
July 6, 2023

Service Times


8am Traditional Service

In-Person, 95.3 WBEV or Online

10am Contemporary Service

In-Person or Online


1pm Worship


Welcoming, Growing, Serving

Our Mission

To experience and celebrate God's amazing grace together.

Our Vision

First Evangelical Lutheran Church will share God's amazing grace by welcoming, growing and serving in Christ's name, enriching the well-being of all.

Worship Updates

Worship Assistants


Minister Assistant:

Bridget Sharkey


Julie Flemming

Communion Assistants:

Vikki Fischer-Kurth, Edie & Gary Scharfenberg, & Ellen Storzer


Bob Schoenheide & Rick Storzer


Vikki Fischer-Kurth

& Georgine Sumnicht


Minister Assistant:

Laura Wendt


Dusty Szewcsyk

Communion Assistants:

John Smedema


Matt Freeby, Mark Killingsworth,

& Harold North


Lynn Seibel


First Reading: Psalm 145:8-14

Second Reading: Romans 7:15-25a

Gospel: Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30

Drive Thru Communion

July 9th

The Drive-Thru Communion is held every 2nd and 4th Sunday at the front circle

drive thru from 9am-9:45am.

Virtual Purple Card

If you watch online or attend in person, please fill out the virtual purple card so we know you're with us!

Click the link above or find it on our website worship page.

Virtual Purple Card

Flower & Radio


The radio sponsor this week is Janice Laabs,

in memory of Don Laabs.

If you would like to be a sponsor, please contact the church office.

Remember In Prayer

As Jesus provided generously in a moment of need, provide generous gifts of healing for those in need this day especially Louis, Mary, BreAnna, Jim, Beth, Crystal, Roger, Abigail, Emma, Teri, Sheree, Barb, Stacey, Dennis, Val, Gerald, Nicole, Sandra, Tammy, Andy, Linda, Terry. Gather us into the joy of your glory.

If you would like to be included in the prayers of the church or the prayer chain or join the prayer chain, please click the button below or contact

Lois Bennett.

Prayer Requests

Pastor's Discretionary Fund

With the cost of living increasing steeply, more and more people are seeking financial assistance. The funds have held up for quite a while but now are in need of being replenished. If you would like to contribute towards the pastor’s discretionary fund, that would be highly appreciate.

Thank you!

Pastor Jim 

Small Group News

Loaves and Fishes

Thank you to our hard working volunteers and everyone who supports Loaves & Fishes. This week, Dave & Carol Crawford are going to play music and sing in the parking lot starting at 3:30pm. This is a very special treat!

And don't forget, we have in-Friendship Hall Dining every Tuesday, 4:15pm to 5pm.

John Smedema – 920-382-1518

Sign up to serve here:

Directory Update

Thank you for your patience as we navigate through formatting the new directory to get ready to print. Our hope is to have it all sent in to verify and ready to print as soon as we can.

LWR School Kits

We are putting together school kits for Lutheran World Relief. We are hoping that you can help us by donating some of the following:

  • 70-80 sheet SPIRAL notebook (wide or college ruled paper) - each kit has 4
  • 30 centimeter ruler (or ruler with centimeters on one side and inches on the other)
  • One pencil sharpener
  • One pair of blunt scissors
  • Unsharpened #2 pencils with erasers - each kit has 5
  • Black or blue ballpoint pens (no gel ink) - each kit has 5
  • One box 16-24 crayons - unopened
  • One, 2.5" eraser

Tubs with "Lutheran World Relief" on them are in fellowship hall to collect donations.

Rummage Sale Update

Please keep bringing your donations whenever you come to church.

We check the table often and get the items downstairs.  

Someone can meet you at church if you have a large load.

Please check the list of items we can not accept.

Also, please only bring large items the week of the rummage sale. Thank you.  

Call Eileen (920-296-9431) 

Youth & Family News


The Mission Trip Youth are having a Car Wash Fundraiser on

Saturday, July 8th from 10am-2pm.

Come on over and support the youth to help defray the cost of food and essentials to and from Lake Traverse Reservation in Sisseton, SD.

Collecting Socks & Underwear

The Mission Trip Youth are also going to be collecting children's socks & underwear to take along with them to donate to children on the reservation.

A donation bin will be in Friendship Hall for collecting.

We will also be collecting at the car wash.


Milestone Birthdays

We're sorry that some birthdays and anniversaries have been missed, so thank you for bringing this to our attention.

We want to recognize two ladies that hit a birthday milestone! Happy 90th birthdays to Marlene Muhle (April 29th) and Bev Helsdon (June 14th). Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for First Lutheran! God's blessings today and always. 

The Music Man

Heidi, Bryce, Gale & Nora Muenchow are in the musical production of The Music Man with the Watertown Players Theater (210 S. Water Street, located inside The Market).

Many have inquired, so we wanted to share! The shows are July 7th, 8th, 14th, and 15th at 7pm, and July 9th and 16th at 2pm.

Tickets can be purchased at the Watertown Piggly Wiggly or by calling the box office (920) 306-4364.  

If you have any exciting news that you would like to celebrate, please send to Breanna so we can celebrate with you! 

Office Updates

July Focus Mailing Delay

We had some issues with getting the Focus mailing sent,

but they will be mailed this week. We apologize for the delay.

The Focus and monthly calendar was emailed out and can be found on our website: If you would like to be added to the email list, please contact Breanna

Focus & E-Announcements

Please send your E-Announcements and articles for the Focus to Breanna at [email protected]

E-Announcement articles due Tuesdays by Noon.

August Focus Articles are due July 21st.

July Focus

Upcoming Events


Worship in the Park

Sunday, August 13th, at Swan City Park

Mark your calendars for a concert on the evening of August 12th

and for Worship in the Park on August 13th!

We will have a special guest, Rachel Kurtz!  

Rachel Kurtz is a Minneapolis-based singer/songwriter, who has led music/worship at the ELCA Youth Gathering.

Click here for more information about Rachel Kurtz.

The Week Ahead

Date and times are subject to change

Thursday, July 6

9am Yoga

1pm Worship

Saturday, July 8

10am-2pm Mission Trip Car Wash Fundraiser

Sunday, July 9

8am Worship - In-person, Online, & Radio

9am Drive-Thru Communion

9am Parish Nurse

9am Scrip Sales

10am Worship - In-person & Online

Monday, July 10

9am Bible Study

10am L&F Meal Prep

4:15pm Evangelism

5:30pm Finance

6:30pm Executive

6:30pm Dartball

Tuesday, July 11

9am Yoga

4pm L&F Meal

4:15-5pm Indoor Dining

Wednesday, July 12

5:30pm Positive Solutions for Families Workshop

Thursday, July 13

9am Yoga

11:30am New Beginnings Meeting

1pm Worship

Sunday, July 16

8am Worship - In-person, Online, & Radio

9am Scrip Sales

10am Worship - In-person & Online

11:15am Council Meeting

July Calendar


We apologize if there are errors or we missed anyone.

July 6

Rodney Anderson

Daniel Leistico

July 7

Angela Cuhel

Randy Hermann

Cody Lindau

Dick Poetter

Violett Wolfe

July 8

Beverly Schwoch

Ellen Storzer

Kalley Walters

July 9

Nancy Falbe

Kristin Hereld

Natalie Meier

Krissy Scholz

timothy White

July 10

Parker Morris

Alvin Vogel

July 11

Rose Doble

July 12

Marcia Eckmayer

Landon Rogers

Marge Schweiger

July 13

Kaylee Terllsner

July 14

Nolan Bedker

Drake Callies

Larry Callies

Taytum Mohns

Douglas Schmid


We apologize if there are errors or we missed anyone.

July 6

Sandra & Arthur Rettschlag

July 7

Carol Miller & Ervin Cram

Rose & Jackson Dobie

Joy & Ron Ganske

July 8

Abalgeal & Aaron Hartl

Traci & John Hose

July 10

Bridget & Tyson Carter

Cheryl & Bruce Frederick

July 12

Lisa & Lance Schweiger

July 13

Mary & Bob Leistico

Heidi & Bryce Muenchow

Get In Touch With Us


First Lutheran Church

311 West Mackie Street

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 53916-1637

Phone: (920) 885-4497

Fax: (920) 885-5886
