Envision Eugene is our collective vision for how we will grow
while preserving what we love about our community.
Envision Eugene Newsletter
What's New with Envision Eugene?
July 28th, 2019
This month's Envision Eugene Newsletter provides updates on Urban Reserves planning, the River Road - Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan, and House Bill 2001. We hope you'll find this information useful and reach out if you have questions. As always, you can find more information on all of our work by visiting our website.
Urban Reserves Suitability Analysis
The Urban Reserves suitability analysis is underway! This spring we made progress on the technical analysis and categorized all the land within our study area to determine what land has capacity for future development. This involved removing land that is committed to other uses, like schools and parks, and land that is protected for natural resources and hazards.

Now that we have identified developable land within the study area, the suitability analysis will further help us narrow in on which land makes the most sense for future urbanization. This involves considering and weighing things like environmental and social impacts and the cost of providing utilities. The goal is to designate Urban Reserves in places that can develop as thriving, complete neighborhoods. The suitability analysis is a chance to take a holistic approach and examine a wide range of factors that make certain areas better suited for Urban Reserves. As we narrow down our study area we will hold area-specific meetings to collect community input and ground truth our analysis.

For more information, visit our project page at  www.eugene-or.gov/UrbanReserves or contact project manager Rebecca Gershow at RGershow@eugene-or.gov
Summer Outreach for the River Road - Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan
Staff and volunteers have been at a range of events, from concerts in the parks to events at the volunteer library, making sure that folks know about the neighborhood plan and are invited to join in. These outreach events are a chance to meet people where they are and reach a wider audience.

In August and September we will go back to the two community organizations to provide an update on the neighborhood plan and the Corridor Study, which is focused on implementing the community vision along River Road. These groups both championed for years to make this neighborhood plan happen so their input is a valuable component. Interested neighbors are welcome to attend! Details about these meetings and other outreach opportunities are available on the project calendar.

Our Community Advisory Committee, comprised of volunteers from the two neighborhoods, have been steadily working on the draft action items for the neighborhood plan. They have been reaching out to staff for technical input and meeting with their working group members as they refine the draft action items. Our goal is to dial down to the list of most important and impactful actions for each of the topic areas: Land Use, Transportation, Parks and Natural Resources, Economic Development, and Community.

For more information, visit www.RiverRoad-SantaClaraPlan.org or contact project manager Terri Harding at THarding@eugene-or.gov.
House Bill 2001 FAQ
The Oregon State Legislature passed a new law in June 2019 that is intended to provide more opportunities for a variety of housing types in traditionally single-family neighborhoods, and to increase the overall housing supply in and around cities. No later than June 30, 2022, Eugene must amend the City’s land use regulations to allow:
  • A duplex on each lot or parcel:
  • That is located within city limits;
  • That is zoned for residential use; and
  • On which the City’s land use regulations allows the construction of a detached single-family dwelling; and
  • Duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes, cottage clusters, and townhouses in residential zones within the City that allow detached single-family dwellings.

Eugene has until June 30, 2022 to adopt changes to the city’s land use regulations to implement this new state law. Given that the law was just passed, the City is still evaluating the law, discussing its impacts, and formulating a plan to implement its requirements. In the meantime, here are answers to some frequently asked questions.

For more information, visit the website https://www.eugene-or.gov/4244/Single-Family-Zoning. Send your contact information to planning@eugene-or.gov to receive notifications regarding the City’s implementation of House Bill 2001.
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City of Eugene Planning & Development Department
99 W. 10th Avenue | Eugene | OR | 97401