Marion County Democratic
Central Committee
News You Need To Know
July General Membership Meeting

You can login to the meeting beginning at 6:00pm. We will begin adding participants at 6:15pm. We will begin the online meeting promptly at 6:30pm .

>>>You must register in advance for this meeting<<<

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

If you have trouble signing in, didn't receive a login link or have trouble during the meeting, please email our Communications Committee Chair, Nate Robison at .

Agenda: July 16th, 6:30pm

Marion County Democrats Central Committee General Meeting
July 16 th , 2020
Meeting Starts Promptly at 6:30
  1. Speak Out
  2. Call to Order – Welcome
  3. Reading and Approval of Minutes from June 18th, 2020
  4. Program: Latinos Unidos Siempre – Direct Action Involving the Salem-Keizer School Board
  5. Officer’s Reports
  6. Chair
  7. VC’s
  8. Treasurer
  9.  Standing Committee Updates
  10. Candidate Support
  11. Communication
  12. Program
  13. Fundraising
  14. Legislative
  15. Membership
  16. Rules
  17.  Old Business
  18. Yes for a Healthy Future Campaign – Questions? Should we endorse?
  19. Youth Council Idea
  20. New Business
  21.  Announcements
  22.  Adjournment

New Date: Virtual, Monroe Sweetland Dinner, Saturday, September 12 th , 2020. Stay tuned for more details!

Modified: If you access to the MCDCC business office, please call ahead to ensure there is a volunteer available to assist you. Please call 503-363-8392 before visiting the office.

Modified: Some MCDCC committees will continue to meet in their small groups. Also, some committees are opting for teleconferencing. If you plan to attend a committee meeting, we encourage you to check with the Chair of the committee to see if they are meeting in person or by phone/video. Here is a list of contacts for each MCDCC Committee.

Thursday, July 16th: General Membership Meeting, via Zoom; 6:30pm

Saturday, September 12th : Monroe Sweetland Dinner and Auction - Virtual

Tuesday, November 3rd: U.S. General Election

Proposed Bylaws, Copy Attached

This document will *NOT* be open for amendment again. All amendments were approved at the special meeting way back in February and the document was approved as amended at that point. If members notice any scrivener's errors please email Keri our Rules Chair at so it can be corrected. They will not be voted upon at the next central committee meeting, per our bylaws. They will be presented at the next meeting and then voted upon at the following meeting.

You can download the document here.
Upcoming Emerge Training Announced

by Jillian Schoene
Executive Director, Emerge Oregon

Reaching out to you today to share about an upcoming training opportunity for active Democratic women candidates (or newly active) – and also an early head’s up about our application deadline for the Emerge Oregon Class of 2021.
The first opportunity is a virtual training on Saturday, August 8th and Sunday, the 9th. All Democratic women are welcome to register, but I’m particularly interested in candidates running for city council this November. I want to help these women get up and running – and heading in the right direction from the start - in a supportive setting with other women candidates. (For active candidates, this expenditure would need to be reported to the state as a campaign expense.)

I also wanted to provide an advance head’s up regarding our application deadline for the Emerge Oregon Class of 2021. Our deadline is Friday, October 16. Between now and then, I’m happy to speak with any Democratic woman you think should learn more about our program.

If there is someone you think should apply right now, they can do so today!
Have them start here, on our application process information page:

Contact Jillian at PO Box 3493 | Portland, Ore 97208 | C: (503) 729-7039
Office Location: 245 High Street NE, Salem, OR 97301
503-363-8392 |
Mailing Address: MCDCC, PO Box 13835, Salem, OR 97309
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