Hopefully the Valley Forge Regional was good for you! Now are you ready to try your skill in Vegas? This month's National promises events for all levels in air conditioned comfort. See the link below for full information on that as well as multiple summer tournaments closer to home.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Contact your District 4 board members.
Meyer Kotkin
Dave Kresge
Bill Bauer
Pat Civale
Joann Glasson
In my role as Tournament Chair of District 4's (D4) Philadelphia Regional at Valley Forge, I get numerous e-mails on a wide range of Regional related topics. My favorite e-mail this year was from a player who had 427 masterpoints and wanted to know if she could play in the Gold Rush with her favorite partner who had 3,872 masterpoints. I politely replied that no player in a Gold Rush event could have more than 750 masterpoints. She thanked me and said she understood. However, she wrote me again after I sent out the "Save Meyer's Diet" e-mail, which asked players to attend and save my diet, or else I would have to eat all the leftovers from the free lunches we served every day. My correspondent wrote me a second e-mail which, and she was serious, asked that if I really and truly wanted to save my diet, she and her partner would help if I would allow them to enter the Gold Rush. I thanked her but reminded her that 750 was the inviolable Gold Rush masterpoint limit.
Players from D4 and all over the country and Canada attended the Philadelphia Regional and ate us out of house and home. Attendance was 1,700 tables, up from 1,535 last year (+11%). One of the major reasons for the increased attendance was that we increased our free lunches from four days to six days (every day except Monday). Well, more food is a-coming. The split Regionals held in Rochester and Wilkes-Barre on August 5 - 10 will continue D4's famous tradition of great hospitality. Burt Garrell (Rochester) Tournament Chair Mary Miller (U112) has planned six free evening dinners (every day except Sunday) that will knock your socks off. Mary has added two Dupli-Swiss events to the schedule that includes the new Bracketed Swiss-KO format that allows for more equitable brackets and guaranteed two sessions of play on the first day qualifier of this combined Round Robin/Swiss and Knockout event. Wilkes-Barre Tournament Chair Walter Mitchell (U120), a well-respected eater of food, will be serving six lunches (every day except Monday) from the fantastic chefs at the Woodlands Resorts, as well as a free cooked to order breakfast for players who stay at the hotel. Walter has also scheduled the new Bracketed Swiss-KO and Thursday and Sunday Dupli-Swiss events. So, finalize your plans to attend either Rochester or Wilkes-Barre and play some bridge around all the good food.
On a very happy note, past D4 President Tom Weik (U121) came out to play at the Philadelphia Regional. Tom is a dear friend who has been under the weather and not been able to play for about a year and a half. We played for three days and in order to protect his health I had to promise not to preempt which, for me, goes against muscle memory. Tom played great and never touched a wrong card. His only two mistakes were picking me as a partner and deciding to attend the D4 Board Meeting which is not good for anyone's health ☺.
On a very unhappy note, I am extremely saddened to report the death of past D4 President Don McLean (U133), just a couple of months after the passing of his beloved Betty (U133). Don and Betty were fixtures at D4 Tournaments for decades as well as serving in a host of volunteer positions for U133 and D4. I have many fond memories of Betty and Don including Betty insisting that a fat man like me wasn't getting enough to eat. She would always bring me a ham sandwich on Wonder Bread with Miracle Whip. She looked so happy bringing me food that I never had the heart to tell her that I don't eat ham (religious reasons), detest white bread (ugh!) and think Miracle Whip is an alien product which is part of some space civilization's conspiracy to weaken the earth's resolve to resist an invasion. Rest in peace my dear friends Betty and Don, and thank you for your years of service to bridge.
I wish everyone a happy, healthy, joyous and safe Fourth of July. Since the theme of this month's article seems to be food, I will share my favorite July 4
quote form humorist Erma Bombeck: "
You have to love a nation that celebrates its independence every July 4th, not with a parade of guns, tanks, and soldiers who file by the White House in a show of strength and muscle, but with family picnics where kids throw Frisbees, the potato salad gets iffy, and the flies die from happiness. You may think you have overeaten, but it is patriotism
." I will be at both the Rochester and Wilkes-Barre Regionals trying to be the most loyal D4 patriot ever.
As always, I welcome all comments and suggestions on any D4 matters and issues. My e-mail is
and my cell is 856.986.5109
From the District Director
District 4 Regional Tournaments
When you are reading this message, we will have just completed the Philadelphia Regional at Valley Forge. As you probably noticed an enormous amount of work and plannng goes into events like our regional tournaments.
Valley Forge Tournament Chair, Meyer Kotkin, commonly known as "Dr. Chick Magnet" puts hundreds of hours in preparation before and during the tournament. Our Intermediate/Newcomer Chairs, Joan and Bill Goldstein, not only oversee everything for new players at Valley Forge, but also run several sectional tournaments for new players during the year. Elaine Weintraub, Partnership Chair, does a difficult job making sure that everyone who wants to play, gets to play and matchmaking is not an easy task. Pat Civale, with a little help from me, provides a welcoming atmosphere and lots of desserts in the evening hospitality suite. Bob Glasson does all the advance negotiation with the hotel, including making sure that our players are properly fed at both breakfast and lunch. My small contribution is the daily bulletins that you receive on your mobile devices and online.
In addition to these volunteers, you saw Tom Purl, our Tournament Assistant, everywhere, setting up tables, putting out bidding boxes and managing all aspects of the tournament venue. Rob Maier, our Director in Charge, worked not only the days of the tournament but well in advance planning space requirements and directing staff. He was capably assisted by a team of terrific ACBL directors.
The next time that you see any of these people - take a minute to say thank you - without them there would be no bridge tournament.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
July 13
July 13-14
August 11
August 23
Sept. 20-22
Sept. 21
Sept. 21-22
Sept. 26-28
Sept. 28-29
Oct. 4-6
Oct. 12-13
Oct. 13
Oct. 18-20
Oct. 25-27
August 26-Sept.1
NAP Flight C October 5
NAP Flight A October 5-6
NAP Flight B October 12
Our Monthly Feature
The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:
Larry's Learning Center
by Larry Cohen:
January, April, July, October
For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus:
February, May, August, November
The ABC of Bridge by Dave Wachsman:
March, June, September, December
Puzzled about how to handle opening light in the 4th seat? Larry Cohen discusses the Rule of 15 (the what and the when), adding
Cohen's Rule in Fourth Seat (CRIFS) to help in your decision.
Master Solvers Club
Moderator: Nick Straguzzi
Preemptive bids are so annoying! To double, pass or bid on, those are the questions. Click on the link and check out variations A and B on this challenging stumper.
click here
to read the analysis of this month's problem.
NAP Qualifiers continue in July
Ask your club director when NAP (North American Pairs) qualifiers will take place. Qualify in June, July or August and you will be eligible to play in the
District Finals in the fall. The winning pair will receive $1400 to go to the spring NABC, with dollar amounts for runners up, as well.
News from Around the Units
Unit 112: Central New York
to our Unit 112 members on their new master point rank achievements:
Junior Master
Christine Latella, Rochester
Beverly LeBeau, Jamesville
Richard Pille, Binghamton
William Ralston, Cooperstown
Annette Satloff, Pittsford
Club Master
Tamara Kobzlar, Ithaca
Nancy Pille, Binghamton
Mary Rab, Oneonta
Michael Wade, Oswego
Sectional Master
Doris Ernest, New Hartford
Karyl Pecora, Oneonta
Harold Shapiro, Jamesville
Regional Master
Ishwar Mathur, Pittsford
Kathleen Toole, Rochester
Mark Wheeler, Ithaca
NABC Master
Marc Wetmore, Rochester
Life Master
John Nelson, Rochester
Bronze Life Master
Christine Garner, Tully
Silver Life Master
Patricia Connell, Livonia
Margaret Peruzzi, Rochester
Life Master
Lawrence Kidder, Ithaca
Life Master
Thomas Andrews, Utica
********BIG GAMES AT CLUBS********
Geneseo Club: 6/6 7 T - 71.5% - **Steve Snell and Richard Folwell**
Elmira Duplicate Bridge: 6/19 8 T - 71.8% - **Ed Schussler and Jim Cooke**
********Club Directors Please email me games over 70%********
to our Ithaca Sectional Winners
Open Pairs
10.5 tables based on 13
Flight A - Harry Nuckols - Mary Poplawski, Vestal, NY 64.9
Flight B
- Gene Marks - Steven Shiffrin, Ithaca, NY 55.77%
Flight C - Debra Statton, Ithaca, NY - Donald Boyce, Canandaigua, NY 51.94%
199er Pairs Sat Morning
- 3 tables
Flight A-C 1st Steven Gersz - Marsha Ranes, Pittsford, NY 61%
2nd Lois Weiner - Joanne Scammell, Syracuse, NY 56%,
199er Pairs Sat Afternoon
- 2.5 tables
Flight A 1st Dee Derosa, Syracuse,NY- Jon Davidson, Cazenovia, NY
2nd Lois Weiner - Joanne Scammell, Syracuse, NY
Sunday Open Swiss Teams
- 9 Tables
Flight A - Courtenay Footman - Stephen Pope, Ithaca, NY
Eleanor O'Connor - Richard Hurd, Freeville, NY
Flight B - Ron Sperber, Geneva, NY - Lynn Ackerman, Pittsford, NY
Mary Miller - David Waterman, Canandaigua, NY
Flight C - Ellen Hammer - Laura Iorio, Manlius, NY
Marilyn Smith - Mary Silky, Syracuse, NY
Join us for our Rochester Summer Sectional
July 13 - 14, 2019
Webster Columbus Center 70 Barrett Drive Webster, NY
Saturday 10:30 Stratified Open Pairs - two sessions*
Stratified NLM/499er Pairs*
2:30 Stratified Open Pairs (continuation*)
Stratified NLM/499er Pairs* (continuation*)
*Pairs can opt to play a single morning or afternoon session
Stratified Open Swiss Teams
2 session play-through
Stratified NLM/499er Swiss Teams
1 session
Lunch available Sunday $8 person
Unit 112 bridge players played bridge to benefit their brains for Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month! All proceeds are donated to fuel the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Assoc.
June 12 - 10 tables played at the Ithaca Bridge Club
June 19 - Canandaigua Bridge Club held 2 games -
afternoon 7 tables; evening open game had 8 tables
June 21 - Elmira - JCP Bridge Game held 2 games - 9AM 13.5 tables
1:30PM - 5.5 tables and 1PM 3 ½ tables of social bridge players
Burt Garrell Regional
Henrietta (Rochester), New York
August 5 - 11, 2019
Host Hotel - Playing Site RIT Inn & Conference Center
5257 W Henrietta Road
For Bridge Rate ($114) call (585)359-1800
Reserve a room prior to 7/13/2019
For more information check out our website.
Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania
Hello Unit 120!! We've had some exciting new ACBL member rankings in May and June,
so please stand and applaud the following achievements:
May-Junior Master-Edna Friedberg of Clarks Summit, PA
June-Bronze Life Master-Judith Stillinger of Bush Hill Falls, PA
Sectional Master-Rita M Groves of Pittston, PA
Club Master-Jonthan R Page of Hawley, PA
On Wednesday April 3, the Bridgelady DBC took part in the ACBL-Wide Charity Game.
Lee Fett and Beth Rosenthal placed 8th overall, and Jerry and Kathy Arcuri placed 5th in section 4.
Congratulations to you all!!
The Bridgelady Monday game has moved to the Community Room at Newberry. The
address is 3 Newberry Estates, Dallas, PA 18612.
All first time players play free and if a regular brings a new player, they both play free! If you have fewer than 500 points, join
the Bridgelady game at the Community Room at Newberry.
It's July!! The sun is shining, birds are singing, flowers and gardens are growing. Get out, enjoy them all and support your local Bridge Club!
August 5-11 at the Woodlands 1073 Hwy 315 Wilkes Barre, PA 18702.
Please mark your calendars, make your reservations!!
See you at the Bridge Tables
Have a Safe and Happy 4th of July!!
Unit 121: Berks Montgomery
Brian C Snyder
Our next Intermediate Newcomer Sectional (0-500) will be held Friday August 23 at Sacred Heart Villa.
for more information.
Sue Wessner will host a bridge cruise November 9-20 , 2020. CLICK HERE for more information.
Congratulations to the following on their advancement in the ACBL Masterpoint Ranks:
New Junior Master - Mark E. Luchette
New Club Master - Ellen Luchette
New Life Master - Carl Ziegler
New Bronze Life Master - Doug Chaney
Lois Fuini
Unit 133 wishes everyone a Happy Fourth of July! Whether you are planning a barbecue, attending a local parade, hosting a family reunion, watching a fireworks display or seeing a baseball game, we hope you all enjoy your holiday with family and friends. But, be sure to take a moment to remember the true meaning of the holiday, independence for our great country.
Spring 0-500 NLM Tournament
A special
Thank You
to everyone who supported our Annual Spring 0-500 NLM Tournament, especially our kitchen help, Betty Abrams, Barbara Berk, Betsy Cutler and Frieda Witmer. We enjoyed seeing our regulars, meeting new people, and playing with all of you! It was a great day for many reasons, the camaraderie, the competition, and the opportunity to earn silver points in an appropriate, friendly environment. Thanks to all our players who took the time to complete the survey that was emailed to you.We received some very good suggestions that we will implement for the
Fall 0-500 NLM Tournament on September 21st
. Register now for another great day of bridge. For more information or a registration form, please cotact Lois Fuini at lafuini@yahoo.com
Congratulations to the Winners!
Morning 0-500 NLM Pairs
Kay Garrity & Richard Godshall
Barbara Dopera & Michael Dopera
Morning 0-100 Pairs
Jane Detra Davenport & Robert Davenport Jr
Toeruna Widge & Diane Raab
Afternoon 0-500 NLM Pairs
Greta Dolinski & Gilbert Deleenw
Jane Detra Davenport & Robert Davenport Jr
Afternoon 0-100 Pairs
Sastry Dasika & Valli Dasika
Toeruna Widge & Diane Raab
New Rank Achievements
New Junior Master
Patricia Squire
New Club Masters
Jane Detra Davenport
Jeanne J. Yanek
June STaC Games Results
Monday, June 3
0-100 game, LVAL, 1st - Patty Fosselman & Nancy Trawin
2nd - Mary Kellogg & Rosann Behringer
0-500 game, LVAL, 1st - Lois Fuini & Rita Keiper
2nd - Mary Lou Lukauskas & Quentin Patterson
Wednesday, June 5
0-50 game, LVAL, 1st - Nelson & Laura Rabenhold
2nd - Ellen Myers & Sarita Hunter
Thursday, June 6
0-299 game LVAL, 1st - Lynda Thaler & Patricia Sabatino
2nd - Mary Anne Johnson & Sandra Sorensen
Open Pairs, LVAL, 1st - Sylvia Hand & James Busby
2nd - Mike Kohler & Frank Morgan
Friday, June 7
Invitational LVAL, 1st - Sylvia Hand & Charlene Thomas
2nd - Mary Geschel & Frank Kuebler
Brookside Country Club Supports The Longest Day
During the week of June 21, 2019 - the longest day of the year - bridge players across the country hosted events supporting Alzheimer's disease, care and research.
In Unit 133, the Brookside Country Club Game, directed by John Schwartz, participated in The Longest Day. This fundraising event symbolizes the difficult journey of those living with Alzheimer's and their caretakers.
Special thanks to John who organized the event and to all the members who played in the game. By playing bridge, we may slow the onset of this disease and support the more than 35 million people worldwide living with Alzheimer's and the countless caretakers who face this disease.
Marie Bond and Jane Havighurst
Brennie Morgan and Elaine Hersh
August STaC Games
Mark your calendars for STaC Games in August. Earn silver points at our home clubs.Thanks to
Betsy Cutler
for scheduling the STaC games and to our
for facilitating them.
Monday, August 26
0-100 game and 0-500 game, 12:30pm at LVAL in Allentown
Wednesday, August 28
Invitational game, 10am at Lehigh Country Club in Allentown
Thursday, August 29
0-299 game & Open Pairs game, 12:30pm at LVAL in Allentown
Friday, August 30
Invitational game, 12:30pm at LVAL in Allentown
Upcoming Events
NAP Qualifier - Open Pairs Monday, July 1st, 11am at Brith Sholom in Bethlehem
NAP Qualifier - Open Pairs Wednesday, July 3rd, 11am at Brith Sholom in Bethlehem NAP Qualifier - Open & NLM Pairs Sunday, July 28, 1pm at Brith Sholom
Summer STaC Games - August 26, 28, 29,and 30 at LVAL
Allentown 0-100 and 0-500 NLM Tournament - Saturday, September 21 at LVAL
Allentown Fall Sectional - October 18-20 at LVAL
Congratulations to Unit 141 members who have become life masters, and achieved other new ranks within the ACBL.
New Life Master - Marianne D McClennen
Silver Life Masters - Carol F Hopson and Wayne Rosenberger
Bronze Life Master - Barbara Patterson
Gold Life Master - Samuel Yake
Ruby Life Master - Akbar Samii
NABC Masters - Patricia M French-Folk, Bunny Van Adelsberg, and Jack Willgruber
Regional Masters - Patricia Estadt and Linda Kirson
Sectional Masters - Mary A Loielo and Cynthia W Verges
Club Masters - Carol Bleazard, Lisa T Guyer, Mary D Heselton, Irvin Liebman, Dick Linden, Phyllis Reiff, and Pamela E Sodaski
Junior Masters - Alan Abrams, Mona Ballard, Jeffrey M Hellrung, Joseph S Kassis, Becky Levinson, Ann Maurer, Jane H McCann, and Patricia Walsh
Best wishes to Unit 141 Members Mike Geisler and Alison Brandt who will be moving to the sunny climes of Sarasota. The two of them have done a lot for both the Unit and the District, and their contributions will be missed. More importantly to me, they are my friends, and I will miss that more.
Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania
to these Unit 168 members on their new masterpoint rank achievements:
Sectional Master:
Andrea Gaines
Regional Master:
Betsy Wenger
NABC Master:
Georgi Hess, Grace Mullen
Bronze Life Master:
Margaret Whipple
News From Martinsburg
Martinsburg DBC held 2 games for The Longest Day, Thursday 20th, which included a potluck lunch between sessions. The club members displayed their generosity in support of the Alzheimer's Association, raising a total of $1,364.40.
Wacky Hands & Gadgets
- by Dave Bort
Redwood Rides Again
In a matchpoints game the other day, Board 6 was EW vul, and our opponents held:
North: J2 QJ97 Q6432 J4 South: AT975 6532 J75 6
while partner's and my hands were:
West: 3 K84 K AKQT7532 East(me): KQ864 AT AT98 98
The bidding was (with the opponents silent throughout):
2C(1) 2D
3C 3N(2)
(1) 2-over-1 game force.
(2) OK, if you have long Clubs, partner, I have good controls, so let's try the NT game.
(3) If you say so, partner.
Making 6, on the reasonable lead of the Heart Queen, which was good for a top board (at least our opponent didn't make a slavish, fourth-down lead of the Diamond 3).
East only bid 3N because they didn't want to confuse their developing partner with a Redwood bid, but look at how the bidding might have gone (had East only shown the courage of their conviction!):
2C(1) 2D
3C 4D(2)
5C(3) 5D(4)
5N(5) 6N(6)
(1) 2-over-1 game force.
(2) Redwood, 1430, for Clubs.
(3) Two keycards, with the Club Queen, from among: 4H = 1 or 4 keycards (KCs), 4S = 3 or 0 KCs, 4N = 2 KCs without the Queen, 5C = 2 KCs with the Q, 5D = 2 KCs with an unspecified void (but one that is judged to be useful to partner, e.g., not in a suit partner has bid), 5H = odd number of KCs with a Heart void, 5S = odd number KCs with a Spade void, and 5N = odd number of KCs with a Diamond void. Note the potential use of keycard responses with a void, which differs, depending on the trump suit (but which always makes sense, when you think about it).
(4) King-Ask, asking for partner's count of their Kings. Note that some players use the Specific King-Ask (SKA), where responder shows their lowest outside King (that's below the trump suit). The choice of which to use for which contract is by partnership agreement (I'm currently gathering neural net experience with SKA for the majors, and count for the minors).
(5) Two outside Kings, from among: 5H = 0 outside King, 5S = 1 outside K, 5N = 2 outside K's, and 6C = 3 outside K's.
(6) Sounds like 6N might work to me, and this is matchpoints, so let's try it (no, of course I wouldn't take the risk in team-game IMPs, partner)!
Result for this imaginary auction:
Making 7, again on the lead of the Heart Queen, but this time, taking every opportunity in the play. Specifically, after the friendly lead, West (now the declarer, on that auction), takes the Heart Ace, comes to their Heart King in hand, and ruffs their last Heart, knowing they can't have a bad trump split, since dummy has 2 Clubs!
References include:
1) Keycard Responses with a Void, available from the author upon request, tailored for a partnerships' Ace-Asking (Roman Keycard Blackwood, 1430, Redwood, Minorwood, Kickback, or more exotic agreements) and keycard choices (1430 or 0314), when playing something other than straight RKB or 1430.
2) Roman Keycard Blackwood, The Final Word (5th Edition), by Eddie Kantar, for the King-Ask. An essential reference!
Top & Bottom, Unusual Over Unusual, Cuebid Raises, and LTC/CC
In a matchpoints game last month, Board 22 was E/W vul, and our opponents held:
North: J AKT875 QT J952 South: 74 Q942 AKJ Q743
while partner's and my hands were:
West: A9853 None 98542 AK6 East(me): KQT62 J63 763 T8
Partner and I actually did end up in 4S, making 4, with a tie for top board (with our 17-point game!), but I can't remember exactly how the bidding went. However, if we had played just one cute gadget we didn't play at the time..., the bidding could have gone:
North East(me) South
Pass 1C
2C(1) 2H(2) 3H(3) 3S(4)
4S(5) X(6) Pass(7) Pass(8)
(1) This is a helpful gadget called Top & Bottom. Normally, over an opponent's Club opening, 2C would be Michael's, showing 5-5 in the majors, and 2N would be the Unusual 2NT, showing (for most partnerships) 5-5 in the two lowest unbid suits (Diamonds & Hearts), but note that this approach offers no way to show 5-5 in Diamonds and Spades. Enter Top & Bottom, where over 1C, 2D is defined to be regular Michael's (showing the majors), leaving 2C to show... (wait for it)... you guessed it, specifically 5-5 in Diamonds and Spades. Kinda looks like West's hand, doesn't it?
(2) Let's say North/South play Unusual Over Unusual, where anything but raising their partner's suit shows 10+ points, and where they use cuebids in our two indicated suits to show information about the two suits they might be interested in (i.e., here, their suits would potentially be Clubs and Hearts), from among: 2D = 10+ with 4 or 5 Clubs; 2H = 10+ with a 6-card Heart suit; 2S = 10+ with a 5-card Heart suit; 2N = partnership agreement, but probably willingness to play NT; 3C = less than 10 points, but with 4-5 Clubs; and X = 10+ and the ability make a penalty double one or more of the opponents' suits.
(3) Playing our Losing Trick Count/Cover Card (LTC/CC) game, partner, I think I've got three tricks, so I'm making a cue-bid raise of their suit to show my invitational hand (aka 3 tricks) in the context of your indicated Spades (specifically, I'm counting the KQ of Spades, and with at least 4 trumps and a Club doubleton, I can count another Cover Card, in a likely Club ruff).
(4) I've only got 12 points, but you've promised 6 Hearts with 10+ points, partner, so we've got 10 Hearts between us. I'm hoping that's enough for game, and I'm willing to get in their way to show it, with our own cue-bid raise.
(5) Well, this seems fairly straight-forward, partner; you've shown me three tricks in Spades, and I think I have no worse than a 6-loser hand, so with you covering three of my losers with your cover cards, we've only got three losers left. Looks like game to me!
(6) I don't believe they've got game, partner, since you opened, and I've got 11 points, so I'm doubling these affrontive upstarts on principle!
(7) Gee, wonder if I can revert back to a 3S bid, here?
(8) OK, you're on lead, partner, make it a good one!
9) Not: "Oh no, they doubled me, maybe I'm doomed"; instead: "Oh, boy, here's my chance to make a doubled game contract!"
Making 4, doubled (well, if I'm imagining this sequence, I may as well make it good!), after North watches with a sinking feeling, as West ruffs his opening Ace of Hearts lead!
East-West make six Spade tricks, including any Heart ruffs and a Club ruff, two Clubs, and even two Diamond tricks! These were the tricks that were actually made at the table
References include:
1) "25 More Bridge Conventions You Should Know", by Barbara Seagram & David Bird, Chapter 21: Unusual Over Unusual
Stay tuned next month, for wacky hands & gadgets.
Diane D. Gordy
Milton Gordon, Leah P. Holmes & Thomas N. Tully
Congratulations on the following rank advances!!
Barbara S Vandegrift to Club Master and Elaine Fuller to Bronze Life Master.
We held our "June" sectional May 31 - June 2 at the Boalsburg Fire Co in Boalsburg, PA. Ed Bissell and Mary Ann Churba won the Friday morning pair game with Joanne Johnston and Beverly Titzel first in B and C. Neil Wallace and David Chen won the Friday afternoon pair game with Irene Harpster and Marilyn Furry first in C. On Saturday Ed Bissell and Mary Ann Churba won the morning pair game with Jim Van Etten and Jess Goodman first in B and Irene Harpster and Janice Lindsay first in C. Carol Reitz and Jim McKeown won the Saturday afternoon pair game with Jackie Humilovich and Mary Lisko first in B and Irene Harpster and Janice Lindsay first in C. Ed Bissell, Mary Ann Churba, Carol Reitz, and Jim McKeown won the Sunday Swiss with Jim Van Etten, Jess Goodman, David Chen and Don Hollinger first in B and Jackie Humilovich, Mary Lisko, Sue Fletcher and Marilyn Goldfarb first in C. Ed and Mary Ann won the master point race.
Please join us for our next sectional September 20 - 22 at the Willamsport Bridge Club, 1042 High Street, Williamsport, PA 17701. Unit 217 will also hold its annual membership meeting between sessions of the Sunday Swiss.
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4Spot | July 2019 | Editor: Janet Johnson | janet.johnson210@gmail.com