July 27 Potluck Dinner at Creekside Commons

J uly 31, 2018 
This summer the Centre has welcomed many guests for the first time and many hundreds of Centre regulars who return year after year. We continue to hear countless positive comments from newcomers who experience the Centre: "This is the only place I can say that I don't know where my teenage son is, and I'm not worried!" And a long-term participant remarked as he was leaving, " This past week at the centre is a foundation for the soul that helps a person get through the rest of the year."
Life is good here! Are you coming to the Centre this year? There is room for you...

Summer Season Programs Thriving
Monoprinting Program, July 14-21
In July, the number of guests and program participants grew with each successive week. 
As the July 21-28 week unfolded, we had five programs running -- most were full and some added participants over the expected maximums.
There is still space in some programs in the weeks ahead. Choose a program where you and/or your children can play, sing, do yoga, paint watercolors, create pottery and so much more.
  • Join us August long weekend for a week full of magic for children, youth and adults. Push your boundaries and explore a new skill or a new world. 
  • Come for the August 11-18 week for inner and outer exploration for all ages.
  • Come and sing or do yoga the August 18-25 week. "Choir week" offers children's, youth and adult choirs. There is still some room in each of these. For non-singers, a yoga program is also available. 
Check out the available options and register today. To do so, select the week you'd like to come, click on the program you wish to attend and look for the orange Register Now button to register. Hope to see you at the Centre this summer!
And, it is not too early to start thinking about Fall programs - Kid Yoga, Spiritual Eldering, Dance with Gravity, and Quilting/Fabric Art. Check these out here.

Summer Interns
Photo: Caitlin McCandless

The Centre 2018 summer interns are enthusiastic young people who are contributing to the summer experience in a myriad of ways. We are very grateful for their friendly and positive attitudes, their willingness to participate as needed around the site, and their initiative. Thank you, Alanna, Caitlin, Jillian, Jeff, John, Spencer, Tessa for all you are doing to make our summer a success!
If you are at the Centre this summer, please express your gratitude to these amazing young adults.

70th Anniversary Activities
While you are at the Centre this summer or fall, drop in to Columbia Hall to participate in activities that were initiated at the 70th celebration in June. "Take a Walk Through the Decades" and add your name on the timeline marking when you first attended the Centre. Write about how you have grown from experiences at the Centre, paint a blessing banner, dress up in clothes from the decade you first attended the Centre and have your photo taken. There's much more ... check it out!

A Week At Naramata Centre
July 14-21 Community Hosts Lois Huey-Heck and Diane Baker
Naramata Centre offers much more than a place to stay for a week. Programs usually run Monday-Friday from 9-noon for guests who have registered for our programs. An important and sweet aspect of a week here is the sense of community formed through not only the registered programs, but also through activities available to everyone staying on site.
There are regular activities that happen every week: 
Saturday afternoon at 4 p.m. -- the week's guests begin to check in. Sunday evening -- Welcoming and Information Circle. 
Monday - Friday -- Programs.
Wednesday -- Morning yoga on the beach, Afternoon Naramata Farmer's Market, and Evening Sacred Pause. 
Friday - Community Potluck.
Saturday morning - Guests check out by 10 a.m.
July 21-28 was an especially busy week! At the Sunday evening Community Welcoming Circle, participants created a long list of activities for the week ahead, in which everyone was welcome to attend (age-appropriate, of course).
Monday:  Board Games; Evening "Faux Campfire and Song"

Tuesday Morning: Song Circle on the beach; Afternoon: Walking Tour of the Centre, All-Ages Games; Evening: Teen/Young Adult Clubhouse, Saxophone Jam; Evening: Meditation; Twilight Labyrinth Walk

Wednesday Morning: Yoga on the Beach; Afternoon: All Ages Waterslide and Sponge Extravaganza, Naramata Farmer's Market; Evening: Sacred Pause in the Chapel
Thursday Afternoon: Hike to KVR/Creekside Park, Former Summer Staff/ Winter Session Meet-up; Evening: Fair - all ages Arts Community Experience, Poetry Slam/Talent Night, Stargazing
Friday Morning: Meditation; Afternoon: Robotics experience; Evening: Community Potluck dinner, 70th Anniversary display and slideshow, All-Ages Dance.

Rob and Judy Hutchinson: For the second year, Rob and Judy served the Centre as Campground Hosts for the first three weeks of July. And they have served very well! Their easy-going, friendly manner welcomes campers, who they usually know by name in a very short time. Rob and Judy create community and an easy camaraderie among campers in Creekside Commons (our campground kitchen and dining room), and act as a resource where needed. They also both volunteered around the Centre site most days, looking after the grounds - pruning, weeding, and so much more. Thanks so much Rob and Judy!
Garry Bereska: Garry has been a force of nature around the Centre this summer! He attended the Hearts and Hands work week in May and began washing the windows of the Chapel (both inside and out). This month, he continued this volunteer activity by washing all the windows in McLaren Hall, the Maple Courts, Columbia Hall ... and pretty much every window on the site!  Gary, thanks very much for your remarkable service and your "clear vision" for improving the Centre "sight" in this valuable way!

In This Issue
Naramata Centre Ambassadors
Thanks to all who have offered to keep their congregations up to date on what is happening at the Centre. If you would like share Centre  news with your church, please email:

Support the ongoing work of the Naramata Centre Society! Donations are always appreciated, and donors will receive a tax receipt at the end of the year. 

Keep In Touch
Membership in the Naramata Centre Society is a way to show your support for the work of the Board, stay informed, and have voting privileges at the Society's annual meeting. Sign up today!
Stay informed about Naramata Centre
Check out our website for updates, photos and news.

Follow us on Facebook. Even better,
like  our posts, comment and share them on your timeline. This tells Facebook you are interested and want to continue to see our posts! 
Stay tuned for Twitter and Instagram!
Missed a newsletter? Read past editions here.

The Naramata Centre Society |  Email:  info@naramatacentresociety.org
PO Box 68  Naramata, V0H 1N0