Design: Kai Bansner

July 1, 2021

Hello Dear Readers:

Following is the July schedule for Chile Lindo Live! featuring the great musicians that we are privileged to have in the San Francisco Bay Area. I hope you can make plans to come and enjoy live music, empanadas, beer and wine, and Chilean pastries.

Saludos y cariños,

Photo: Dennis Hearne

Chile Lindo Live!
Thursdays and Fridays 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Saturdays 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM

July Calendar

Thursday July 1st
Smith Dobson
Original Songs


Friday, July 2nd
WestSide Jazz
Scott Silverberg & Friends


Saturday, July 3rd
Ed Corzo
Paul Lyon
Vincent De Jesus
& special guest
Dan Neville


Thursday, July 8th
Danny Brown & Friends


Friday, July 9th
Manny & Danny & Friends


Saturday, July 10th
Ed Corzo Trio


Thursday, July 15th
Tim ("Tender") Shea & Chris Amberger


Friday, July 16th
Rumbas Y Boleros
Luis Jiménez & Damián Núñez


Saturday, July 17th
Ed Corzo Trio


Thursday, July 22nd
Manny & Danny & Friends


Friday, July 23rd
WestSide Jazz Club


Saturday, July 24th
Ed Corzo Trio


Thursday, July 29th
Classical Revolution’s The Renaissance
Rado Randriamamonjy
Charith Premawardhana
Sascha Jacobsen
Fabio Reis


Friday, July 30th
The Apocalyptique Quartet
Sharman Duran
Salvador Aguilera
Pepe Jacobo
Rick Brown


Saturday, July 31st
Colby Bond Clarinet Quintet
w/ Charith Premawardhana

"Chile Lindo, San Francisco's
home of live music and jazz"--Tender Tim Shea


Tender Tim Shea - drums
Chris Amberger - bass
Eugene Pliner - keys
Dan Daglow - trombone
Manny & Danny

Manny Berry - keys & vocals
Danny Brown - sax
Alex Gaber - sax
Andre Clewis - drums
Benjamin Martínez - guitar
Zaid Bey - percussion
Lucas Vesely - bass
Ed Corzo Trio

Kai Lyons - guitar
Brian Fishler - drums
Ed Corzo - piano
WestSide Jazz Club

Scott Silverberg - sax & vocals
Craig Kleinman - bass
Dave Copeland - guitar
John Frank - drums
María Loreto Ramírez - vocals
Marcelo Ramírez - guitar
Axel Herrera - percussion
Los Nadies

Juan Cuba, composer, lead vocalist, guitar - Perú
Mateo Nube, electric & acoustic guitar, vocals - Bolivia
Marty Jones, bass - Bay Area 
José Vergelin, drums, percussion - Argentina
Chris Mayorga, guitar - Nicaragua & Bay Area
Special guest, Alejandra Contreras, violin - Mexico

YES, Chile Lindo Got Robbed! And I'm constantly fixing the endless list of vandalism our small businesses suffer these days, so please help support small businesses. I'm almost at my goal of 10K, so if you can help me get there (or above, as GoFundMe takes a cut) thank you. If you already donated, thank you. Please come and enjoy the fabulous live music at Chile Lindo Live!
See you soon.

Chile Lindo
2944 16th Street
San Francisco, CA 94103

Stay connected via
a Facebook group