July 2022 Newsletter
Stimulation - Knowledge - Interaction - Fun
What a great lineup of courses we have this fall! There are 16 classes to choose from - eleven are offered in-person, three are offered on Zoom, and two will be hybrid (both in-person and Zoom).

Online Registration Opens
Wednesday, July 27th at 9:00 a.m.

Course registration closes on August 5th and
the fall term begins on August 23rd.

Note: the brochure will not be mailed - please see the
course brochure for important information, registration
details, and class descriptions.

Class descriptions are also available on the ASC website:


To register online you must be a current member and
have an active online account.

Please call or email with any questions.

Board News

Board elections were held virtually again this year, followed by a very brief Zoom meeting to review the voting results. Congratulations to our newly elected board members and officers, and thank you for serving.
Welcome New Board Members

Please welcome our new board members: Keith Davis, Patsy Fogarty, Cynthia Livingston, and Kathleen Bruen Slack. Read brief bios of all board members on our website.
2022-2023 Officers

Mike Hastings - President
Candy Emlen - Vice President
Andy Cline - Treasurer
Ruth Braun - Secretary
Thank You!
Because we were unable to thank outgoing President Linda Dunn at the Annual General Meeting, a small gathering was held to honor her along with other ASC volunteers who have worked so hard this past year to present lively and engaging classes and presentations.

At the gathering, Linda was presented with a creative and outrageous hat crafted by Sydney Roberts Rockefeller which is usually given at the annual art show reception which was also canceled.

Thank you, Linda, for your expert leadership over these past three challenging years.

Also honored were:

Retiring Events Committee chair Jeff Dunn (wearing his medal, also from Sydney) for coordinating a wonderful array of interesting and thought-provoking presentations these past few years.

Retiring board members Gail Conrad, Nat Fenton, and Dan Poteet for their service and fine contributions.

2021-2022 Instructors, without whom we would not have had classes!
With any luck, a larger gathering for all ASC members will be planned later this summer or in the fall. Stay tuned!

Spring Appeal
Thank you to those who donated during our spring appeal. We appreciate your support - if you would still like to make a donation click here. Quick, easy, and secure.

Consider other ways to support ASC:

  • Make a donation in honor or memory of someone
  • Give a gift membership
  • Become a monthly donor

And make sure to renew your ASC membership!

ASC in the Maine Senior College Network Newsletter
The July issue of the Maine Senior College Network has some terrific summer offerings, along with ASC member Thayer Fanazick's photos from Bonnie Chase's spring class, Printing and Dyeing with Spring Botanicals. These were also in our June newsletter, but it's fun to share with the other colleges.
While we take a break from classes and presentations during the summer, if you are looking for summer learning opportunities check out the listings in the MSCN newlsetter. As members of Acadia Senior College, you are eligible to register for classes offered by other senior colleges in Maine, space permitting, paying only the course fees. Most of these are offered by Zoom.
Happy Summer!
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