Conflict managers is a required training for our Jr. Staff program (a paid internship opportunity for members 14 and older). The six-hour training introduces teens to the conflict management process and builds their skills to be a neutral mediator. It helps younger members experiencing conflict to understand the root causes of their dispute and to ultimately agree on a plan for resolving the problem. Each individual mediation consists of eight stages:
1. Agree to Mediate
2. Define the Problem - Gathering Points of View
3. Learning how to identify Conflict, Anger & Violence & when it's time to intervene
4. Focus their skills of Active Listening to understand the information being shared
5. Learning about Non -Verbal Communication
6. Learning how to utilize I messages to help youth explain their thoughts & feelings
7. Evaluate Options
8. Assist in creating an agreement
Conflict management and peer mediation programs at our Clubs empower individuals to prevent, resolve, and transform conflict by developing the values, attitudes, skills and knowledge to envision alternative options for action towards building a safe place for everyone. Another positive outcome of peer mediation training is that youth transfer mediation skills to a variety of settings including school, family and neighborhood conflicts. The training assists in helping youth to become better problem-solvers and responsible citizens.