Hibbard Park Amenity Upgrades
Several of Hibbard Park’s amenities have reached the end of their useful life and need updating. The Wilmette Park District is working with Upland Design to determine the community’s interest in several potential improvements under consideration at the park. Potential options include, but are not limited to:
• ADA improvements
• Baseball field improvements
• Creating a safe loop trail
• Installing a pavilion
• Native planting improvements
• Outdoor fitness stations
• Skate park updates
• Tot lot updates
The Park District is currently applying for grants to help fund the work. To guide the process and meet grant requirements, the District has hosted two public input meetings and two surveys thus far for this project. The second survey is available through Wednesday, July 31. To view and complete the survey, go here
Gillson Park Infrastructure
Improvement Project
Park District staff continue to work through the permit review process with the Village of Wilmette and Metropolitan Water Reclamation District. Pre-construction meetings are scheduled for the end of July, with work set to begin in early September.
Click here to learn all about the Gillson project
Langdon Shoreline Protection
Project, and New Landscape Plan
District staff and consultants from SmithGroup continue to work through the permit review process with the Village of Wilmette.
A pre-construction meeting is on the horizon.
Click here to learn more about the Langdon project.
Additionally, the District’s parks planner presented a proposed landscape plan for Langdon Park at the July 22 Committee of the Whole meeting. The plan will complement landscaping included in SmithGroup's Shoreline Protection and Beach Access Project. The landscape plan will be considered for final approval at the August 12 Regular Board meeting.
Solar Panel Project at the
Community Recreation Center (CRC)
Verde Energy continues work on design and approvals. Park District staff shared feedback regarding placement and capacity of the panels, and Verde is incorporating that feedback into its plan design. Once plans are approved, the permit application process will start and work will begin in 2025.