July 2021
Your monthly news & updates
A Ring Doorbell Giveaway, car tracking devices and how credit score affects insurance rates.
Ring Doorbell Giveaway
Simply comment on this Facebook post and you'll be entered to win.

Life would be boring without ________.

Congrats to last month's winner, Libby Ramirez Johnson! She won a Ninja Air fryer.
Car Tracking Devices. Should I?
Many insurance companies will offer you a discount based on your driving habits. The savings can be significant. Is it right for you?

Insurance with a purpose.
We're donating $20 to the Adam Morgan Foundation for every referral you send to us for a quote. The foundation implements tools for individuals with Autism and/or co-occuring disabilities.

Just click below and we'll text you the link. Then you can forward to friends and family.

How Credit Score Affects Insurance Rates.
How insurance companies use your credit score to determine your insurance rates and how to use to your advantage.

Just for fun
This just made us laugh!

Give us a call: 314-919-2001