Visit Us Next Week at The APMA National Conference!
It's been a long time since we've seen many of our colleagues on the road - and we hope to see many of you in Denver for the APMA National Conference.

Be sure to visit us at Booth #813.

What can you expect from us?
Well, other than our dazzling personalities... we are giving away prizes!!

Come by our booth and
Some of the items you may win include:
  • Cash Money
  • Meeting Workbooks
  • Our Favorite Development Books
  • Gift Cards for Coffee and/or Cocktails at the Hotel
  • Items Donated from Our Sponsors
  • Other Fun Prizes You'll Be Sure to Love!
BONUS! If you need some fun music to listen to while you're traveling, we've put together a playlist that reminds us of some of our travels over the last few years. CLICK HERE to listen on Spotify and rock out with us!
Extended Promotion: Win Big from AMERX Health
Care and Zuckerman Future Technologies!
Right now AMERX Health Care and Zuckerman Future Technologies want to give one of you more than $100 of products to either try for the first time, or add to your current inventory.

Visit the AMERX Health Care booth page and the Zuckerman Future Technologies booth page. While you’re there, complete the REQUEST MORE INFORMATION form (middle of the page, right side of the screen).

Be sure to complete the form in its entirety by asking the vendor a specific question about their products/services in the text field.

AMERX Health Care is providing an integrated package of skincare and wound care kits.

Zuckerman Future Technologies is offering their PodoExpert Dry to Cracked Skin Foam Creams.

Both are incredible sources of patient care products and a source of practice revenue!
Tricks of the Trade from Ann & Sarah
Maximize Your Meeting Success
with our New Meeting Workbook
We are extremely excited to launch our newest tool for DPMs to maximize success at their continuing education meetings and events.

In Denver, during the APMA National Conference, DPMs will be able to purchase this valuable resource to ensure that you document everything you need for optimal learning from lectures, as well as optimal practice growth from the vendor hall.

We will be selling this outstanding tool at Booth #813 for an introductory price of $19.99!

What can you expect to find in this handy-dandy tool?
You will have an organized and complete outlet to take notes and remember all your important details including:
  • Meeting Details for Future Reference
  • Determine Educational Plans and Goals
  • Helpful Checklists to Keep Your Goals on Track
  • Space to Maintain/Organize Meeting Collateral
  • Tons of Pages for Lecture Notes and Pearls
  • Motivating Content to Keep You Engaged and Inspired
  • Exhibit Hall Plans and Goals
  • And So Much More!
Pre-order your Meeting Workbook for an additional discount.

Email us here and let us know you want to purchase your own Meeting Workbook and we will give you a discounted rate of $16.99. Your workbook will be waiting for you upon your arrival in Denver.

Want one for a different meeting?
TIP FOR: Vendors
Exhibiting Post-Covid
Some of us have done a few in-person shows throughout the year, but it's safe to say that we haven't done as many... and many have done ZERO.

The upcoming APMA National Conference is going to be the first time many of us have stepped foot on an exhibit hall floor. It's definitely exciting, but it's probably going to be different than what we remember in the "good-ole days."

Ann and I were lucky enough to be able to exhibit in January at the FPMA SAM Conference. It was then we knew "we weren't in Kansas anymore." So what can you expect and/or how can we maximize our success?

Well, first - keep in mind that we all need to manage expectations of hall traffic. While frustrating, it's just the plain and simple truth. Capacity is limited due to safety regulations and it's harder for venues to allow a lot of gatherings in a single place. Basically, avoid getting overly frustrated if you don't feel the traffic is how it used to be.

But this means more intimacy too with those that you will see. So as we go into the week, think about those interactions and develop a plan for how you can make the most of them. You may even want to schedule 15-minute sessions with small groups at your booth in order to provide a mini-presentation of your product/service. If you do that - get those emails out now! Time is running out!

Also, make sure you pay attention to those attendees who are participating virtually. Virtual attendance is just going to be part of the norm moving forward and you will be doing yourself a disservice if you don't acknowledge those sitting in front of their screens vs. physically walking by your booth. Like the suggestion above, email some of your prospects that you know will be attending virtually, and schedule a break time zoom call with them so you can present your product/service.

You may have already packed everything for this upcoming show, but if you have another show coming up soon, you probably don't have to pack and ship as many materials as previous years, simply because the amount of bodies is going to be greatly reduced. Good news - less money spent on shipping!

If you're not getting the traffic you want at your booth, consider holding a small private event in another conference room or hotel suite. Just be sure to check with the hotel as the staff is often unappreciative of "secret gatherings."

Oh - and bring your masks. Even though we are seeing more and more people getting vaccinated, these types of events will have staff members lurking the halls to ensure you're wearing your protective face coverings.

But while our vendor environment is going to be different, we will adapt. We always do. Now let's get out there and spread some smiles because we have missed you all!
TIP FOR: Meeting Planners
Choosing Your Meeting Venue/City
Over the years we've been to all sorts of cities and hotels for meetings; i.e. large cities like Vegas, Chicago, NYC, Washington D.C. There have also been smaller cities that don't pack as much of a tourist punch.

There are a lot of items to consider when putting on a meeting, and choosing a destination is a huge one. Often when speaking to DPMs, they tell us that they love the tourist cities because they can basically take a vacation. They can even take their families along. However, we challenge you to consider this - what does a big tourist city do for your vendors?

One of the biggest challenges for vendors is exhibit hall traffic. When a meeting is in a large city with several things to do as a tourist, it's even harder to compete with the distractions.

So, the point is this... when choosing your next meeting location, take into consideration a smaller city with less to do around the area in an effort to keep all DPMs on site. This will increase the likelihood of interaction between vendors and DPMs; ultimately making the exhibit hall a better experience for your valued vendors.

Join us with Dr. Alan Bass, for a special webinar event:

Specific Tools to Build a Successful Practice and Increase Your Bottom Line
Monday, July 26th | 7:00pm EST
Sponsored by PowerStep
If you would like to be invited to this webinar event, please
use the quick poll below and we will send you login instructions.
Yes, please send me login instructions.
Not this time around, but thank you.
There are several exciting locations for meetings next month! Check out our travel tips for the following cities/meetings:
Kent State Annual Foot
& Ankle Symposium
Independence, OH
August 19 - 22, 2021
No Nonsense
Asheville, NC
October 7 - 13, 2021
90-Day Meeting Outlook
Click below to see events calendar for the given month:
Need Larger Amounts of Credits?
Check out the meeting list below which, according to their official websites, provide 16+ CECH.

The meetings listed below take place from July - September 2021.

NOTE: Details regarding podiatric meetings listed in this newsletter and on may not be complete nor are they guaranteed accuracy. Please visit each meeting’s official website or contact each meeting’s organizer for official, complete details and registration rates.
Need Credits Now?
Don't Forget About Your On-Demand Credit Opportunities presents information about upcoming podiatric events, featured podiatry vendors, exhibiting and travel tips, and more!

Contact us by hitting "reply" or email us directly at [email protected]