for Rural Health and Health Workforce - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kathy Craft Recognized as Foremost Leader in Workforce Development
Kathy Craft, Director of the Alaska Health Workforce Coalition, is the recipient of the Workforce Advocacy Award. This award was presented to her jointly by the Annapolis Coalition on the Behavioral Health Workforce and the Mental Health Program of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). The honor recognizes her as one of the foremost leaders of workforce development in health and social services in the United States. In presenting the award, these two national organizations acknowledged her steadfast commitment to strengthening the workforce in Alaska, her depth of knowledge about the workforce and workforce development strategies, and her exceptional ability to foster collaboration among diverse stakeholders in order to improve recruitment, retention, and training.

Department of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
HPER Recognized as Approved Educational Provider for National Organization
The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) Educational Recognition Program (ERP) has recognized the Bachelor of Science in Physical Education (BSPE) program. Accredited academic institutions that meet NSCA guidelines for educational programs are eligible for this designation. The BSPE, offered through The Health, Physical Education, & Recreation Department, was recognized as the only program in Alaska.  
There are multiple benefits to our program and our students:
  • Premier access to scholarships, internships, and assistantships
  • Easy access to recognized programs in a one's area (schools are now listed with the city, state, or country for each program recognized)
  • NSCA recognition logos to highlight your institution's achievement, for use on any forms, documents, or recruiting materials
  • Student membership discounts
  • Conference registration discounts and networking opportunities
School of Social Work - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dr. Allen Presents at Early Childhood Research Conference
Mary Dallas Allen, Associate Professor of Social Work, and Shawna Ragan, LCSW, community partner, presented the results of research funded by a UAA Center for Community Engagement and Learning grant at the 2016 National Research Conference on Early Childhood in Washington, DC. The title of their presentation was "Strategies for Implementing Early Childhood Mental Heath Consultation in Rural Early Head Start and Head Start Programs."

Justice Center  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dr. Rivera Presents about Data Collection and Evaluation of Recover Alaska Program

Dr. Marny Rivera, Justice Center faculty, and Dr. David Tarcy, Alaska Research and Evaluation Services, presented on July 14 at the Recover Alaska Steering Committee. The title of their presentation was: "Measuring Progress: Recover Alaska Data Collection and Evaluation." For more information, visit:
Dr. David Tarcy (far left) and Dr. Marny Rivera (far right) holding Cook Inlet glacial clay tiles by Alaska Native artist Ed Mighell, presented by Southcentral Foundation.
Dr. Myrstol Interviewed by News about Police-Community Relations
Dr. Brad Myrstol, Justice Center faculty and director of the Alaska Justice Statistical Analysis Center, was interviewed recently by KTVA Channel 11 news about police-community relations in Anchorage during this time of racial tension and nationwide demonstrations about fatal police shootings. For more information, visit:
National Institute of Justice Releases Flyer on Research by Dr. Rosay
The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) released a flyer based on research by Dr. André Rosay, Justice Center Director, titled "Five Things About Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women and Men." The flyer is based on Dr. Rosay's recently released report, Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women and Men: 2010 Findings from the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey. For more information, visit: .

Upcoming Events/Deadlines
  • August 15-16 - New faculty orientation
  • August 25 - Fall COH All-College Meeting, 11:30-3, Lucy Cuddy Hall
  • August 29 - First day of classes, Fall Semester
  • September 5 - Labor Day holiday
  • November 24-25 - Thanksgiving Holiday