Chamber folks tend to be glass-half-full types, but we truly believe we have so much to be thankful for around here. The Biddeford & Saco area has many unique attractions and amenities that you just don't find anywhere else.
For example, we have a pristine coastline, amazing hiking and biking trails, a thriving and walkable downtown featuring two excellent Main St. organizations, a food and drink scene that garners national attention, and educational facilities and opportunities that are second to none.
Another valuable local jewel is The City Theater in Biddeford, a 500-seat theater that recently celebrated its 127th anniversary! Is there another area our size that has a mostly-volunteer theater effort that puts on such high-quality and affordable entertainment year-round?
The theater is largely funded by Sponsors who help underwrite each show and benefit from all the positive advertising, PR and awareness they receive as a result. Right now the theater team is actively seeking sponsors, large or small, for this coming year's great line-up of plays and musicals and more.
If you are interested to learn more about how you can partner with the theater to help them keep bringing amazing shows to our community, please reach out to City Theater Board President Steve Ellis at: for more information about the theater's audience and reach, sponsorship levels, and more.