It's happening all around the area --friends are once again gathering for bridge (and, of course, post-covid catch-up) in clubs that have been closed for all too long. Some things have changed, so be sure to check with your local club for times, dates and other particulars.
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Contact your District 4 board members.
Jeanne Gehret
Betsy Cutler
Bill Bauer
Pat Civale
Joann Glasson
Celebrate Your Independence!
Happy Independence Day everyone! How will you celebrate? Family picnic? Baseball Game? Homemade Ice Cream? Fireworks?
Growing up, my family celebrated July 4th by holding a family picnic/reunion with my father’s family at our farm. Dad was one of 17 children, and good gracious, do I have a lot of cousins! What a fun time. There were games for the kids, a baseball game for the adults, and everyone brought food. We always grew sweet corn – and would grill it in the husk covered with wet burlap bags. It was the absolute best – fresh from the field grilled steamy goodness! After the sun went down, the kids would commence flashlight games, like kick the can. Or sometimes we’d take the cousins hunting for eldabritches. This mythical creature is related to the Snipe. The most successful hunts meant a few of us would go to the other end of a field and herd the creatures to the waiting burlap bag wielding captors. You may have guessed… the cousins were the catchers. Sometimes it took our cousins quite a while to figure out there was no one else out there in the fields with them, and they had been duped. What a laugh!
This year I won’t be hunting any mythical creatures on July 4th but will be preparing to get back to face-to-face bridge here in Lancaster. Supporting face-to-face bridge sort of feels like my patriotic duty. Now, I believe there is a need for online bridge too, but face-to-face bridge is critical to attracting new players, expanding membership, increasing our circle of bridge partners and friends, and to the future of the game of bridge. While it’s nice to play bridge in my PJ’s, I’ll be making the effort to put on some “real” clothes and get back to bridge at the local club. I hope you will too! And, if you know of players who have allowed their ACBL membership to lapse during the “lost year,” consider reaching out to encourage them to re-up and get back to the club.
Our bridge community needs you!
Here's an update about the Lancaster Regional:
The tournament has been modified to run for 5-days, Monday-Friday, October 25-29.
You can find the schedule and hotel information on the District 4 website, or by using this LINK
ACBL tournament safety guidelines may be modified in the months leading up to the Lancaster Regional. As updates are made, the most current guidelines will be posted for you on the District 4 website.
Stay safe. I welcome your comments or suggestions (
From the District Director
The ACBL Board of Directors summer meetings will be held July 14-16 to discuss the issue of our transition back to face-to-face bridge and the impact of online bridge. Many clubs in our district have begun the reopening process with varying degrees of success.
In March of 2020, before the pandemic, there were 2,189 face-to-face clubs in the ACBL and in June of 2021, there are 804 that have reopened.
Table count is down considerably from pre-pandemic numbers as well. In March of 2020 there were 179,749 face-to-face tables of bridge played. In the first three weeks of June of 2021 there were 24,677 tables of face-to-face bridge played.
Face-to-face clubs are the primary source of new members for the ACBL. Teaching programs at bridge clubs brought in the majority of new members before the pandemic. Without a robust number of face-to-face games, it will be impossible for the ACBL to reverse the declining membership trend.
In addition, many bridge players, even those who were reluctant to try it originally, have grown to like the advantages of playing online. It creates a new marketplace in which ACBL bridge clubs are facing competition from the BBO games played online, creating a very complex situation. I will have more information to give you next month when the summer meetings are completed.
District 4 is celebrating the return to bridge at the Lancaster Regional in October – make your reservations early – the rooms at the host hotel are limited – we are excited about seeing each other again… it’s been too long…. Come join us at Spooky Nook.
September 10-12
October 2-3
October 8-10
October 15-17
October 21-23
December 27-31
October 25-29
September 25-26
September 25
October 2
ACBL has cancelled all STaCs through the end of July. Therefore, the D4 STaCs scheduled for July 26-Aug 1 are cancelled
The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:
Larry's Learning Center by Larry Cohen:
January, April, July, October
For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus:
February, May, August, November
The ABC of Bridge by Dave Wachsman:
March, June, September, December
Nick is (perhaps justly) accused of throwing the experts another curve ball this month. That's nothing new, and, as is usually the case, there is no unanimity among the players. Read on -- and learn about Hamman's Rule while you are at it!
News from Around the Units
Unit 112: Central New York
Betty Youmans
Good news! Now that New York State's vaccination rate surpassed 70 percent, more business are reopening. And that includes Face-to-Face bridge. Our area clubs have been surveyed and are starting to open their doors, so check with your local club and get ready to once again greet your friends around the table.
Unit 112 Congratulates Its Advancing Players!
Club Masters
Nancy Bircher, Rochester
Paula Getzin, Ithaca
Phyllis Holtgrewe, Elmira
Anita Zurakowski, Penfield
Sectional Masters
James Burns, Rochester
Mirella DellOsa-Capodag, Endicott
Julie Jackson-Ray, Rochester
Meg Matlock, Pittsford
Julia McAndrew, Fairport
Jeff Tonole, Ithaca
Regional Masters
Linda Colon, Baldwinsville
Linda Fields, Painted Post
Loring Hannah, Alpine
Martha Hannah, Alpine
Janice Meyer-Volpe, Pittsford
Susan Rice, Rochester
Donald Short, Endwell
Kristen Sullivan, Clinton
Edward Winkler, Apalachin
NABC Master
Roger Monaco, McDonough
Advanced NABC Master
Richard Hartz Jr., Deerfield
Silver Life Master
John Noronha, Pittsford
Ruby Life Master
Roy Caldwell, Canton
Emerald Life Master
Harry Nuckols, Vestal
Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania
Doreese Torrey
Happy July to all! There is not much to report this month except to share heartfelt wishes to stay safe and enjoy the warm weather.
Hope to see you all either at the virtual or face to face bridge tables!!!!
Unit 121: Berks Montgomery
Brian C Snyder
Good news to report! Unit 121will be resuming f2f bridge every Tuesday and Thursday at 12:15pm at Good Shepherd UCC church starting July 6. For partnerships or questions contact Sue Wessner.
Unit 133: Lehigh Valley
Lois Fuini
Happy Fourth of July!
Our Fourth of July celebrations a little more festive this year. Whether you're attending a picnic, barbecue, or a fireworks display, enjoy whatever you do with family and friends. But be sure to take a moment to join the people in our country who express and give thanks for the freedom and liberties fought for by our first generation of many of today’s Americans. So, fly your flags in celebration of our great country and the great people who worked so hard to keep us safe.
New Rank Advancements
New Junior Master
Thomas J. Smith
The Longest Day
On Father’s Day Weekend, Unit 133 players came out to play virtual bridge to support the people suffering from Alzheimer’s and their caretakers. All proceeds from entry fees will be donated to the Alzheimer’s Association. Special thanks to all our Fathers who shared part of their day to help others through their participation in this Charity Event.
Congratulations to the Swiss Team winners:
Peg and Paul Irvine, Mike Kohler and Frank Morgan
Thanks to everyone who played and to all those who made extra contributions. It’s not too late to participate! If you wish to make an additional donation, please mail your check, payable to the Alzheimer’s Association, to Betsy Cutler, 1383 Deerfield Drive, Allentown PA 18104. Thank you for playing and donating to this very worthwhile cause that touches so many of our lives in so many ways.
Country Club Games Reopened
Brookside, Lehigh, and Saucon Valley Country Clubs all reopened their live games in June. Everyone was excited to get back together and play a “real” game of bridge with actual cards and bidding boxes. Some players had a few reservations, thinking they may have forgotten how to play -- but they were immediately put at ease by the directors who said, “Do your best, see your friends, and above all have fun.”
Brookside CC 10am Open
1st, 3rd, 5th Tuesday April-November
Every Tuesday December-March
Game & Lunch $22
Brookside CC 10am 0-99
Every Wednesday
Game & Lunch $22
Lehigh CC 10am-Open/Invitational
2nd & 4th Wednesday April-November
Game & Lunch $22
Saucon Valley CC 10am-Open/Invitational 2nd & 4th Thursday
Game & Lunch $22
Lehigh Valley Active Life Bridge Club
Lehigh Valley Active Life returns to live play starting June 28 at 1pm. Everyone is looking forward to getting back to the bridge tables, seeing their friends, and playing a game of duplicate bridge together.
Lehigh Valley Active Life Schedule
June 28 - 1pm 0-100 and 0-750 - every Monday, 18 boards - $7
July 1 - 1pm 0-750 1st, 3rd & 5th Thursdays , 18 boards -$7
July 2 - 1pm 0-500 and Open every Friday, 18 boards -$7
To encourage you to try playing face-to-face bridge again we will be offering the first 3 opening day games for FREE! That’s right. Three chances to play for FREE! See you soon!
Bethlehem Bridge Club
Bethlehem Bridge Club is planning to reopen live games in early July. Their players can’t wait to renew friendships and spend some time playing face-to-face bridge.
Bethlehem Bridge Schedule
Open 10am- July 7 Every Wednesday $7
Open 10am- July 12 Every Monday $7
Open 7:15pm- Thursdays remains online
For more information about these opportunities please contact:
Lehigh Country Club, Bill Forrester at or
610-967-2851 (not between 12:30 and 2pm)
Saucon Valley Country Club, Sylvia Hand at or 610-737-4803
Brookside Country Club, Sara Gainey at or 610-417-5982
Lehigh Valley Active Life, Lois Fuini at or 610-767-7898
Bethlehem Bridge Club, Ed Spitzer at or 610-867-6575 or 347-262-1643
Unit 141: Philadelphia
Howard Kahlenberg
You still have two full months to qualify for the North American Pairs at the club level. There is a good mix of both in-person and on-line qualifying games in the District at the link here. There is also a Unit 141-centrtic list here:
Shout out to Mark Bolotin for compiling this information. And a belated shout out to him for maintaining the list of online club games during the pandemic.
Congratulations to two new Life Masters this month - Maureen McLaughlin of Princeton and Sheryl Richter of Villanova. Looks like living in college towns rubbed off on them.
Other Masterpoint achievements:
New Sapphire Life Master (5,000 points) – Patricia “I can’t stop my leg” Civale
New Ruby Life Masters (1,500 points) – Gina Bresler and Bruce Young
New Silver Life Master (1,000 point) - Carl Ginsberg and Michele Saland
New Bronze Life Masters (750 points) – Susan Anthony, Walter Carpenter, Michael Freedman, and Sheryl Richter (zoom!)
New Advanced NABC Masters (300 points) - Marci Golomb, Sharon Lewinter, and Jill Powell
New NABC Masters (200 Points) - Terry Bullen-Smith, Judith Kramer, Beth Murphy, Patricia Opderbeck, Joy Pollock, and Jackie Topaz
New Regional Masters (100 points) – Linda Blickman, Jaime Caro, Christina Carter, Joanne Cooper, Barry Daubenspeck, Arthur Finkle, Elaine Kieserman, June Knight, John O'Rourke, Susan Packer, Vera Resnik, Jeffrey Tarnoff, Joanne Tarnoff, Cynthia Verges, and Shelley Weismer
New Sectional Masters (50 points) – Susan Bergin Wilson, Eleanor Carroll, Nancy Dersimonian, Barbara Frieman, Patricia Mueller, Mark Nath, Carol Oleyar, Lori O’Connor, Tara Patel, Barbara Perilstein, Dale Scafuro, John Schussler, Maureen Smith, Kathy Sullivan, Deborah Sweet, Mary Tassaro, Sherry Wert, and Joan Zuckerman
New Club Masters (20 points) – Nancy Jerome, Kathleen Klausner, Debbie Krochtengel, Marc Stein, Susan Werner, and Patricia Wood
New Junior Masters (5 points) – Mary Casey, Linda Ford, Gina Lovasi, Michael Mudry, Wendy Ruden, and Lee Tonik
Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania
Jeanne Gehret
Check back next month for Unit 168 news. In the meantime, stay well!
Unit 190: Delaware
Ala Hamilton-Day
Do you know someone age 10 - 19 who would like to learn to play bridge?
If so, please refer them to the Delaware State Bridge Association's new Virtual Summer Bridge Camp for Young Players. Rohan Mandayam has organized a series of FREE online teaching sessions for nine weekdays, July 6-9 and July 12-16, from 9:00 - 11:00 AM. No past card-playing experience is required.
A flyer describing the sessions is here.
The registration form is here.
Congratulations to Director Carole Everitt
Congratulations Carole on your retirement!
Your mentoring of new players, along with your dedication to the Studio, was remarkable. Enjoy your free time and see you at the bridge table!
SILVER LIFE MASTER: Sharon F. Gordon and Debbie Schell
Joseph N. Cotter
Norman Cotter, 91, the Principal of the Tatnall school for 28 years, who played bridge, chess, and backgammon, died on May 23rd at a retirement community in Oxford. He was a gentleman and a scholar, at the bridge table, and in life.
Players at the May 24 game
We're delighted to announce the return of in-person bridge in Delaware! The Bridge Studio of Delaware has reopened with a limited schedule of games. Pre-registration is required, and no walk-ins will be allowed. Please visit for up-to-date information and registration instructions. For information on the continuing BBO games, pictures of players, the Shuffles games on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:30, the May Dummy and other happenings, check out the Unit 190 website and click on the links below:
Unit 217: Susquehanna
Jim McKeown
Since our earlier sectional was canceled, we hope to hold our next tournament in Boalsburg in October.
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