We Invite you to Participate in the Housing Element Process
The Town of Fairfax and EMC Planning Group, our Housing Element firm, welcome you to participate in in a discussion about the Housing Element update on the Town's online public engagement platform - www.fairfaxspeaks.com. We invite everyone to the table to determine what kind and where you want housing in Fairfax.
Plus, if you register online you are eligible for free prizes, courtesy of the Fairfax Chamber of Commerce. Please join us today and help us plan for Fairfax's future.
Marin Housing Authority Lottery Drawing for 1 BR/1 Bath Condo in San Rafael
MHA is holding a drawing for Meadow Oaks, 1 BR/1 Bath condo, in San Rafael, CA, on July 14th, 2021
Highlights of the Upcoming July 7th Council meeting
The Council will be discussing/considering the following matters on July 7th:
- Ratification of appointment of Rico Tabaranza as Fairfax Chief Police and approval of Police Chief employment contract
- Authorize Town Manager to file an appeal of the Regional Housing Needs Allocation numbers for Fairfax to the Association of Bay Area Governments
- Approve reopening of the Mono Parking Lot in August 2021
- Notice of amendments to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with SEIU Local 1021, Fairfax Police Officers’ Association (POA) and Management, Confidential, and Part-Time Employees for the Period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022
- Adopt the Town’s Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets for Fiscal Year July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022
- Discuss/consider request of the Racial Equity and Social Justice Committee (RESJ) to allow the RESJ’s Police Practices and Public Safety Alternatives (PPPSA) subcommittee to not be subject to the Brown Act and direct staff as appropriate
Introduce an Ordinance Adding Chapter 15.05 entitled “All-Electric Construction in Newly Constructed Buildings” to Town Building Code
You can pick up your FREE Evacuation Tags at the Fairfax Police Department
The Fairfax Police Department in partnership with the Ross Valley Fire Department is giving away evacuation tags to residents living in the Town of Fairfax, Marin County, California. Evacuation tags are a new tool to help us more quickly ensure that neighborhoods are evacuated during a disaster. Residents affix the tag in a location that is highly visible when they evacuate (mailbox, front door, garage, end of your driveway).
This saves time because first responders don’t have to utilize our own ribbon on the property and we can immediately check the next home. We’ve learned that seconds can count during evacuations and we are excited to bring this new time-saving tool to our residents. Each tag comes with a bilingual instruction flyer, too.
Read more about how Evacuation Tags work here.
Upcoming Meetings & Events
Town Council Meeting
July 7th - 7pm
Police Practices and Public Safety Alternatives (Subcommittee of RESJ) Meeting - CANCELLED
July 8 - 7pm
Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting
July 12th - 7pm
Planning Commission Meeting
July 15th - 7pm
Fairfax Farmers Market in Bolinas Park
Wednesdays 4-8pm
It has been a crazy 16 months and we are pleased, excited and thrilled to announce that the 4th Annual Fairfax Artwalk is underway!
Please mark your calendars: Friday, September 24, 5-8pm
Music Pod with Dani
Tuesdays, July 13 - August 17
10:30am – 11:15am
Music with Dani is a fun and interactive music and movement time for young children and their grownups. Dani’s music session will have the children singing, dancing, rhyming, using their imaginations and having fun while creating music together!
Camp Fairfax
This just in - there are 2 spots available in Camp Fairfax this summer! Sign up now to secure your spot in this unique and high quality camp.
Countywide Rental Assistance Program
If you are experiencing financial difficulties due to COVID-19, please contact the programs below.
Marin County Emergency Rental Assistance Program
For the application and information about the program and how to apply visit the County of Marin's website:
Fairfax Rental Assistance Program
The Town Council has established a Residential Rental Assistance Program to assist extremely low-income Fairfax renters whose household incomes were adversely affected by COVID-19. The program is administered by St.Vincent de Paul and Ritter Center. If you are in need of assistance or have questions, please call 415-454-3303 X11 to leave a message. Calls will be returned in the order they are received.
PG&E Programs to Help Those Impacted by the Pandemic
Customers who have been financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic can now find new and updated information and web resources on various programs available to those who are behind on their bills and/or needing financial assistance due to the ongoing pandemic by going to: pge.com/covid19
County Commission on Aging Seeks New Fairfax Representative
Interested in supporting the well-being of older adults in your community and throughout Marin County? Care about issues related to health, nutrition, housing, transportation, equity and public policy? The 23-member commission promotes the dignity, independence and quality of life of older persons through advocacy, information, programs and services. It serves in an advisory capacity to the Board of Supervisors and works closely with the County's Office of Aging and Adult Services on behalf of Marin’s older adults, persons with disabilities and family caregivers. If you’re a resident of Fairfax and at least 18 years old, please consider applying.
Join a Board or Commission!
Do you want to make a real difference in 2021? Consider joining a board or commission for the Town of Fairfax. There are openings on the Open Space Committee, Climate Action Committee, Volunteer Board and Planning Commission.
Spread the Word
We want to share the Town News with our whole community. If you know someone who would like to receive this weekly update, let them know they can subscribe here.
You can also share the link on your social media which will reach your whole network. Together, we can help keep everyone informed about upcoming meetings, events and more!
Town of Fairfax sitio web se puede traducir al español
El sitio web se puede traducir al español usando el ícono del globo que se encuentra en la barra verde de cada página.
Our website can now be translated into Spanish (and other languages) using the globe icon found on the green bar at the top of each page.