Because we were unable to thank outgoing President Linda Dunn at the Annual General Meeting, a small gathering was held to honor her along with other ASC volunteers who have worked so hard this past year to present lively and engaging classes and presentations.
At the gathering, Linda was presented with a creative and outrageous hat crafted by Sydney Roberts Rockefeller which is usually given at the annual art show reception which was also canceled.
Thank you, Linda, for your expert leadership over these past three challenging years.
Also honored were:
Retiring Events Committee chair Jeff Dunn (wearing his medal, also from Sydney) for coordinating a wonderful array of interesting and thought-provoking presentations these past few years.
Retiring board members Gail Conrad, Nat Fenton, and Dan Poteet for their service and fine contributions.
2021-2022 Instructors, without whom we would not have had classes!